Damion profile picture


How Your Durin!

About Me

My Best Friend!!!! Full Name: Natalie Anne TuckerEye color: Unsure ReallyShoe size: I think 8Middle name: AnneHow many brothers & Sisters: A few, i havent meet all of themMoms Name: DeniseIs he/she in a relationship: Not anymoreHow long have you been friends: about 3 yearsFirst thought when you met eachother: She's Sexy, But im gay so i cant touch!!!!What kind of car does your BFF drive: SaturnWhere do they work? AMF Lake Air LanesWhats thier favorite alcoholic drink: None, unless it virginIs your friend still a Virgin: noWhats the craziest memory you share: So many can 't list them all!!Who wil get married first: Nat's Will, I wanna move to Frisco :)Whats thier favorite color: Purple favorite candy bar: Anything with chocolateHave you ever seen this person cry: yesShare another crazy moment you have had together:Disney music as loud as possible.. IHOP!!!Whats this persons special talent: she loves me unconditionally!!Can they do a handstand: yeahWhats thier weakness: She is WAY to kind-hearted... That is why i love her soo much and will go to the end of the world to make her happy...Favorite brand of clothes: Walmart!!Whats thier fav. kind of music: Any She is not racist against music~*WOULD YOU.... *~...ever live together: yeah...we practically do...have thier back: always.......be thier shoulder to cry on: definitely...hold thier hair back when sick: yes, if mine was long enought she would do the same...prank call till 1am together: oh yeah...let them know when something is wrong: for sure.......tell them when they look silly: of course...bail thier ass out of jail: if it ever came down to her going, then maybe LOL JK JK Of course i wouldI'm a hyper person, with an attitude, as I say if you can't stand the heat get out of the kitchen!!Biatch!!
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My Interests


I'd like to meet:

Someone that I can relate to and that excepts me for who I am.... :)
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Evanescence, Avril Lavigne, Mindy Mcready, Sarah Mclaughlin, and others..


Big Mommas House, Big Mommas House 2, and other comedy movies.http://www.msplinks.com/MDFodHRwOi8vd3d3Lm9rY3VwaWQuY 29tL3Rlc3RzL3Rha2U/dGVzdGlkPTEyNjgwOTE0NzQxNjAwODk2MTY0
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Nick @ Nite


ALL R.L.Stine



My Blog


Start at 50 and add or subtract points as stated for each statement that applies to you... +Above 50 means you are not so good in bed..and not so fun --Below 50 means you are real fun and damn good in...
Posted by Damion on Mon, 21 May 2007 02:08:00 PST

Take This Test

Posted by Damion on Sun, 12 Nov 2006 07:16:00 PST


Hey if yall like my poetry lemme know I will see what I can do about setting something up so that you can use it as a desktop background... if you would like or just comment on them thank's Damion &nb...
Posted by Damion on Wed, 11 Oct 2006 01:10:00 PST


This is my most favorite and deep from the heart! Lost in a world that doesn't understand me.Lost in a lie that I told myself.Lost in a life that won't make a difference.Lost in a LOVE that will sood ...
Posted by Damion on Fri, 06 Oct 2006 11:26:00 PST


Time flies by so fast, nothing seems to last.Everything is different now, I finally figured that out.Time is all we have in life, and each day keeps flying by.We're only here for a little while,God ha...
Posted by Damion on Fri, 06 Oct 2006 11:23:00 PST

My Tears

Tears are falling.Tears are endless.Tears are worthless in most eyes.Tears are cold.Tears are pain.Tears are alone.Tears are rain. Tears are love.Tears are hate.Tears are trust.Tears are afraid.Tears...
Posted by Damion on Fri, 06 Oct 2006 11:17:00 PST

Take this quiz About who??? Me Duh

Posted by Damion on Thu, 05 Oct 2006 04:17:00 PST

So Far In 2006

in 2006...1. Have you had more than 5 different serious relationships?no2. Have you had your birthday?Yes3. Been to church?No 4. Cried yet?no 5. Laughed so hard you cried?no6. Pulled an all night...
Posted by Damion on Wed, 04 Oct 2006 08:30:00 PST