Clouded Beliefs - Dust in the Lungs profile picture

Clouded Beliefs - Dust in the Lungs

Why can't we not be sober? Jewish people driving German cars - it's the opposite of FUBU.

About Me

Reasons to Hate Kerry
I'm tired of people hating on me for no particular reason. So! Here are about 50 good reasons.
Some Good Reasons to Hate Kerry - His Opinions!
Ultimately, the decision lies with the woman who is pregnant, and no one, NO ONE, else. Not you, not the government, not your holy book, not the father, not all of her friends and family. The mother, and only the mother.
I'd say... consider adoption before abortion...
but I can see the reasons why some women would want to have an abortion, rather than carry the child to term.
Get tested.
And if you've got that shit, stop trying to kill the rest of us.
Alcohol and Drunk Driving
Stop driving while you're so drunk that you can't even remember what the "R" on your shifter stands for, dumbass. Think of the kid you're probably about to run over. Imagine that it's your kid, in fact.
Animal Cruelty and Experimentation
It's fucked up. What more need be said? And don't give me that shit about testing products on animals for the good of humans; we've made such advances in genetic research and the like that you don't need the animals anymore; just take a sample of skin, hair, and blood - even a bone sample, if necessary - and let the thing go. You want to observe the effects of the drug on a living creature, rather than its cells? Fine. Take one for the team and swallow that shit yourself, if it's designed to help. If it's designed to hurt, you're fucked up for wanting to give it to the animal in the first place... so go ahead and swallow it anyway.
Killing animals for food? Alright... people have to eat, and some of us eat meat. But do it humanely, why don't ya?
Biological Weapons
There are none in Iraq.
Are you retarded? You do realize that sooner or later, the shit that you're stirring up in that beaker is going to be used on someone, right? Not a pig, or Bubbles the monkey, but an actual human being. Probably on a number of them.
Why? Why would you make something like that? Because your leader wants you to? For the cash? You slag! Go cure AIDS! Go cure Cancer! Go discover the secret to the regeneration of lost limbs! Go make a drug that makes KKK members sterile! Fuckwit.
*Cough* I apologize - please don't send me anything in the mail...
Child Abuse and Domestic Violence
Child abusers and men who beat women should have their skin sandpapered off, be thrown into a vat of salt, and then left there until they die. Hopefully, every single one of them will die slow, and screaming.
Cloning/Genetic Engineering
I'm working on a story about this, and so I won't go into my opinions on the topic here; you'll be able to read them soon enough.
Creation vs. Evolution
So... wait. You want me to believe that my ancestors were monkeys? Riiiigght.
No thanks. I'd rather believe that there's some purpose to life.
Drug Legalization
Pot, and only pot, and nothing else but pot. While we're at it, let's make cigarettes illegal, and put harsher regulations on alcohol and things such as drunk driving.
Eating Disorders
Look. Neither of the extremes is attractive. Cut that shit out.
Endangered Species
Stop killing shit, assholes! Fuck, it's here for a reason! We likely already wiped out the cures for damn near every disease known to man, whether it was a plant we killed off, or the powdered shell of a rare beetle that was last squashed in 1938.
Fucking idiots.
Environmental Issues/Global Warming
We're really fucking up. What gets to me is the fact that everyone knows it, even the politicians who deny it in public... and we're going to keep doing it. Literally until the end of time. Mankinds time, anyway.
World governments should be taking lessons from the Japanese, who are making advances in leaps and bounds when it comes to environmentally safe(r) technology.
One day, 'mother nature'/the planet will get tired of what we're doing to it, and it's going to tell us so. Very violently. At this point, we're a plague, a virus raging through the body of the planet, infecting and devouring everything we've discovered. The immune system is going to kick in, sooner or later.
I don't believe that we'll see this happen in our lifetimes. Nor will our children, and our grandchildren are likewise (probably) safe. But after that? Well, if we don't start changing things, things may be looking very grim.
And global warming is real, people. I never thought I'd say this, but... you'd better listen to Al Gore before it's too late.
Why not? If they want to die, and want some help, let them do what they want.
Kevorkian for White House psychiatrist! Whoo!
There are a few of these that still exist. If you're making an effort to start and hold one together, you kick ass. One day, when I can give my child everything that I couldn't have in my youth, I'd like to start my own.
But do yourself a favor and start one with someone you can get along with, so as to not put your children through the shit my brother and I went through.
There's no excuse for it any of it. I'll give you a solution to take all of the homeless off the streets, feed all the hungry, and provide all of the needy with essential living materials. At least here in America. Ready? Okay...
Close down every country club and golf course in the country. Instead of knocking a ball smaller than a pinecone across all of those acres of beautiful, fertile land... we build very tall apartment buildings on them. We then move the homeless into these buildings. Next, at the end of the business day, all of the unspoiled, perfectly fine food that restaurants throw out (I mean fresh stuff, not someone's leftovers...) can be delivered to these buildings. I mean, all of it. Anyone ever work in a fast food joint? You can't know the meaning of waste until you have.
(Unless you work for a certain Taco place that I was employed by years ago; they're the greediest, pan-scraping-est, "you'd better pick those beans up off the ground and put them back in that pan so we can use them tomorrow morning"-ing...-est place I've ever seen. They don't waste a thing.)
