Jordan profile picture


If you want something....anything, do whatever it takes. If you dont give up you'l always get it

About Me

I'm Jordan Childs. I was born in St. barts Hospital in the centre London. Have lived in North London, Goffs Oak, Chelmsford and Sawbridgeworth. Football is my life and if there werent girls about then it'd probably be the only thing i think about during a normal day. I have been living in Bournemouth for the last 3 years and am spending one more year here before i return to London to start working!!! Im 6ft 1 and 22 years of age......thats pretty much it!

My Interests

Football,going out,Motorcross, Rugby, Visiting and seeing new places... width="425" height="350" ....

I'd like to meet:

Thierry Henry, Paul Walker, Denzel Washington, Morgan Freeman, Brad Pitt, Robert Redford, Jessica Alba, Cheryl Tweedy, Orlando Bloom, Christiano Ronaldo, especially David Beckham... width="425" height="350" ...... width="425" height="350" ....


Pop, R n B, Funky House, Motown, and other classics! Boyz II men, Bran Adams, Van Morrisson, Rod Stewart, Take That, Any Hip Hop, E17.Anything!!!
adopt your own virtual pet!


Shawshank R, Cinema Paradiso, Back to the Future 1,2&3, Beverly Hills Cop 1,2&3, Ferris Buellers Day Off, Willow, Alfie,The Business, Anchorman, Dodgeball, The Notebook, The Labrynth, Footloose, Dirty Dancing, Grease 1 and 2, John Q, The Goonies, Top Gun, Gladiator, Training Day, Days of Thunder, Meet Joe Black, Braveheart, Elizabeth Town, Troy, Antwone Fisher, Honey, Into the Blue, Kingdom of Heaven, Forrest Gump. Sword in the stone, Beauty and the Beast, The Lion King, Peter Pan, Alladin.


Match of the Day/any Football.




Pele, Thierry Henry, Christiano Ronaldo, Cesc, David Beckham, Tom Cruise, Brad Pitt, Denzel Washington, Paul Walker, Orlando Bloom.

My Blog

Sandsy and Townes officially the biggest mugs on Myspace

DICKS. hehe
Posted by Jordan on Tue, 23 Jan 2007 07:51:00 PST


LOOK@YOURMYSPACErepost this just as its typed, and u will get an inbox message from tom showing you who has been looking at your page, it worked...
Posted by Jordan on Wed, 19 Jul 2006 08:37:00 PST