Nothing To lose profile picture

Nothing To lose

fuck this I'm doing my onw shit

About Me

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Which Entourage character are you?
You are VINCE. You love your job and chances are, you're good at it. You love being popular and you are some what arrogant. You love living the lifestyle of the rich and famous, even if you arent that rich.
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My Interests

I'd like to meet:

Can u make anyone fall in love with you?

Head over Heels
You can make any walking being in love with you even if you don't want them too. You are sweet, caring and totally HOT but sometimes you are quite sensitive. Just remember don't let insecurities hold you back because you might miss out on the love of your life
How do you compare?
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Every thing....and i mean every thing, rap, to rock, to country.


I am the movie buff to know.


family guy, friends, simpsons, married with children, O.C.


Jack higgins books, and frank Mc Court's


Tom and i dont mean Myspace Tom, I mean Tom Motha Fuckin Hayes! my family