Then, we crack down on all of these aid organizations and televangelists that take donations for the needy. We take all of the donated cash that's been sitting in their bank accounts, waiting to be passed out, for YEARS, and we actually use it for what it's meant for. Do we give it to the homele- opps, I mean, the new residents of the country club? No. Half of them (though not all, to be fair) would go out and buy booze or dope. So we buy them some nutritional groceries to supplement what's being delivered to them nightly. With the rest of that money, and the billions that we'll have from what used to be FEMA's annual budget (because we're shutting their shit down before we do anything else...), we can buy them clothes, soap, toothpaste, bicycles, puppies... what-the-fuck-ever they need.
We also give them jobs, because with access to clothing, soap, and showers, they'll be able to clean themselves up. Will all of them work, and remain employed? No. But some will. And then they'll likely leave the homes we've given them.
Not because we make them leave, but because the complexes will undoubtedly turn into slums sooner or later. Unless we devote a constant police force to patrol the area, anyway, but that strays off to another topic...
Is this the right way to do things? No, probably not. But it IS a way. And if I can come up with one in five minutes, surely better minds than my own should have come up with a more feasible one years ago.
Flag Burning
Get over it, folks. Don't you have more important things to worry about?
Unless it's your flag being burned (and by this I mean a flag that you own, not the flag of your country), just chill the fuck out.
As for the folks burning the flags...
If you're doing it because you're young, drunk, and probably trying to impress someone... whatever. You'll grow up one day; have your fun now, while you can.
If you're doing it in protest of a certain event, or to make some sort of political statement... well, knock yourself out. If you're in America burning an American flag, however... remember that it's because you're here that you can do that and get away with it, rather than getting executed in the town square, or locked away in a hidden prison.
If you're doing it because you hate your country so much that you just want to burn flags on a regular basis to express your general disapproval... well, get your cash right and catch a plane to the next country over. You'd be much happier, right? I'm not saying "love it or leave it"; I'm just saying that maybe you should at least consider a move.
Why? Not one of them stands for a damn thing that helps anyone but themselves, and half of them don't even stand for that. What? You're in a gang for protection? Well, it's very likely that if you weren't doin' all the dirt that you're doin' BECAUSE you're in that gang... you wouldn't need the protection. Right? You want the family you never had as a child? Shit, man... you find a girl you get along with that has your back in whatever you choose to do with your life, one who makes decisions that you can likewise support, and start a family of your own. Or, if you're on the other side of the fence, you can adopt.
Gun Control
Don't let children, the mentally ill, or people without the proper license have them.
Everyone else can have one until they fuck up with it. Then never again can they own or even hold one.
Guns don't kill people... dumbfucks kill people. On the flip side of that coin, people protecting their homes and family kill people as well.
So control your own gun, and don't let dumbfucks have guns. Problem solved.
Hate Crimes
Should be re-enacted, slowly and with great attention to detail, upon those who commit them. Then, if they're still alive, we fix that problem.
There are two kinds of homosexuals. Those who are born that way, and those who make a choice to sleep with those of their own sex. Why do I believe that? Because I can't, for the life of me, understand why a guy would want to fuck another dude, or the other way around. I can't wrap my mind around the concept of a man wanting to sleep next to some rough, hairy, calloused body rather than one of the soft, smooth, better smelling variety. Which leads me to believe that there's something in ones' genetic makeup which causes them to be homosexual.
Everyone not born that way can be classified as bisexual.
Homosexual or bisexual... just leave 'em the hell alone, man. The way I see it, why the hell should you have a problem with them, as long as they understand that you yourself are straight, and thereafter do not make attempts to hit on you?
You think it's a sin? They're going to Hell? (To clarify: that's not what I believe...) Alright, fine. Let 'em. Keep your mouth shut, your opinions and your offensive signs and shit to yourself, and let 'em find out one day on their own that they were wrong.
Human Rights
"Freedom from fear" could be said to sum up the whole philosophy of human rights.
- Dag Hammarskjold
Legal? Cool. Welcome to America.
Illegal? Here, fill out this paperwork, and sign this agreement stating that if you send American currency over American borders, you will be deported back to your country of origin. Done? Cool. Welcome to America.
Won't sign that shit? Here, get on this plane...
Internet Privacy
Example of an oxymoron: "Internet privacy".
Juvenile Offenders & the Death Penalty
Certain kids who commit certain crimes, I think, should face the death penalty.
For example, the 17 year old girl who stabbed her newborn 135 times and threw it in the trash. Or the chic (if she was a juvenile... if not, use the crime as an example) who microwaved her baby.
The media is the devil. Heh. And most of it is controlled by a select few people, which - for those of you who are slow - is not a good thing.
Medical Ethics
But nothing is more estimable than a physician who, having studied nature from his youth, knows the properties of the human body, the diseases which assail it, the remedies which will benefit it, exercises his art with caution, and pays equal attention to the rich and the poor.
- Voltaire
Nuclear Weapons
There are none in Iraq.
Also, I believe that they'll likely put an end to humankind long before the planet, an alien invasion, or a giant rock from space can do so.
