Traveling it's a deep passion. I love Ireland and Europe Painting it's great for stress Listening to music LOUD! Hanging out on the river or around a camp fire drinking a few and acting insane. Writing poetry (although I've been told I am a freak for doing this).
Anyone who wants to have fun, live on the edge and get wild and crazy. Someone to take the time to get to know me for me and enjoy the small things in life.
Metal, 80s hair bands, classic rock, country,metal I like it all Metallica,G-N-R,Neil Young,Poison,Def Leppard,Johnny Cash,System of a down,Iron Maiden,CCR,The Band, Type O Negative,Stones,LimpBizkit,Fleetwood Mac, JANIS JOPLIN, a class='hov' style='display:block;width:300px;border:solid 2px black;padding:5px'
comedy, horror, action Tommy Boy,Big Daddy,Dumb and Dumber,Halloween,Psycho,X-men,Star Wars,Shawshank Redemption,Brave Heart,Lord Of the Rings,Full Meatl Jacket, Gone with the Wind....
Greys Anatomy,The Food net work (I love to cook, the history channel(or Hitler channel as I call it). CSI, and football!
I have read every Patricia Cornwell novel she's the best! True crime books and anything on forensic science....I'm also an addict to romance novels.....some day my prince will come.
All those who choose to make a difference and not sit back and wish they could do something. People who take chances in life... because life is to short.