4L3X DJ profile picture


I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

Go to www.vernoncoleman.com for a great read on today's society & if you like studying Theology and related stuff like me or if the church/religion has just fucked with your head, go to www.bible-truths.com for interesting reading. Or if you would just like to LOLoud go to www.ikissyou.org and see the REAL Borat. I'm Alex and i love communicating with Randoms! So thats probably why I work in radio. I present a soul music show on SOUth FM 107.3 www.south.fm and i'm sports and news broadcaster on Radio Jackie 107.8FM. Rule one of myspace (apart from join) is dont be rude, apparently it aint nice. I'm so predictable, i beleive in predestination. Theres nothing like making a girl you fancy, laugh! PS if youre going to delete me as a friend, so soon after accepting me please think about accepting me as one 1st. I'm a creature of the human kind and i have yet to have a welcome visit from David Attenborough so he can study my animalistic tendencies..hmmm..:-) Sociable, spontaneous and upfront. Im also interested in truth - no its true, hence my studies on Theology and God, whats bullshit, whats real? Let me tell you - religion is just power over the people. Dont follow the crowd! I also read a lot on politics and society - i know, wouldnt have gone down well at school, but now im 32 i can get away with it. I work in creative sales. I also do voluntary work for mencap - a learning disabilities charity. I like all kinds of music, but esp house and dance. I am also looking for a Mexican woman called Bernard. I Dont do drugs. Clubs and bars are al good with me. Drink occasionaly and go out lots. Love hanging with friends. You know the usual stuff. i do some mixing but i'm a presenter in the main. If you want to be mates, try me out, the pessimistic view is you may not like me, but the optimistic view is you may grow to... My claim to fame is i appeared in "Doctors" and had a 5 minute speaking part, in Oct 2001. I played a Yugoslavian refugee. In real life i am not a refugee though. Likes: drink (not to the point of death though), partys, magnum ice creams, football, chinese food, showers, thunder, sun, beaches, cocktails, pillow talk, nonsense stuff, Alan Partridge, Zoolander, nice clothes, easy going funny people, just funny people and people who look funny, alton towers, Australia, romance, blue (the colour), Robocop. Dislikes - Size zero models - whats that all about? Girls who go to bed in Pyjamas i used to dislike but am open to that now lol. For anyone that doesnt know this is the man that inspired Borat www.ikissyou.org not that heeds any more publicity the guy is more famous than Jade... width="425" height="350" ....

My Interests

continued from "about me" Football (again), Finding a Good woman (the toughest thing in the World), STAR FLEET. .radio (i present a show), tennis, badminton, City, countryside, movies, drinks, going out, music,kissing, affection, the cold side of the pillow, Oldham Athletic, Dynamo Kyiv, Andriy Shevchenko, pasta dishes, psychology, ridiculous over the head type of humour with my mates Rob & Rich, acting, playing music that people love and dance to, the name Bailey for a boy and Jess for a girl, summer, Fridays, USSR football team 1986 the best team ever comprised of: Alekzandr Zavarov, Igor Belanov, Sergei Alenikov, Genaddi Litovchenko, Oleg Kuznetsov, Vasily Rats, Oleg Blokhin, Rinat Daseyev, Anatoliy Demianenko, Alexei Mikhailichenko, Pavel Yakovenko, Valeriy Lobanovski our manager & one of the greatest managerial masters ever, the Dane Prjeben Lars Elkjaer - he was a footballing great, smashing car windows of scrap cars, 1am, that moment before....., that moment after.....kettles, tea, Puma trainers, massages, flirting, humour and lots of it, a nice ass, Essex girls (for some reason), God (no big time, church is everything, hell fire, religious types though), Have i got News for you, the number 7, The depths of the soul. Oh yeah, i like to think im a bit spiritual so i like a good theological discussion (no hardliners please). PLus loads of other things that i will add on as myspace gets bigger...Dislikes? England football team. Go to Marbella! Puerto banus! If youre a straight guy - you'll know why. popping bubble wrap, jet Li, Ninjas, Revenge of the Ninja. POlitics also interest me. Get rid of British and US governments. Bad boys with bad toys.

