.. .. .. .. .. ..Molson Beer, Labatt Blue, Movies, Red Sox, Patriots, Pirates, Avalanche, Gators, Sea Dogs, UFC, DVD collecting, and an assortment of passing hobbies.
Country, Classic Rock and Rap. Mix in a little French stuff and I'm a happy frog.
Seven Samurai, Ikiru, M, High and Low, Battle Royale, Rashomon, Ran, Crazed Fruit, The Bad Sleep Well, Chungking Express, Dazed and Confused, Blazing Saddles, Young Frankenstein and other Mel Brooks films, Casablanca, Citizen Kane, anything Hitchcock, Pulp Fiction, Ghostbusters, most comic movies, 1776, any Noir films, Godfather, Third Man, Straw Dogs, F for Fake!, Le Samoura?, Double Indemnity, Mystery Alaska, Lucky #Slevin, Borat. Basically anything. If I'm sitting around chances are a movie is on. My taste ranges from artsy foreign stuff to the films people call shitty. Well fuck them I enjoyed Freddy Got Fingered.
UFC, Pride, WEC, IFL, any MMA I can find, Sopranos, Entourage, History Channel, Boston Legal.
Stuff about film, baseball, hockey, and history.
Bonhomme Carnaval