The Detroit Red Wings,The Boston Red Sox, Partys, being home, burrs yeeeeeeeeeee
Name? Santos
Birthday? seven 2686
Height? 6'1"
Birthplace? Providence
What team do you play for? Retired due to blown knee..but UNE next year
How long have you played hockey for? 17years
What kind of skates do you wear? Baure Vapor XX
Do you know what a Gonshow is? fuck yea
Do you chew tobacco? absolutely
Have you ever dropped the gloves? hell yeah
How many times? several or more
Have you or do you play junior hockey? ( The stepping stone to the Pro's) yeah
Have you ever seen Mystery Alaska more then once? own it bitch
Have you ever had relations with a puckslut? who hasnt
Do you know what a Michigan is? Mike Legg
Can you do a Michigan? Nope
Who is Sydney Crosby? The best player in the NHL this year
What number do you wear? 17
How many days a week do you play hockey? only a few now. but everyday again next fall
What type of player are you? enforcer
Is it true that hockey players are one of a kind? yeah we are
What is a lipper? packin a guy kid
Ever had a broken nose? yup and forehead
Whats the best thing about being a hockey player? everything we dont have a down side
Are you Canadian? no
Skoal or Copenhagan? Cope
Do you like the new NHL rules? NO not at all
Do you wear a cage or a visor? visor
What position do you play? Defence
Have you lost a hockey fight? nope
Have you won a hockey fight? hell yeah
Which hand do you shoot? Lefty
Whats your definition of a Swampdonkey? A broad you let be unless you've put down round 20 beers
Have you done your rookie duties? yeah gotta do em
Have you ever had Lambroast? yeah
Most memorable hockey moment? beating MSC in Game 1 of state in 03
Have you ever signed an autograph? yeeeah
Do you like the pucksluts? everyone does
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The Detroit Red Wings
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Great Gatsby and Da Vinci Code
Nicklas Lidstrom, Sidney Crosby, Alexander Ovechkin