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Where was I?

About Me

At 24 I am still at school, now studying for a PhD. I'm studying at Reading University and though the town isn't the most elegant I've seen, it's nice enough and is filled with lots of lovely people and sparkly shops. Reading University campus has ducklings in the spring - so I'm happy.

From humble begginings as the second most posh-sounding kid in my primary school, I have risen to the heady heights of being one of the most common, country bumpkin PhD students in the Meteorology department. A true rags to riches story. Now I'm surrounded by wonderful people, who all know how to use hair straighteners and when to stop talking. I hope to learn from them one day

One of my favourite roles in life at the moment is as the singer of the stupendous folk band Three Mile Cross. We're just getting started at the moment but big things are on the way, I can feel it in my waters...

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

The druids who originally built Stonehenge (then I can ask them 'why?'). Dinosaurs (were they really all brown?). Bill Hicks (the man, the legend). The guy who decided that caring about the big things isn't as cool as telly.

My Blog

New to this

Hello, Cyberspace!Well I took a day to 'work at home' and I seem to have found myself on this thingy. Being a rampant luddite I naturally don't trust it, but I had a look at the myfriends thing (I fin...
Posted by Bethan on Tue, 27 Jun 2006 02:21:00 PST