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what did you do now

I am here for Friends

About Me

im out im now liveing in OKC and i dont know where anything is here. i have lived here for over a month now. i go to aa. northside and roudtable. i have meet acople of new people its nice.
its all so boring all my friends live about a hours away so i dont get to hang with them that much its all right. im living in an oxford house. there are 9 guys here its sober living.

hello my name is Brian i'm 21, 6'1 ft. I'm a college drop out. thinking about going back. i have really bad spelling sorry .i dont use nore do i drink nothing for me. i have 3 piercing my tang , and my nipples i have my (A) anarchy tattoo on my back. i have lived in 5 states TX, WV, KY, AL, and OK. that is mostly because of my dad who is a pastier i know that pk's are bad but i make it that way. i started to go back to church its a none denomanationel church, i have been in rehab for the last 6 months and just got out, im tring to stay sober i have 6 months down a life to go.

My Interests

there are a lot of things i like but i can never think of then when i write them down so this is what i got. driving arond, going to church, reading, going to meetings movies, video games ,chinese food, pizza, pasta, Music, I love the winter, snow, the cold. anime, black and red, walking , computer, cooking, i also like MTG and D&D.( i am a nird at hart)
You Are 40% Left Brained, 60% Right Brained
The left side of your brain controls verbal ability, attention to detail, and reasoning.
Left brained people are good at communication and persuading others.
If you're left brained, you are likely good at math and logic.
Your left brain prefers dogs, reading, and quiet.

The right side of your brain is all about creativity and flexibility.
Daring and intuitive, right brained people see the world in their unique way.
If you're right brained, you likely have a talent for creative writing and art.
Your right brain prefers day dreaming, philosophy, and sports. Are You Right or Left Brained?
T for Thanks. your one smart cookie. you probably do very well at
school.... but without being labelled a
"nerd". your most likely beautiful
and people notice it as well as praise you for
your intelligence. even after all this you dont
get a big head! good girl *pats head*

Which letter do you type the most?
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Which character from The Nightmare Before Christmas are you?
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Which Keeper of the Flame Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla
You're addicted to drugs. Try to remember that.
"I'm not growin up, I'm just burnin'

What Addiction Do You Have?
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Your inner soul is saying SCREW YOU! For some
reason you gave up caring about things. You use
to be warm and loving, but now you've started
crusting over to a cold, hardcore bitch who
doesn't take crap from anybody! Even though you
try not to show emotions, you desperately want
to let loose and go wild! You have an attitude
that makes you irresistible to others and you
are the one usually to take charge of
situations. Try to let loose and have some fun
because we all know how much you really want to

What Is Your Inner Soul Trying To Say? (With Pics, See All Results!)
brought to you by QuizillaTake the quiz: "Whos your punk BF?"

Tom DeLonge
Tom huh? Your super cool and meger funny you so should date tom! Together you could do silly things together like.....make fun of the kid next door! Take the quiz: "What animal are you"

You just like to do your own things...cuddle with your owner only when you want to...You should be very proud!!!Take the quiz: "Should you be a VAMPIRE?"

Yes....You are perfect.....
WOW! we have a regular Dracula on our hands! You have everything the sins, the girls/guys, the blood, and the mystery!yay! how i envy you...just joking.
you are the "I hate you so bad" happy
bunny. You hate everyone and eveything and your
not ashamed of it.

which happy bunny are you?
brought to you by QuizillaTake the quiz: "What animal were you in a past life?"

Howling Monky
You talk loudly. sometimes say rather idiotic things, and like to play. Internet is your friend. You should go on more often, you perverted geek. heh. kidding. but really, stop yelling so much. It hurts our ears. Besides, you have a short attention span, unless it's a game, or something fun. You're so like a child....
You are a Maine Coon! You are larger than life, a
gentle giant. You are independent, but very
affectionate with your friends and family.

What breed of cat are you?
brought to you by QuizillaA George and Cameron romance (sorry I don't have a
picture for you, anyone out there want to make
one for me?) You have a romance based on love
and friendship. You want a partner that has a
lot in common with you and likes to have fun
and make you laugh. If I'm guessing correctly
you'll probably marry your best friend. This is
a great type of romance that will make you very
happy and it'll last a long time.

