Philippa profile picture


I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

One of my favourite things to do is laugh I have a wry sense of humour and I love anyone who can make me laugh it's the best thing ever!!!!!! One interesting thing about me is that I am half Russian(mother)and half American (father)and I learned to speak Russian before English. My mother is famous amongst my friends for having an abnormally loud voice(sorry mum) and shouting Phileeeeeeeeeeeeeeepppppppppppaaaaaa at the top of it even when she is just standing next to me!I graduated from university around 2 years ago with BA(Hons)in Media with Film and Creative Writing.....but since then, I have embarked on a career as a Make up artist for Film, Fashion and Television and it certainly isn't easy. But I have always wanted to do since I was young and performing on stage as a gymnast and ballet dancer. It was these performances that sparked my interest in make up as I enjoyed painting mine and my fellow dancers faces just as much as the particpation in the shows!After gaining my diploma in Make up from the London Academy For Radio, Film and Television I have worked on several fashion photo shoots at the well known 'Worx' Studios in Fulham and with several bands as well as a short film called 'Frank half man half fir tree'see below and will be working on more this year so watch this space. SO IF ANYBODY NEEDS A MAKE UP ARTIST OR KNOWS ANYBODY WHO DOES FEEL FREE TO CONTACT ME!I will be putting up my portfolio pictures shortly so everyone can check them out.Here is the film I worked on. I am also an extra in it for a second, so look out for me ha ha..................

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

Anyone who makes me laugh so much that I nearly pee my pants....people who can inspire me and make me strive to do better and the man who sold speciaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaal dooooooooooouuuuuuuuugggghhhhnutttsssss along the beach frontin Malia although I have already met him he was cooler than cool!..

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