All I ever want in life is to be happy. God is the love of my life. God knows what is best for me. All I can be, is who God created me to be. I have a loving heart, a caring soul, and I am a person that truely knows the power of prayer. I have a gift of touching the hearts of the people that come into my life. I have the gift of giving. I have the gift of knowledge to know how to love myself first, put God first, let go and let God, and continue to have faith and believe in everything I do to make my life better. I know by doing these things; praising God for the good and the bad; allowing him to take control of my life, I am destined for nothing but greatness! Always remember, things that you go through in life, make you stronger. Only God knows what is best for you. Sometimes we have to learn the hard way, but in the end, it is going to be Gods way. Never settle for anything, wait for God to bless you with what you deserve.
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