Every nuke, atom bomb, and hydrogen bomb in the world should be dismantled. Then all of the information on how to create them should be destroyed. Forever. This is the ONLY information in the WORLD, in ALL of TIME, that I think we should not have discovered. The thought of burning books makes me want to murder people. The thought of burning the schematics for creating a nuke makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside.
As a side note, think about all of the nuclear testing that we've done. How many bombs have we blown up now? Dozens? Hundreds? And all that radiation and shit is still in our planet! In the air, the soil, the water! What the fuck are we thinking?! This knowledge is something we do NOT have the wisdom to safely possess.
Political Corruption
Rampant as AIDS, and just as incurable. Also just as resistant to treatment.
Poli: Multiple
Tics: Bloodsucking parasites.
Single? Or you and your girl like to watch Mulatto Dongs of Death 3 (and the sequel, starring Mase, 'MDoD 4; Mandingo Dongs of Death') and re-enact all the scenes? Knock yourself out!
Got a girl (or a man) who thinks that they should be enough for you, and get insanely jealous about the hand action? Your best bet would be to put that shit away, and concentrate on your significant other. It's the respectful thing to do, and you'll likely find yourself alone with your porn, otherwise.
Prayer in Public Schools
If the kid wants to pray, let him. Don't like it, cover your ears, or ask them to either do it silently or leave the room to do it. If you want to pray, show them the same respect. Kid doesn't pray to the same god as you? Deal with it.
Want to force kids to pray? Don't. You do not have the right. No one does. Not even their parents.
Full of too many people caught with a joint, and not enough murderers, rapists, corrupt cops and public officials.
A witty saying proves nothing.
- Voltaire
(This deserves a post of its own. You'd be reading this one section all day...)
See "Child Abuse and Domestic Violence".
Replace 'skin' with 'reproductive organs', and rather than throwing them in a vat of salt, we take a pound or eighteen and shove it deep, deep up their ass and let it dehydrate them to death. While the salt's doing its job, we let a rape victim play with the rapist...
Religion and the Government
That's how people get fucked up.
Keep these two far, far away from eachother.
Reparations for Slavery
I don't think anyone alive today has been a slave in America. Therefore, why the hell should anyone get any money that was never taken from them in the first place? Don't answer that; it's a rhetorical question.
In dire need of reform, funding, and teachers that give a damn. We'll pump billions into a war, and into useless research committees and bullshit projects, but our children can't bring their books home at night to study, because the schools don't have enough of them, nor the money to buy more? What the fuck is goin' on?
Sexual Harassment
It's wrong... but ladies... some of you really do put yourselves out there like that. You'll wear outfits that, ten years ago, only hookers would have worn, and then get pissed when a guy says some disrespectful shit. No, there's nothing wrong with dressing yourself up, trying to look sexy. But there is a difference between sexy and slutty. And yes, wearing skirts that don't even cover your ass all the way and not wearing any panties beneath them - to the fuckin' mall, or a family-oriented establishment - falls under dressing as a slut, ********. But let me clarify... there's nothing wrong with dressing like that, if that's your thing, and you're not sitting there with your legs wide open infront of a family trying to enjoy a meal. Just don't get offended when you have to put up with lewd comments and shit all day.
I do. And I realize that I'm paying the Newport brand of Greensboro, NC. quite alot of cash every year for the luxury of slowly killing myself. Yet, still I smoke.
Whatever they put in those things is some good shit to make me crave them even though I know the consequences. This shit is legal? Why?! Outlaw cigs, so I'll have one more reason to quit!
...ah, who am I kiddin'? I'll just end up in jail...
You've got to be a strong, strong person to really make up your mind to commit suicide, and then do so in a way that leaves no room for error. I think that you're here for a reason... and I know that everyone you may have touched in some way or other had you stayed will now lack whatever influence you were to have on them, for good or ill... but I also believe that if you take your own life, shit, you had to have had a good reason for it, or you would have never found the strength to do so.
Teen Pregnancy
Is there any other kind, these days?
It's wrong. Fight those who can fight back, not unsuspecting women, children, and elderly folks. You think you're going to be granted an eternal reward for such a cowardly act? Fool.
To each his own. I crave meat, however. Don't call me names, and I won't call you names.
War in Iraq
There are no WMDs in Iraq.
Also, the people responsible for 9/11 were from Afghanistan. Not Iraq.
Bush likes oil.
There is alot of oil in Iraq.
Also, we cannot hold a presidential election while we at war.
Bush can spend another 8 years in office, if the war continues that long.
Is it starting to make sense, yet?
Womens Rights/Women in the Military
I'm all for women being treated equal in every way. EVERY way. That means the good AND the bad. If they commit a crime that a man would get the death penalty for, then they should face the same consequences. If they molest a young child, they should face the same consequences as a man would for molesting that child.
I won't lie, however: the thought of women in the military sort of scares me. Because the military teaches unity and the like. And if women should ever learn to get along with each other and work together, I'm sure we're going to have some role-reversal going on very shortly afterwards.
Women could conquer the world in a matter of weeks. How, you ask? Alright...
Men think with the head lacking a brain more often than the other one. Let's say a couple of million single women (or women in relationships who have travelled to a city where they won't be recognized) all set a time to seduce some random guy. All of them, at the same time, grab a random guy, take the time (all of 30 seconds, in 9 out of 10 cases) to get him to agree to go to a private spot and fuck... and then kill the guy quietly and hide the body when they get out of sight.
