I have been known to indulge..I have my favourites! and most who know me know who they lump or two?
Usually it is just the usual fare of misery, brutish violence, drugs, crime, debauched, messed up Dead Mans shoes, Old Boy, London to Brighton, Scum, Pusher, Requim For A Dream, Amos Perros, if not then I am usually stuck and refer back to mid teen..colour purple, my left foot, you've been framed out takes, and if all fails the dvd head cleaner has been known to while away a couple of hours on a sunday morning,
Duty Free, Young Doctors, The upper hand, Me and My girl, Watching, Marmalade Atkins, Treasure Hunt, Dark Towers, Boy from space, Making out, Desmonds, Different Strokes, Crossroads, NO 73, Crypton Factor, Give us a clue, name that tune, New Faces, Highway to Heaven, Sons & Daughters (espeically the bit where it fades to sepia), chucklevision, josies's Giants, Brush Strokes, Fresh Fields, Girls on top, To the monaor born, nether the twain, n Jeremy Kyle!
I walk along and pass the pizza place we used to go to, I have to laugh, spying the manager through his new glass front.It's one of those all you can eat salad bars that try to be like the americans but never pull it off because English run companies are to fucking mean, give you one helping, charge a fortune and then act as if they are being generous. We started going in there after the pub, when we didn't fancy a curry or wanted something cheaper, worked out a good way to wind up the tart running the place. First you have to get them to fill up the the red beans, rice and tomatoes, because they let those run down. Then you build form the sides. Celery gives you the cross beams, then cucumber builds a wall, makes the poxy little bowls three times as deep.Then you stuff the food on top till it's overflowing. It's the principle. I hate all the petty thinking, taking you for a mug. Someone decided to cut the celery sticks shorter so we couldn't use them as beams, but we where to smart. Used the spring onions instead. Next time the onions where an inch long.They thought they had won, and there was no point going in there again, the smug wanker running the place prancing round like saddam himself. I left it a couple of weeks and bricked their windows instead!Name the book and I will buy you a copy......
In the words of Tiner Turner " we don't need another hero" apart from Wayne from auf wiedersehen pet