I bet your all just a little confused here. Through a rash decision, Felicia closed BEE and she said it was never coming back. And she was right. Black Enchanting Eyes is never coming back. Never. It's being replaced by something bigger, better then any of you could ever imagine. Somber Bliss
We've got bigger things in store for you, bigger things then BEE ever had.
Hold on to your seat's folks, because we will surely blow you away.
And just so you all know, Felicia did not quit. She still runs this site, we just have a new addition to the site. Her name is Julie and you might know her from her other site Why So Serious and Your Future is Set Forever or simply because you read her story, Come back ot me, it's almost easy, which is posted on this site. So please, welcome her with open arms, she is an amazing girl and always super nice.