Rinse and repeat as needed.
In but one day the numbers of 'man'kind would be so reduced that women could literally overpower us physically, using superior numbers, and make us their bitches.
World Population
Growing way too fast for our planet to support us. As for how this will be regulated, I don't know. Nuclear war, perhaps. Or maybe the re-emergence of some plague, long forgotten. Or, the Rapture, if that's what you believe; that would certainly cull the herd a bit... though probably not all that much... heh.
R.I.P. - See ya Later
Friend after friend departs, Who has not lost a friend? There is no union here of hearts That finds not here an end.Beyond the flight of time Beyond the sight of death There surely is some blessed clime Where life is not a breath.
- Jason Pferrman
- Alicia Gerandt
- Clarabell Rankins
- Theodore 'Thit' Rankins
- Roosevelt Rankins
- Fred Green
Death is no fearsome mystery.
He is well known to thee and me.
He hath no secrets he can keep,
to trouble any good man's sleep.
Turn not thy face from Death away.
Care not he takes our breath away.
Fear him not, he's not thy master,
rushing at thee faster, faster.
Not thy master but servant to
the Maker of thee, what or Who
created Death, created thee.
- The Book of Counted Sorrows
Know Thyself
"Make it thy business to know thyself, which is the most difficult lesson in the world."
- Cervantes
"There is no satisfaction whatsoever at any time. There is only a queer dissatisfaction; a blessed unrest that keeps us marching and makes us more alive than the others."
- Martha Graham
"Nature never repeats herself, and the possibilities of one human soul will never be found in another."
- Elizabeth Stanton
"I would rather be ashes than dust! I would rather that my spark burn out in a brilliant blaze than it be stifled by dry-rot. I would rather be a superb meteor, every atom of me in magnificent glow, than a sleepy and permanent planet."
- Jack London
Courage, love, friendship,
compassion, and empathy
lift us above the simple beasts
and define humanity.
- The Book of Counted Sorrows
Eh... name's Kerry Green II, and I'm an asshole.
"Once I learned to laugh at my faults, I've been in hysterics."
- Anonymous
I'm a night person.
I'm a Capricorn. We Capricorns are evil creatures. Trust me. Heh.
"Every normal man has at one time been tempted to spit on his hands, hoist the black flag, and begin slitting throats."
- H. L. Mencken
"What dungeon is so dark as one's own heart? What jailer is so inexorable as one's self?"
- Nathaniel Hawthorn
"The malicious have a dark happiness." - Victor Hugo
In Columbus, GA., unfortunately. (Help me...)
This place is a void. A valley over which a dark, oppressing cloud hangs, trying to keep us all trapped here. There's no originality, no such thing as being unique. And on top of all that happy shit, it's a retirement community. Beautiful land, yeah (though trees seem to be disappearing at an alarming rate), but the people... eh. Don't come down south, believing all that noise about 'southern hospitality.'
White mom, black dad... people will one day take over the world. :-p Pretty sure we already outnumber you two to one... plus we have x-ray vision, telekinesis, and the ability to fly. Ha ha! But hey, listen... don't be mad, or feel left out. Give it another 200 years, tops, and everyone'll be multi-racial. Everyone. Hell, we already are, to tell the truth, but alot of people don't want to hear that...
"Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don't matter, and those who matter don't mind."
- Dr. Seuss
Parents are divorced... got a younger brother, Lil' Mike, who's friggin' taller than me now. So why's he 'little'? Well, in our little clique, there was once a crooked-armed slag named 'Mike' who was fairly overweight. We got tired of both he and my (skinny, seemingly malnourished) brother looking at us like guilty puppies whenever someone called their mutual name, and the rest is history...
No children of my own...
...though one day I'd certainly love to have two or three of them. A boy or two first, preferably... because if I have a daughter, I'll need some help depleting the local population of boys her age. By knife, chloroform, or a lot of Greyhound bus tickets... doesn't matter.
I'll eat ANYTHING (okay, not quite true; I draw the line at hog guts and shit that squirms in my mouth while I'm trying to eat it; if it's breathing, let it stay outside of my body until it's not anymore... only enough air for one, here), and I'll drink ANY COFFEE. That one's completely true... no buts about it. Winn-Dixie brand, Folgers, Starbucks, coffee brewed from Juan's magic beans... if it's hot, give it to me.
I drive entirely too fast. So if you see me behind you... move. No. Seriously. I mean that shit. I've had this posted for a long time, and some of you that I KNOW have read my profile think it's funny to get in front of me and drive like ol' Grandma Death from Donnie Darko walks. I know where you live...
Music, reading, and writing. Hangin' out with the few real friends I've managed to find over the years. Lately, though, I haven't had time to do much but work. And I'm in the process for looking for a second job, so.... I'll likely forget what music sounds like, how to write, and who my friends are within the first few months of working 16-20 hours a day...
Hmmm... emo kids really piss me off.
I just wanna do something that MATTERS, in the words of Trent. Tired of this wasted potential. But then again, I'm tired of the wasted potential of the human race as a collective entity. Well, I'm trying to change what I can about my own accomplishments - or lack of them - before I worry about the rest of you. Sorry. In fact, I've got to apologize to the folks I haven't spoken to as much lately, face to face or online; I'm just busy trying to get right, at the moment; my mind, my situation, everything. Don't worry... I don't plan to forget about ya. And if I do... hell, I won't feel bad, because I won't remember you. So it all works out.
"The man who follows the crowd will usually get no further than the crowd. The man who walks alone is likely to find himself in places noone has ever been."
- Alan Ashley Pitt

