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I am the master of my own destiny, the question then arises can one own destiny?

About Me

Constantly evolving spiritual being having a human experience.

My Interests

Energy, life, love, buddhism, reiki, psychic phenomenon, witchcraft, self evolution, psychology, philosophy, poetry, travel, quantum physics, law of attraction, body language, hindusthan, mayan aztec tolteck incan and all other native american knowledge and belief structures, mathematics/physics, linguistics, neurosemantics, patterns, fractals, chaos theory, concepts of time, people, dreams, astral projection, enlightenment, Magus, Allumindos, sorcery, Atlantis, Lamoria, Shambala, Psycholdelia, Way Of The Warrior.

I'd like to meet:

anyone i can learn from or help to learn.




Baraka, the secret, the matrix, revolver, Gandhi, seven years in tibet, scanners, the wisdom of crocodiles. These movies have given me a far greater understanding of life.


Movies only, a little comedy that is all.


anything on my above interests and these authors, Deepak Chopra, Wayne W Dyer MD, The bagdavad Gita, Kahlil Gibran (The Prophet), Robert Anton Wilson, Robert Shea, Richard Bandler, Lynn Grabhorn, Eckhart Tolle,JRR Tolkien, Milan Kundera (immortality).


Why project when one can belive in ones self?

My Blog


Do not lead I may not followDo not follow I may not leadStand by my side as my friend
Posted by Dazzadz1 (call me Daz) on Fri, 01 Dec 2006 08:38:00 PST

A hand full of water

A hand in a stream hold water all daybut cupped and limited slips awaythe tree bears fruit and pleads to be eatennot taken and money beatenproperty is theft, theft from yourselfgiving away your inner ...
Posted by Dazzadz1 (call me Daz) on Fri, 01 Dec 2006 08:41:00 PST


we are all beings of pure energy each on our own path, one day the nations of the world will hold hands and rejoyce in union. let us remember the story of the pebble in the pond, only when we surrende...
Posted by Dazzadz1 (call me Daz) on Sat, 02 Dec 2006 05:20:00 PST


Once you are in the orbit of your destiny, weightlessness is the only result. --Baba Amte Inspiration of the Day:Born in a village in 1914, Baba Amte spent formative years with Gandhi, Tagore, and oth...
Posted by Dazzadz1 (call me Daz) on Sat, 02 Dec 2006 05:31:00 PST

A saint is a sinner who never gave up. --Paramahansa Yogananada

A saint is a sinner who never gave up. --Paramahansa Yogananada Inspiration of the Day:In a heartwarming and unusual gesture of generosity, over 30 men who are inmates in an American jail are spending...
Posted by Dazzadz1 (call me Daz) on Mon, 04 Dec 2006 07:00:00 PST

Thought of the day

Things don't change. You change your way of looking, that's all. --Carlos Castaneda Fact of the Day:Recycling is a necessary initiative, but Anthropologist Brinda Dalal at Xerox..s Research center loo...
Posted by Dazzadz1 (call me Daz) on Fri, 08 Dec 2006 05:15:00 PST

Only god can make a tree

A wise man once told me, that i was influencing everything that happened in my life, that i was creating it all as i went along, he told me to wake up and smell the roses, to realise that what i think...
Posted by Dazzadz1 (call me Daz) on Mon, 08 Jan 2007 09:40:00 PST

A lesson in giving

It is not when we give gifts of material possesion that we truly give for that is not giving,but when we give love trust and respect to ourselves we become a gift for all the world for every step take...
Posted by Dazzadz1 (call me Daz) on Fri, 24 Nov 2006 06:59:00 PST

living from your highest self

When we live from our highest self we are living in the present, the mind is not entangled in the web of decietfull lies expressed in the unreal, the past and future, things that have happened and thi...
Posted by Dazzadz1 (call me Daz) on Tue, 28 Nov 2006 09:28:00 PST

a lesson on the false of religion

you know jesus has been back twice, the christos energy is very strong on this planet, when one stops seeking to just be thats when the pearly gates open, we need not die to experience heaven or have ...
Posted by Dazzadz1 (call me Daz) on Wed, 29 Nov 2006 01:47:00 PST