I'm a Very Happily Married Man. I have 3 great kids. I have an awesome passion to see lives changed by the love of Jesus Christ.
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Christ, Family, Music, Eating.
Jesus Christ, The President, Jackie Chan, MWS and you.
Omega Force Band, Petra, Pillar, P.O.D., MWS, Skillet, Mo Jones, Rea'of Hope, Immersed, Messenger, SwitchFoot, Israel Houghton, Disciple, and many more!
Passion Of Christ, Star Wars, Indiana Jones (#4 is coming in 08) , Spiderman, Superman, Harrison Ford is my fav. Actor, C.OF Narnia
Leave it to Beaver, 3 Stooges, The Unit, good programming
Bible, The Married Man's Handbook, Maximize The Moments,
Jesus, My Dad, My Pastor, My Wife, Superman, Billy Graham, St Paul,