My life revolves around my band and my two favorite girls, my wife Stephanie and my dog Brindle.I love playing my bass, theres nothing like that feeling you get when a song your learning finally comes together unless It's Standing in front of a crowd rocking shit up. So check out our bands and show your support. Live music rocks!
My future children
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Nirvana/The Offspring/Metallica/Collective Soul/Three Days Grace/Smashing Pumpkins/Matt Mayes/ACDC/Audioslave
Lord Of The Rings/ X-Men/13th Warrior/Leaque Of Extrodinary Gentlemen/Blade/Anchorman/Wedding Crashers
Family Guy/Much Music /simpsons/NCIS/CSI/King of Queens
The Autotrader, Bargineer, The buy and sell.
I don't know if I really have any true heroes but if I had to choose it would be first and foremost Kurt Cobain and secondly Will Farrell.