What type of romance should you have? (results based on couples from my quizzes)
brought to you by Quizilla

?? Which Angel Or Demon Are You ??
brought to you by QuizillaTake the quiz: "what TYPE of guy is right for you?"

loves to skate , rock out , fun to hang out with , loyal to any close friends . hes got that bad boy image but underneath it all he's sweet and sensitive !!!!Take the quiz: "What piercing are you?"

You're not one of the popular kids, but who cares? you like it that way. you would rather die than be part of their crowd. you may doubt yourself at times but you know you're cool!Take the quiz: "What piercing are you?"

the dark one... mysterious, you keep to yourself and dont mix well with others, but you dont want to either. you like to be alone and dont like to go out clubbing and having fun (thats not a bad thing - im like you!)Take the quiz: "What season of the year are you?"

You are WINTER! Serious, passionate yet loving and without a care ni the world.Take the quiz: "wHaT WAYNE's WORLD cHaRaCtEr ArE yOu"

You are Stacey! LOVE CRAZY! Stop stalking your lover and youll be fine. You are perky and love life.
You are Corey, you are angry loud and a genius with

What member of Slipknot are you?
brought to you by Quizilla
You are a modern goth. You're into the music, and
life style...after all, you have a broken home.
You deserve to be gothic, with o questions

What Common Gothic Stereo-type Are You?
brought to you by QuizillaTake the quiz: "What Kind of Music Are You? :::pics:::"

You're a classic punker. Hard headed and strongly motivated in government relations. You probably like a lot of underground bands that other people at your school don't really know about. You consider people who shop at Hot Topic to be posers and you're overly proud of who you are.Take the quiz: "What kinda TATTOO should u get.. ?"

anything EVIL!
You are like me, so you should get an EVIL tattoo! Like one of (the great!) Satan..or and upside down black cross with jesus upside down on it locked to it with blood all over! (i got one like that!) So get somthing evil..somthing that has to do with Marilyn Manson maybe...o well u deside from here.Take the quiz: "is it LOVE or LUST ?"

Its love baby !
Aww its love, how cute. This could mean u really do truely care for this person, good luck in the future.Take the quiz: "Which Dead Rock Star Are You?"

Jimi Hendrix
You are Jimi Hendrix! You're influential to many young and old, and very talented. You most likely good with your hands... are you? You are very happy and like to experiment with drugs. Oh, he died in 1970 from a supposed drug overdose, it's unknown what drug.
You are Zim. You may not realize it, but world
domination is your fondest dream. You are
commanding and confident, and are confused when
others don't obey you.

What Seriously Twisted Jhonen Vasquez Character Are You?
brought to you by QuizillaTake the quiz: "Which Rammstein song are you?"

You are most like "Engel" (Angel)
You are a Kinky Kiss! You know what you're doing,
and you LOVE to please!!

What kind of Hot Boy Kiss are you??
brought to you by Quizilla
You are none other than Johnny the Homicidal Maniac
himself. You don't take crap from anyone and
don't put up with people doing it to others.
You are quick to get violent and this sometimes
can get you in trouble. You are depressed
often, but can also have a great time.

What Seriously Twisted Jhonen Vasquez Character Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla
Night Walker, the second class of vampire. You are
depressive and introverted, making it hard to
reach you. Your servants are very few, because
you do not like to take prisoners. Your powers
are comprised of shadow magic. You are lonely
deep down inside, but won't let others see your
true self. You should try to open up more

What class of vampire are you? (more new images!)
brought to you by Quizilla
KITSUNE (fox shifter)
Clever and Mischievious

What kind of shifter are you? (new images!)
brought to you by Quizilla
Black- You have a heartless effect on most and are
not afraid to kill those that stand in your
way. You have abilities that surpass most and
are not afraid to use them.

