We Believe Everyone Should Dress Like A Rockstar!
This street team started out as a couple of friends who really believed in the image and designs of Syn Gates Clothing. Now we have grown and multiplied into an entire Brigade of over a thousand loyal promoters. We work hard every single day to make sure the the word gets out on the street about our beloved SG Clothing. We honestly believe that EVERYONE should dress like a rockstar, and what Syn is doing is helping to make that possible. We take the everyday fan and give them something tangeable, whether it be in the form of a t-shirt or simply a flyer, they feel like they've done something worth being proud of when they promote the cause. We'll keep hitting the streets, the concerts, the festivals, the malls, every facet of human life, until we've drilled the Syn Gates name into every head in America and the rest of the world. We're going to take this thing all of the way, the question is, are you ready?
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to receive our newsletter!
Lieutenant Mistress Mandy [Team Captain US/East]
guitar player/promoter/music lover/Drive By Street team/ Dethless CLothing Street Team/Chaplan Street Team/ZackyV Clothing Street Team/Deathbat Bitch/Papa Gates Girl/Sugarcult Riot/Facing the Crowd Promotions/Moderator runs multiple A7X fansites
{Janet First mate to Mistress Mandy}
Lieutenant Syryn Fuckin Soul [Team Captain US/West]
singer/songwriter/designer/promotions/HBSURROUNDSOUND Street Team/Suicide Girl in waiting/Vengeance University Street Team/Deathbat Bitch/Avenged Family Ink
Has her own design company, Max Rock
Lieutenant Tiffany [Team Captain US/Midwest]
I am who I am and I won't compromise.
Lieutenant Aliana Marin [Miss Crypt] [Team Captain SoCal]
Jewlie[First Mate to Aliana]
Lieutenant Zara Vengeance [Team Captain UK]
Kent, UK
Vengeance University/Zacky V Street/Bullets and Octane European Street Team/singer of the band Cut Throat Mary/graphic designer/website and layout designer/Suicide Girl in waiting
Robin[First Mate to Zara Vengeance]
We get alot of messages everyday and sometimes we don't really have the time to answer them all, so we've put our most frequently asked questions below.
Q.When will the line be realeased and where is it going to be made available.
A.The line released the first week of October and is available in an .. store. The line IS sold internationally, so all you kids across the pond can look amazing too!!!
Q.Alot of people send us messages asking about being region captains or getting spots on the Debauchery Brigade.
A. We are no longer accepting applicants to the Brigade at this time. All needed positions have been filled, but thank you so much for your concern and support. Although you can continue to promote Syn Gates Clothing and you could earn a place as an Underdog on the website.
Q.Where do I go to find out what contests and missions are going on right now?
A.We have a featured contest section where you can find any information on all missions and contests, plus we post bulletins daily on our myspace about what all is going on.. We will keep you informed!! Remember to message us all of your contest entries! We WILL message you back shortly after to confirm that you are entered in the contest.
Q.Where can I get flyers to promote with?
A.We have a section called Pintable Materials on the site where you can find several different flyer formats (we are always accepting new flyer designs and they will be used). We understand that some of you may not have a way to print off the flyers or get them copied. Message us about this and we will try to work something out, but right now, we don't have the funding to get flyers to everyone. We are trying to focus on putting the money we have towards prizes and gifts for contest winners and heavy promoters. If you do print out and copy flyers and distribute them, please take pictures doing so, this may also result in you getting prizes and a spot as an Underdog. (Your pictures will be submitted to Syn Gates Clothing, so make them as crazy as possible)