My Interests

The Truth. Very interested in that.

"What is truth?"
- Pontius Pilate

I'd kill for a month of unlimited access to the Vatican library. Yes. I said kill.

North Korea's really interesting, right now.

Plotting to take over the world with Niggemann, DJ, Lil' Mike, Tony, Walt, and Pedro.

Writing. I've been doing alot more of it.

The Writer

"I feel assured I should write from the mere yearning and fondness I have for the Beautiful even if my nights labours should be burnt every morning and no eye ever shine upon them."
- John Keats

"If there's a book you really want to read but it hasn't been written yet, then you must write it."
- Tom Morrison

"The two creatures to be pitied most are the spider and the novelist - their lives hanging by a thread spun out of their own guts."
- Katherine Paterson

"Writers do tend to devour people, themselves included."
- Erica Jong

"Only the mediocre writer is always at his best."
- J. D. McClatchy

"If you would not be forgotten as soon as you are dead, and rotten, either write things worth reading, or do things worth writing."
- Benjamin Franklin

Crazy weather (some really good videos and pics in the 'Watch the Weather Change' blog up there)... love thunderstorms. History, astrology, alchemy, cryptology, politics, current events, law, science, medicine, ancient cultures, unsolved mysteries, procrastination, anthropology, Diablo, sitting in my own pocket of limbo thinking really deep thoughts. Okay, they're actually so shallow that a fish could drown in them...

Time travel. In my supreme arrogance, I'd like to swim down the river of time, from the beginning to the present day, and try to make things right. Probably with a gun and a whole lotta bullets for people who should have never been allowed to influence the world. Does this make me a would-be-murderer with a God-complex? Does it make me one of those people who "shouldn't be allowed to influence the world"? I suppose it does. Does it lessen my urge to go back and wipe a few people like Caligula, Jack the Ripper, slave-owners, Hitler, etc., off the map? Or to stop the burning of the library in Alexandria? Nope. I'd fuck up the natural flow of the world beyond all recognition, and likely cause hundreds of innocents to have never been born... but oh!, the fun I'd have while I was doing it.
Hm. I suppose this is why time-travel isn't possible.