What Color Energy do you Have?
brought to you by Quizilla
You are an artistic-goth! You like to express
yourself, and take pride in being a little
"different". YOu are unique; don't
let anyone change you.

What Kind of Goth Are You? [images]
brought to you by Quizilla
hXe kid

What kind of punk kid are you?
brought to you by Quizilla
In your eyes, people can't seem to see anything
because your eyes are covered up by tears! You
are constantly hurt and depressed... No one
seems to understand how you feel because
everyone is scared to get close to you... You
long to be able to reach out and tell someone
everything, and all of your problems... But you
have no one to tell, or they just don't seem to
want to hear what you have to say. You've been
hurt many times that you don't seem to have any
tears left to shed, or if you do, they're an
endless river flowing... You've started to hide
and bottle up all or your problems and
feelings, hoping that maybe they just will go
away... You want company, but at the same time,
you're scared of it. Your sanctuary is your
room where you can just be alone and try to
throw away all of your aching pains. You're
dark and mysterious and people like you for
that reason. Even if you think you're all by
yourself in the dark, someone is always there
with you. Your special someone wants to admit
and show their feelings towards you, but
they're afraid of how you'll take it. Get out
more and enjoy life because, it is far too long
to frown your way through :)

What Lies Behind Your Eyes? (With Pics)
brought to you by Quizilla

Your Sexual Lucky Charm: Blue Moons

You're a great lover - into satisfying your lover more than yourself.But you don't like to initiate things, you rather lie back and be ravished. And you've always got your lucky furry cuffs, incase your partner is feeling kinky.

What's Your Sexual Lucky Charm?
More Great Quizzes from Quiz Diva


This is an awesomeprofile!
And thnx to YOURNAME , I'm in it!!! :D

Yeah! Now I'm a gothtoo!
I'm dead, hihi!


Do you also want a friend? ClickHERE

Your clan is adysfunctional one. That is because you are a Malkavian.Something is poisonous about this clan's blood that drives allthose embraced to madness. However, in this madness, you tendto have great insight. Unfortunately, people just take it assenseless ramblings. In every family there is an insane one.You're it.

What Vampire Clan Do You Belong To?
Lestat de Lioncourt isyour ideal companion, lucky
you! But he's amazing and heknows it so make
sure you worship him to keep him happyand
whatever you do don't desert him, he always
feelsalone so show him that he isn't.

Which Anne Rice vampire is yourideal companion? (With pictures)
brought to you by Quizilla
Tater tots (Please rate my quiz)

Which Napoleon Dynamite character areyou?
brought to you by QuizillaTake the quiz: "Serial KillerQuiz"

The Green River Killer
You aresomewhat methodical, as you kill women and leave their bodiesin the Green River.
regular punk

What kind of punk kid are you?
brought to you by QuizillaI am 56% Ska.
.. Well, maybe I'm trying too hard, maybe I'm not trying hard enough. I shouldn't forget my roots, and remember that punk and reggae wouldn't exist without ska. Take the
Ska Test
@ FualiDotComI am 52% Raver.
.. I may not be freaky like those Candy Kids, but I do know how to party. I am well connected in the scene, but may be getting a little tired of it. Take the
Raver Test
@ FualiDotComI am 70% Grunge.
.. I am pretty dirty, all right and, I reek of teen spirit... I would sell my own children for a moldy hotpocket, man. Take the
Grunge Test
@ FualiDotComI am 79% Asshole/Bitch.
.. I am one of those people that love to hear the sound of their voice. That and my lousy attitude make for a mixture as toxic next-day-mexican-dinner-ass-drip. Take the
Asshole/Bitch Test
@ FualiDotComI am 57% Hippie.
.. I am not a child of the 60s but my heart is true to the cause, man. I realize that being a hippie is not just bell bottoms and tie-dye. It is also about the drugs and smelling bad, too! Take the
Hippie Test
@ FualiDotComI am 82% Metal Head.
.. I was born with the mark of the beast on my forehead and an axe in my arms. I am the god of all things metal! Now if only I could get my parents to give me back my car keys..... Take the
Metal Head Test
@ FualiDotCom
Your Heart is Black

"What Kind OfWeapon Are you?"