I'd like to meet:

Farooq Mahjid (where the fuck are yuz?) Sarah Harding, Heidi from "The Hills" or even better Brooke Kinsella or how about Paul Merton? Hes funny! I also want to meet God, but i dont want to have to die to meet him... Failing that, someone who can basically have a laugh and/or is nice. I want to meet vampires, terrorists and webcam spammers but maybe not have them as myspace friends if you know what i mean. Also, anyone who suffers from tinittus (i have mildly). Do you have it, have yo had it, how bad? if you have a cure, let me know, though i hear we're about 10 years away from one...PEICE OF ADVICE - DONT, SERIOUSLY DONT USE YOUR IPODS EXCESSIVELY LOUDLY GUYS COS IT WILL, REPEAT WILL FUCK YOUR EARS RIGHT UP. ALSO, WEAR EAR PLUG WHEN IN CONCERTS OR CLUBS. OK, SO EAR PLUGS ARE NOT EXACTLY FASHIONISTA, LIKE SHADES THAT ALSO HAPPEN TO PROTECT YOUR EYES FROM HARMFUL RAYS, BUT THEY ARE SUBTLE AND THEY DO PROTECT WITHOUT LOSING THE MUSIC OR CHATTING TO MATES. TRUST ME ITS FINE, I WEAR THEM AND I CAN HEAR EVERYTHING IN A CLUB ESP WHEN ITS THAT LOUD. DONT WANT ANYONE ENDING UP WITH CONSTANT RINGING IN THEIR EARS OK? also wana meet Xtina Aguilera, Kate Beckinsale (if you ever get divorced lol).


House, dance, Hed Kandi, MOS, SPACE etc.. 80s is alright too! Michael JAckson, Happy Mondays, Stone Roses, Madonna, Jamiroqai, GM. A lot of the new stuff around. Why did the band 5ive have to split up? And no they were not crap, they were just misunderstood. One day i will campaign for them to regroup. Lets DANCE.....haha! I look like Lionel and 2 women.


All those Indy Jones Movies. "The Girl next door" with Eilisha Cuthbert. drool! Blade, Zoolander, (most things with Ben STiller in it) Robocop, Misery (classic), Green Mile, Back to the Future, passenger 57, Hostel, MI, Terminator, Revenge of the Ninja, Devil Wears Prada (worrying, cos thats a girls fim lol). Laurel and Hardy movies, BRUCE LEE, JET LI


Dont watch much but do watch; MIKE STRUTTER played by Paul Kaye - FUCKING FUNNY. Football, comedy (only British comedy, see Mike Strutter, Alan Paartridge, The Office or have i got news for You) and the odd political documentary


Scriptural study, history, politics, economics, astrolgy, A(anything that enhances my scope for knowledge)


Mr Jesus man was a hero and trust me, he dislikes the ridiculous shite that churches and religion in general spout. Anyone to go through that for something he beleived in has to be quite a hero. Jesus is/was (Tiswas) the one true Spiritual Ninja. Muhatma Ghandi. Oh and Robin, Batman's sidekick. He needs a shout.

My Blog

My indifferent holiday

Before yuo start reading this, i have visted lots of foreign places in the past (im a foreigner myself) so ive experienced many cultures, and been open to them, Spain being one of them, many time...
Posted by 4L3X DJ on Wed, 22 Aug 2007 07:00:00 PST

Not all men are bastards

IThere are a lot of comments going round about how bad men can be.  You read it everywhere.  Thus men get a bad press.  however, deep down i beleive we all know that men ...
Posted by 4L3X DJ on Sun, 24 Jun 2007 11:53:00 PST

Keeping the Dumb Sheep Dumb

Did you know that over 90% of what the church teaches is rooted in paganism?  this is also true not only for Christianity but also Islam.  In fact much religiuos beleif is rooted in pag...
Posted by 4L3X DJ on Wed, 31 Jan 2007 05:30:00 PST

US Policy and Religion

War For Souls And Empire In Christ's Name Posted October 10, 2006Yoginder Sikand10 October, 2006Counter CurrentsSource Link Although rarely commented on in the press, Christian fundamentalism has emer...
Posted by 4L3X DJ on Thu, 07 Dec 2006 03:32:00 PST

Radio DJ

I really would like to be one!  I LOVE Scott Mills!  I want to do what he does when i grow up!! If youre reading this and require a demo from me, pls let me know Cheers
Posted by 4L3X DJ on Mon, 13 Nov 2006 09:50:00 PST

A rant at Religion

I hate religion!  I hate what it stands for.  It seperates people.  beleive in this, beleive in that!  Holier than thou preachers who know our destiny - whatever! Bush and Blair fi...
Posted by 4L3X DJ on Mon, 13 Nov 2006 09:36:00 PST