I want to travel extensively. I was born in Germany, but left while I was so young that I don't remember anything about it. One day, I'd like to go back. There's so much I want to see before I die... stonehenge, the pyramids - both in Egypt, and in Mexico and South America - and the places where the ice hasn't thawed in centuries. I'd like to lose myself in the darkest jungles, and walk for days in the desert and still see only sand. I'd welcome the kind of peace that can only come with being that far away from civilization. I definitely want to spend some time in New Zealand - it's one of the most beautiful and diverse places I've ever seen. Just for an example, go watch the LotR trilogy and The Frighteners. Both were filmed there. And I'll bet the cameras don't really do it justice.

I'd like to meet:

Everyone on this playlist:

I'd love to sit down and put one in the air with Jimi, Janis, and Kurt, all at once. Bet that'd be one hell of a conversation.

But seriously... would love to meet King (both Stephen and Martin Luther), Nostradamus, Caycee, Lewis Black, Wanda Sykes, Jon Stewart, Sarah Silverman, Bill Maher, Tabitha and Chic Cicero, George Carlin....... I seem to have a thing for comics and occult figures, huh? Well, I've seen stranger combos.


I'd love to meet Bush. You know, I think I've figured out his diabolical plan: we can't elect a new President while we're at war. Bush is going to keep the war going for the next fifteen years, and he'll still be in office.Doomed, we are. Ah, Discordia!

Hmmm, Peter Steele, and Jesus. In fact, I'd like to get Peter Steele and Jesus in a room together, to see what Gods' Son thinks about the opinion that He looks like Peter. That'd be a laugh....

Someone who really, really understands. That'd be great.


Hey, emo kids! I've got something to say to you...

"Music is an addiction, a religion, and a disease. There is no cure. There is no antidote."
- Sting

Stranger fiends hide here in human guise
than reside in the valleys of Hell.
- The Book of Counted Sorrows

Where eerie figures caper
to some midnight music
that only they can hear.
- The Book of Counted Sorrows

Definitely a little of everything. Metal, rap, rock, r&b, blues, classical (yes, I mean with violins, cello, viola and the like... not the first NIN, or your Digital Underground CD..). The only thing I don't care very much for is country... but I don't even turn a deaf ear to it, anymore... it's just got to impress me. ....can't believe I just said that.

Jimi, Janis, Kurt. That's all that matters, right? Well, and Type O-Negative.

But I guess there are a couple of others that merit honorable mentions, since I've been listenin' to 'em alot, lately:

Honorable Mentions

- Underoath
- Children of Bodom
- Lamb of God
- Three 6 Mafia
- Chevelle
- Lupe Fiasco
- Kittie
- Nonpoint
- Atreyu
- Mary J.
- Ill Nino
- Lil' Wayne
- Hed (p.e.)
- Led Zep
- Smashing Pumpkins
- (Old) NIN

- (Old) Green Day
- Bone TNH
- 30 Secs to Mars
- The Game
- 10 Years
- Mudvayne
- Slipknot
- Stone Sour
- Tool
- (Old) AFI
- Rancid
- Arch Enemy
- Daylight Dies
- Amon Amarth
- Rick Ross
- In Flames
- Trivium
- Bush

Lots of others, as well... but I could fill this entire page with bands I love. If I had to pick the one thing I'm most passionate about, it'd have to be writing, but music would be a very, very close second.

Need to go to more concerts... only seen Killswitch Engage, Shadows Fall, The Haunted, As I Lay Dying (sucked really bad that night...), In Flames, and Damageplan so far. Those are the only major bands, anyway... seen alot of local and relatively unknown groups. Sort of hate myself for walking out during the last 5 mins Dimebag's 20 minute solo in Orlando, seeing as how he was dead a month later... but, eh, can't change the past.

By the way, if you've yet to hear anything by Rook Everett, pull your thumb out of your ass and go listen to his work. Errr... I mean, you should really give it a try. ;-p

His music's great. Soothes the savage beast, it does. You can find him here on MySpace.