You're a Knife. People useyou when they don't have a gun on hand... Or if they're full ofrage. You hurt, a lot. People love you and hate you. You'reneeded and used for things around the house and in the kitchenconstantly. Your whole existence is a catch-22. People needyou, yet they fear you. You tend to catch people off-guard.Little nicks or gaping stab wounds, you're not one people liketo screw around with. Shame on you.
Hooligan Bear

Which Dysfunctional Care Bear Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla
Disorder Rating
Paranoid : High
Schizoid : High
Schizotypal : High
Antisocial : Moderate
Borderline : Low
Histrionic : Moderate
Narcissistic : Moderate
Avoidant : High
Dependent : Moderate
Obsessive-Compulsive : High

-- Personality Disorder Test - Take It!--
Take the quiz: " a quiz : r u asrandom as a water buffalo who licks lampshades"

random like purple toe nail polish
yea your really just want to be randomTake the quiz: " r u my type?(guys only)"

class clown
funny and fun yesi like the class clowns( its kind of cute whn they goof off inclass)Take the quiz: " What animaldoes your soul conceal?"

you are abrave, you are mean and probbly popularTake the quiz: "What vampirewould you be?"

Avengful Vampire of the City
Youhave been wronged so many ways. This as you see it, is yourchance to set your anger free for once and all! Whomeverdishonor or embarass you will have to pay for such a mistakewith their life!Take the quiz: "What kind ofperson were you in your past life?"

You were either very magical or very stoned all thetimeTake the quiz: "Which Greekgod/goddess are you?"

You are Ares!ares was the god of war.He was known for his fiery temper.Hewas very handsome, which made Aphrodite, goddess of love andbeauty and wife of Hephaestus, to have an affair with him.Take the quiz: "What dragonspecies are you? (Stunning pics)"

Fire Dragon
Rage, passion, youburn with the essence of a powerful flame. You are powerful andmajestic and dont let anyone stand in your way without a fight.

I'd like to meet:

new friends, im tring to get away from my past so i only want to be arond good influince, crist like people


