My name is Keith. My partner and I have been chosen to compete on a reality hunting show, Dream Season 3, which will premier on the The Outdoor Channel on Tuesday, June 27, 2006 at 8pm EST. The show, produced by Drury Outdoors, will run for thirteen weeks. To give you a little backround, it is a competition based reality hunting show on which my partner and I use the skills that we have acquired through our years of hunting in order to try and win various competitions and challenges. In order to win the grand prize, the public must vote online for the team that they want to win. VOTE TEAM PA!!! We need as many votes as possible in order to win the competition and establish ourselves in the professional hunting circuit.
The voting will begin following the premier episode and each individual is able to place a vote once an hour. Please visit and place your vote for TEAM PA as often as you can. Look for the Dream Season section and vote there. Remember, voting is limited to once an hour per person and runs 24/7 for thirteen weeks. Please vote more than one time. WE REALLY APPRECIATE YOUR SUPPORT!!!VOTE FOR TEAM PA!!
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