Recently? Hmmm...
300 was great...
Pathfinder was alright in a 'Last of the Mohicans' kind of way.
Smokin' Aces was good. Could have been better, but good.
Azumi's where it's at...
I'm a glutton for a good story, and I watch nearly as many movies as I read books. If I had to pick a favorite genre... I couldn't. Heh. Likely horror or comedy.
Of course, it's always great when horror and comedy get together...
Anything that stimulates the mind and pleases the eye.
Some of the Best
- Requiem for a Dream
- Stigmata
- The Chumscrubber
- Matchstick Men
- Fight Club
- Saved!
- Just Friends
- Bastard!
- The Whole Nine (and Ten) Yards
- Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas
- Get Shorty & Be Cool
- SLC Punk
- Pulp Fiction
- Donnie Darko
- Glory
- Apocalypse Now
- Platoon
- Hamburger Hill
- Saving Private Ryan
- The Prophecy
- The Omen
- Kung Fu Hustle
- Shaolin Soccer
- House of Flying Daggers
- Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind
- X
- Gantz
- Legend
- The Last Unicorn
- Man on Fire
- Bladerunner
- Ong Bak
- Blood of Heroes
- Nightmare Before Christmas
- Army of Darkness
- Clash of the Titans
- Remember the King
- Hero
- The Tenant
- The Matrix
- Remember the Titans
- Road to Perdition
- (You actually readin' all this?)
- American History X
- The Crow
- Hellraiser (ad infinitum)
- Gladiator
- Training Day
- Snatch
- Saw
- Phone Booth
- Switchblade Sisters
- Iron Monkey
- Kill Bill
- Seven
- X-Men
- Sin City
- Friday
- King Arthur
- Excalibur
- Final Fantasy; Advent Children
- Hidalgo
- From Hell
- Freeway
- Shogun: Assassin
- The Magdalene Sisters
- The Flight of Dragons
- House of 1000 Corpses
- Devils' Rejects
- Dances With Wolves
- The Long Kiss Goodnight
- Assassins
- Dodgeball
- Grandmas Boy
- The Outlaw Josey Wales
- Major Payne
- Motel Hell
- Lord of the Rings
- Empire Records
- Strangeland
- The Sandlot
- The Lost Boys
- Big
- Dead Poets Society
- The Mummy
- Money Talks
- Enemy Mine
- The Jacket
- Hackers, a little of everything. I love movies. Chances are, if it's out, I've seen it. And if I haven't, I know someone (Niggemann - the guy with the DVD collection that rivals that of Blockbuster Video) or other who's got it.
If you're sane, there's no way in hell you scrolled through all of those movies. So let me say this: If you haven't seen the following, go and rent them... right now.
The Chumscrubber, Stigmata, Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, What Dreams May Come, Fight Club, Requiem for a Dream, Donnie Darko, and American History X.


Idiot Box.

We all know that that's exactly what it is, yet we watch anyway. Hmmm... haven't been watching many shows, lately, though.

Some stuff on Adult Swim; Boondocks, Venture Bro's, Metalocalypse - COFFEE! - etc...

Mostly end up flipping through music channels, mainly FUSE.
That show Supernatural's turning out to be pretty good. Loved Carnivale. Dexter's great. Scrubs. I miss the shows of the 80's...

And of course the news... usually CNN. Definately not FOX.


I've finally started the Brian Lumley 'Necroscope' series. Pretty damn good. I don't see why I didn't pick it up years ago. He came up with a great idea in Harry Keogh being a necroscope. ....and now I've finished the first three books of the series. I want more."My best friend is a person who will give me a book I have not read."
- Abraham Lincoln
"We read to know we're not alone."
- C. S. Lewis
"Reading is a joy, but not an unalloyed joy. Books do not make life easier or more simple, but harder and more interesting."
- Harry Golden
"Man is but a reed, the weakest thing in nature, but he is a thinking reed."
- Blaise Pascal
Koontz, Rice, Weis and Hickman... I often talk shit about King after the release of the last Dark Tower book - often about the really predictable ending - but when I stop to think about it, it couldn't have been that bad if I saw it coming. In fact, I suppose that means it even made sense. Besides, I can't really hate it if I still read all 7 books from time to time. Also, I've heard it said (by a Mr. Arthur Schopenhauer) that 'books are like a mirror: if an ass looks in, you can't expect an angel to look out.', and I am indeed an ass, at times.
The Dark Tower

