I just don't check this profile as much anymore. I'm keeping it up... just in case, but right now I'm checking
and my lj:
a lot more.
Love you all!
Speaker (Not his real name.) is a collector. His abode is full of items from all over the world. Though he does love his objects of value, he doesn't just collect the tangible. Some of Speaker's most prized possessions are bits of knowledge he's acquired over the years.
Speaker tends to obsess over people and corporations. His most recent obsession is Alvar Hanso and his foundation. Obtaining things from the guarded is never easy, but getting anything related to Hanso, tangible or not, has proven extremely difficult . . . and dangerous.
Next up is round-up six.
If Speaker's power comes from his collections, his weakness is writing. He can't help but write about everything he acquires. (What's the point of collecting if you can't brag?) The problem, of course, is evidence. He is as careful as possible, but the fact that the records exist at all might lead to his downfall.
You'll find your prize in one of the pix.
If you have anything you think Speaker might be interested in collecting, please contact him at speaker815 AT gmail DOT com.
(PS - He's not actually 99 years old.)