I played my first video game
when i was 3 years old. they say i was good at it. when i was 7 the babysiter had a atari and a pool table. then my grandfather gave me his commodor64 when he got a apple1. I can't remember what year that was only that the fastes modem was 1200 baud.
I couldn't raise that much cash so i ended up with a 300 baud modem for $100. at that speed 256K takes 6 hours! I know I downloaded a game off Qlink. Qlink was a isp just for commodors with modems and they shaped how we us the internet today. Qlink had shoping, chatrooms, im, email and user submited downloads and i hope i run in to LACE you know who you are. that got old compared to a apple2 with a 2400 baud modem telneting UofM go blue. I learned every thing about the apple2 just to watch the world go IBM