Watching KLUT play with his KLUNKS, listen to Spacecuddles play the ukulele while cuddlebuns is on the phone at the mix, finding out the girl I jus hooked up with already grinded 5 of my friends, tha beach, cruising down to Wards with tha ASB, and having bar-b-ques at my friends house when he and his family are gone.
The person who designed the way Hawai'i's DMV works so I can slap his teeth
Where to start... Ray, Count of Monte Cristo, Top Gun, Princess Bride, Top Secret, all the Star Wars (remember episode 3 opens May 19 so keep your lightsabers in yo pants till then) all the Lord of the Rings, the many Disney classics like Sleeping Beauty, Beauty and the Beast, Mulan, Incredibles, etc etc of course favorite of all time Braveheart, and so many more but this should suffice for now...oh oh Guess Who for all you afakasi samoans out yeah
ESPN, ESPN2, FS, FSW, the Family Guy, Destiny's Child Loose my Breath video (c'mon a world with 3 Beyonce's! tell me that ain't tha shizz!) Any station that's broadcasting a Lakers game, and yeah that's it for now.
Da Vinci Code is the bomb diggity, Sphere was a cool one I loved back in high school, Watership Down was a classic for my youngin days and was the first book I read twice other than the scriptures. The Standard works are a given. Just got from Good to Great and it's supposed to be mean 2 mean cuz so I'll keep you posted
Mommy and Daddy