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I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

vogue battles, lavender flavor bubbletea, riffs COMING SOON: watch me relax tour

My Interests

the acid patch: hallucingenic placebos, astrologic physicals, ectoplasmic innerlife memory thoughts, tone poems with large heads, dolphin mines, inner sanctum teaparty guestroom (doily variation) 1978 bicentennial furniture, new alkward and onwardnesses, "guest rooms" & "spacing out", in-group/out-group dynamicals

I'd like to meet:

MORT GAGE cubic zarconic tonic, shimmer shivers, office interiors, cubical solutions,rave cave with weapons,


crimson & clover repetitivly forever in the retreat void (of my mind) house music outdoors, renn-faire field recordings, digressive prog intermittenly punctuated by sounds of frustration, DJScrew at 8rpm, low-radon-ravecave, office interiors, the oneness space


'november rain' synchronized through 'oneness space'


favorte show titles: either it's the static faces of the dead in snow beyond the valley of the dolls, or i'll be your mirror, stratigically sphered social conduct reinforcers, or reactionary historical reinactments, pertaining to the demographic of one, demigods or demigogs, incapacitating fear of the future (quantum leap biter)


the part of helter skelter that examines the white album, my daughter's zine is called "cool test".


leigh bowery, brain ticket

My Blog


excerpted from an article about Bell Jar Books in Philiadelphia, an awesome usedbookstore/cafe-type place we played in on our tour with Mudboy this summer! where you can read ...
Posted by jamie on Tue, 11 Sep 2007 07:27:00 PST

(special day!) birfday gift ideas!

an albino pygmy goat with sugarglider jockey a white dress similar to yoko ono's wedding dress and matching holy mountain hat one vampire toof/fang (right side preferbly) glow-in-the-dark material to ...
Posted by jamie on Thu, 15 Jun 2006 06:08:00 PST