3 Doors Down, 311, 36 Crazyfists,'s, A Perfect Circle, AC/DC, Adhesive, Aerosmith, AFI, Air, Alexisonfire, Alice Cooper, Alkaline Trio, Anti-flag, Aphex Twin, Arch Enemy, Atreyu, Avenged Sevenfold, Bikini Kill, Birthday Massacre, Black Label Society, Bodyjar, Bowling For Soup, Boy Hits Car, Boys Night Out, Brand New, Breaking Benjamin, Broken Social Scene, Bullet For My Valentine, Carcass, Choking Victim, Clutch, Coal Chamber, Coldplay, Cradle Of Filth, Dead Poetic, Deftones, Depeche Mode, Dexy's Midnight Runners, Die Arzte, Dir en Grey, Disturbed, Dope, Drowning Pool, Electric 6, Exilia, Extreme, Feeder, Finch, Finger Eleven, Foo Fighters, Franz Ferdinand, Funeral for a Friend, Gackt, Garbage, Get Up Kids, Globe, Godsmack, Goldfinger, Goo Goo Dolls, Gratitude, Green Day, Guns n Roses, Head Automatica, Hawthorne Heights, Hell Is For Heroes, HIM, Hoobastank, Hot Hot Heat, Hyde, Ill Nino, Incubus, InMe, Iron Maiden, Jack Off Jill, Janes Addiction, Jimmy Eat World, Juliette And The Licks, Killswitch Engage, Kiss, KMFDM, Korn, Lacrimosa, Lacuna Coil, L'Arc~en~Ciel, Led Zeppelin, Leftover Crack, Less Than Jake, Linkin Park, Lostprophets, Luna Sea, Machine Head, Madness, Malice Mizer, Marilyn Manson, Megumi Hayashibara, Metallica, Mindless Self Indulgence, Mineral, Minor Threat, Misfits, Moi Dix Mois, Moonspell, Motorhead, Mudvayne, Murderdolls, Muse, My Chemical Romance, Neil's Children, Nightwish, Nile, Nirvana, No Use For A Name, NOFX, Oasis, Oomph, Open Hand, Orgy, Our Lady Peace, Penicillin, Pennywise, Placebo, POD, Poison The Well, Pop Will Eat Itself, Porno Graffitti, Puddle of Mudd, Queen, Queens Of The Stone Age, Radiohead, Rage Againt The Machine, Rammstein, Razed In Black, Red Hot Chilli Peppers, Rise Against, Saliva, Scissor Sisters, Sepultura, Sex Pistols, Sheep On Drugs, Shonen Knife, Sick Of It All, Silverchair, Siouxie And The Banshees, Slipknot, Smashing Pumpkins, Smile Empty Soul, Snail Ramp, Snot, Social Code, Social Distortion, Soundgarden, Stabbing Westward, Static X, Steriogram, Story Of The Year, Sugarcult, Switchblade Symphony, System of a Down, Taking Back Sunday, Tatu, The Arcade Fire, The Damned, The Darkness, The Distillers, The Donnas, The Dresden Dolls, The Icarus Line, The Kinks, The Living End, The Offspring, The Pillows, The Raveonettes, The Used, The Von Bondies, The White Stripes, The Yellow Monkey, Third Eye Blind, Three Days Grace, Three Inches Of Blood, Thrice, Thursday, Tool, Tricky, Trivium, Type O Negative, Unwritten Law, Velvet Revolver, Wednesday 13, Within Temptation, X Japan, Yui Horie, Yuki Kimura. letterkills, killing time, road side table, Ozzy Osbourne, Korn, Marilyn Manson, Disturbed, Cradle of Filth, Slipknot, Superjoin,Dark slayer, otep, kittie, black lable, AFI, Smile Empty Soul, Rancid, Sisten of a Down, ICP, butthole surfers, pink floyd, the doors, nirvana, sex pistols, dead kenedys, eyes like knives, the strokes, less than jake, saves the day, ben peeples, disturbed, afi, brand new, our lady peace, ataris, killer spam, goo goo dolls, bowling for soup Add Audio Adrenaline as your friend!


Fight Club , Sawshank Redimption, , May, the Jersy Cronickes, Amelie, Breakfast Club, Butterfly Effect, Cowboy Beebop, Empire Records, Kill Bill 1&2, Puppetmaster, Queen of the Damned, any thing by Quinten terateno, SLC Punk, back to fucher 1,2&3, saw, ankerman, napolen dinamight,unleshed, he Star Wars Saga Termintaor 1,2,3 Resident Evil Series Batman Begins The Superman Movies Batman Movies MEET JOE BLACK National Treasure The Incredibles Planet Of The Apes LADDER 49 The Bourne Identity The Bourne Supremacy Stitch The Movie Equilibrium Lord of The Rings Trilogy Xmen 1 and 2,, Spiderman 1 and 2


Aqua Teen Hunger Force, Beavis and Butthead,Cowboy Beebop,Family Guy, Futurama, Harvey Birdman Aterny at Law, Inuyasha,Sealab 2021, South Park, That 70's Show, Trigun, , Vincher Brothers, yuyu hacashow, stargat SG1, Stargat Alates, rescu me , is all ways sunny in philadalpha, luppy, simpsoms,Smallville Friends Angel Grim Adventures Of Billy and Mandy (i dont know i hate it but i catch my self waching it every day i must likt it ) Fosters Home For Imaginary Friends Justice Legaue Unlimited Teen Titans, and AS


any thing by. Steven King, Ann Rice, John Grishom, C.S. Lewis


some one who stands up for what they belve in. some one who will risk there life for another. a person that go beond what there the normal to do whats right

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My Blog

my baby

i got nicole a promis ring to day.  i love her so much.  i let her pic it out.  i cout $10 im not cheep im por thats why. on the bad side my dad had sergary.  hes got his thirod g...
Posted by what did you do now on Tue, 27 Jun 2006 08:29:00 PST