Reading, writing, doing anything in the great outdoors- hiking, backpacking, mountain climbing, white water paddling, canoeing, foraging for wild edibles, epic wilderness expeditions risking life and limb, weird critters, foooooood, cooking, eating weird tasty and excessively flavorful gastronomic delights, drinking good stuff (the motto of my favv pub), shiny black and chrome motorcycles with crankin' exhausts that set off car alarms, cross country road trips, people watching and watching people (Ya'll are soooo strange!)
A super hot sexy woman, highly educated, mildly sane, eclectic genius, who loves to eat and eats to love... has to like long walks far from human habitation and sex in the snow. If I can't meet her, then some cool folks to drink, eat, and talk to about the absurdity of the human existance.
Monk, The Discovery Channel ROCKS!- Mythbusters, American Chopper (, Monster House...