Cooking,drinking, smoking, music, anything outdoors-with water is a plus, getting to know people and smiling.
my maker....
Music is good. Can't clarify a type I like cuz a little of everything makes the wide wide wide world spin.
Movies are good. Anything by the Coen Brothers (raising arizona, the big lebowski) or wes anderson (royal tennenbaums)Kill Bill. Moonstruck. Guy Ritchie
Television is in my den. I like it when the Simpsons are on it. I really dig that Showtime show called "Weeds".Chicago Bears.
Are on my shelf. I like David Sedaris. Biographies that give the nasty dish. I like books that have a lot of short stories like 'Nightmares and Dreamscapes' or 'The Most Beautiful Girl' I like music rags and People too. I try to read the newspaper everyday.
whoever invented bacon and other salty meats