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I am here for Dating, Serious Relationships, Friends and Networking

About Me

Some folks call me a 21st century renaissance man, some call me eccentric, some call me cowboy, and some don't call me at all. You can call me Dakota Yoda. Other than that, I got kicked out of Mensa for being too wise... or was it being a wiseass? My life is a soap opera. I have experiences that most people don’t. If something good or bad has the possibility of happening it will. I've had so many near death experiences that I used up one cats lives and I'm on my second one.I’m one of those people who love school and learning in general. I read incessantly about anything and everything. I usually have several careers in motion at any time. I like starting up small businesses and when they get boring, selling them off.I am a decent cook; I studied at the French Culinary Institute. Whatcha want to eat? Beg hard enough and I might cook for you... and then again maybe not. Food is my life. I love finding small interesting ethnic places and trying new dishes. I do a bit of food writing and am finishing off a food book right now. I’m also a brewer. I dig brewing my own stuff professionally and for fun... beer, mead, cider. I’m starting up an artisanal food production business over the next year or so. Artisanal food production: all food should be art.My one weakness is s love of Scandinavian hand roll tobacco ciggs, a fine strong cigar, and a nice blend of pipe tobacco. (Preferably one of my own. I worked in the tobacco industry for awhile and have several of my pipe blends being sold by tobacco shops.)I'm also a psychotherapist and an adventure therapist: it's an adventure having me as your therapist- I'll take you out into the wilderness and cure you and hopefully not kill you in the process. I’m a licensed wilderness guide and am pretty decent at rock-climbing, mountaineering, white water, wilderness expeditions, survival, and of course luxurious car camping.I love to do road trips. One day rides for Buffalo Wings in Buffalo. Two day cruises to Maine for fresh Maine lobster. Four day trips to Iowa for the State Fair. And every year or two a month long cross country road trip hitting up the best State and National Parks. Last summer two friends and I spent a month heading north to New Brunswick and Nova Scotia circling the Bay of Fundy and checking out the 50 foot tides.

My Interests

Reading, writing, doing anything in the great outdoors- hiking, backpacking, mountain climbing, white water paddling, canoeing, foraging for wild edibles, epic wilderness expeditions risking life and limb, weird critters, foooooood, cooking, eating weird tasty and excessively flavorful gastronomic delights, drinking good stuff (the motto of my favv pub), shiny black and chrome motorcycles with crankin' exhausts that set off car alarms, cross country road trips, people watching and watching people (Ya'll are soooo strange!)

I'd like to meet:

A super hot sexy woman, highly educated, mildly sane, eclectic genius, who loves to eat and eats to love... has to like long walks far from human habitation and sex in the snow. If I can't meet her, then some cool folks to drink, eat, and talk to about the absurdity of the human existance.


Monk, The Discovery Channel ROCKS!- Mythbusters, American Chopper (, Monster House...