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A mind's frigidity:
frozen steel,
dark rage, morbidity.
Cold fire
Defense against
a cruel life
death and strife:
Cold fire
Life without meaning
cannot be borne.
We find a mission
to which we're sworn
- - or answer the call
of Death's dark horn.
Without a gleaning
of purpose in life,
we have no vision,
we live in strife,
- - or let blood fall
on a suicide knife.
- The Book of Counted Sorrows
Still haven't read the Potter books, yet... waiting for them all to come out so I can read them all at once. Hate waiting months and months (or, as in the Dark Tower's case, years and years) for a new installment of a series I like. And books are always better than the movie version, so I think they're likely pretty damn great. If Stephen King begged her in press conference concerning her upcoming HP books not to kill off Harry, she's gotta be doing something right.
Faraway in China,
the people sometimes say,
life is often bitter
and all too seldom gray.
Bitter as a dragon tears,
great cascades of sorrow
flood down all the years,
drowning our tomorrows.
- The Book of Counted Sorrows
Clive Barker. I won't lie... I've loved nearly everything he's written. The Damnation Game was great, Everville was even better, and Imajica's by far my favorite.
Let's not forget Salvatore. Drizzt's my homeboy. Entreri and Jarlaxle, too.
And More...
"Through me the way into the suffering city,
Through me the way to the eternal pain,
Through me the way that runs among the lost.
Justice urged on my high artificer;
My maker was divine authority,
The highest wisdom, and the primal love.
Before me nothing but eternal things were made,
And I endure eternally.
Abandon every hope, ye who enter here."
- Dante's Inferno
- John Shirley
- Bruce King
- Laura Resnick
- Michael Crichton
- Joel Rosenburg
- Jere Cunningham
- Gary Brandner
- Gordon McGill
- Barbara Hambly
- Elizabeth Massie
- Eve Forward
- David Farland
- Andre Norton
- Robert E. Howard
- Glen Lord
- August Derleth
- Michael McDowell
- Djanyo Wexler
Poison Elves, which is written and drawn by Drew Hayes. Lusiphur's my role-model......or should I say 'was'...... Drew Hayes died, recently. Another great mind and talent, gone early. Or exactly on time, depending on what you believe.
Other than fiction, it's usually philosophy; Aristotle, Marcus Aurelius, R. W. Emerson, etc. At times I'll break down and read some poetry, but only the old stuff... Milton and Browning and the like. Been reading lectures by Campbell lately (on mythology)... catching up on world myths and religions for an ongoing project.
It's sad, really... hundreds of books and I don't have a bookshelf. Procrastination....


Well, Jesus, for one. Son of God? Madman? Prophet? Con-man? Hero of mine, whatever your opinion.

Yeah, I know. Slightly blasphemous, but funny.

Heh. Here's a better one - what Jesus is really like:

"I will never forget you. See, I have written your name upon the palms of my hands, and it is always before me." - Isaiah 49: 15-16

House Meum - Veritas Ordo Damien's still around here, somewhere...

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Religion vs Spirituality

On Religion & SpiritualityLapis PhilosophicusSaturn clothes the King in BlackLuna clothes in White LinenMars clothes him in RedThe Sun completes it.Theosophical debates, kundalini, spiritualism... not...
Posted by Clouded Beliefs - Dust in the Lungs on Sun, 25 Mar 2007 09:34:00 PST

Dust and Spiders

(I wonder... anyone else out there who took part in the House Meum storyline? Other than Becky - WhoMeum/Tyre - that is. I've already found her, here on MySpace. I was that perpetual liar, SerpentMe...
Posted by Clouded Beliefs - Dust in the Lungs on Sun, 24 Dec 2006 02:13:00 PST

I Want to Change the World

I want to change the world. I look around, and I see despair. There's really no better word for it. Oh, don't get me wrong. I'm not implying that I'm blind to the acts of love, compassion, caring, co...
Posted by Clouded Beliefs - Dust in the Lungs on Sun, 10 Dec 2006 02:14:00 PST

Souls! I Need Souls!

Posted by Clouded Beliefs - Dust in the Lungs on Wed, 15 Nov 2006 11:11:00 PST

Bullshitting bullshitters.

I'm just waking up after a night of consuming much alcohol, so excuse me if this thing's a little disjointed. Or a lot.I saw a quote once that I can't at the moment recall word for word (see disclaime...
Posted by Clouded Beliefs - Dust in the Lungs on Mon, 30 Oct 2006 08:17:00 PST


Just a few random surveys. Once again, trying to get rid of some of the bs on my page - been told that it loads like someone's grandpa taking a crap, and also that Jesus is going to eat my brains beca...
Posted by Clouded Beliefs - Dust in the Lungs on Mon, 06 Nov 2006 03:48:00 PST

Good to be Mixed (Video - pretty funny)

Saw this video and couldn't stop laughing. There are some good points in here, though some of it's just foolishness.It's Good To Be MixedAdd to My Profile | More Videos...
Posted by Clouded Beliefs - Dust in the Lungs on Mon, 06 Nov 2006 03:53:00 PST

Politics (G.W. & Company)

For now, this is mostly a pictoral tribute to Bush. Later I'll add some more original things - pretentious, arrogant thoughts that'll have nothing to do with the man. But for now I just wanted to clea...
Posted by Clouded Beliefs - Dust in the Lungs on Mon, 06 Nov 2006 03:27:00 PST

Watch the Weather Change

If you can't tell by the profile, I've got a thing for weather. Good, bad, and ugly. Tornadoes, though, I've always been fascinated by. If you check out just one of these, I'd suggest the one where th...
Posted by Clouded Beliefs - Dust in the Lungs on Thu, 02 Nov 2006 08:10:00 PST

People that look like me...

Heh, thought this was pretty funny......
Posted by Clouded Beliefs - Dust in the Lungs on Sun, 05 Nov 2006 05:57:00 PST