I love my PC. I play video games. I like sports like basket-ball, volleyball, table tennis, swimming, badminton atbp.. I always eat but I'm not getting big(lol). I'm watching anime episodes previously. I am a Music Lover. I like to hang with my friends to share my laughter. When it comes to alcohol I don't drink Hard, one beer satisfies me because I can't drink so much and I vomit whenever I'm dizzy.
My ideal type of girl, perfect one..(lol,somehow) Joke only! Uhm.. Honestly, I want to have a girlfriend; sweet, pretty, sexy, practical in life, and simple. üüüAnd more friends here of course!! Thank you!
Filipino Locale: Acoustic, Rock, Pop, & Metal General: Alternative, Rock, Instrumental, Acoustic, & Metal
LOTR, Star Wars, Shaolin Soccer, Superman Returns, Porn videos(rarely) and manymore. I like comedy & action in a movie. I hate drama! And I like a movie that has practical lessons that may apply in reality.
News, spoop show, sports and technology.
Scifi, Scary books, computer books, fairy tale, bible. ^^,
JOSE P. RIZAL(idol, Chickboy kasi e)