Phil profile picture


How do you not f*ck this?

About Me

Although it appears like my picture is a tribute to "blackface" theatre, I assure you it is nothing of the sort . . . I just wanted to seem "cooler".

I edited my profile with Thomas’ Myspace Editor V3.6 !

My Interests

Subscribe to my blog! Soccer, women soccer players, Addams Family Pinball, . Cabbies - Goddamn do I love cabbies - recently, I have met a string of cabbies that have never smoked or drank in their lives - Also, they have flung numerous dollops of wisdom my way like (from a stern Nigerian), "Oral sex is for dogs. Nowhere in the bible does it say oral sex is for man." He went on to say that both his daughters were 30 year old virgins and had never dated until they got married. And another cabbie from Ghana told me that "Faces are for smiling." I contended they were for "sitting on." Again, I love them - but it just seems a little odd that their main clientele seem to be living the antithesis of what they suggest. It's like handing out abortion flyers at a nunnery - sure, they'll get a courtesy laugh - but ultimately it is a message left unattended. I also like labeling people. Chances are, if I know you but don't consider you my friend yet - you have been labeled. For example, "The Nerd" or "The Scholar" (that would be two different people) - or categorizing someone's level of promiscuity: "The Slut" or "The Chinese Finger Cuffs" . . . Or, more objectively focusing on actual physical features, like "Man Hands" or "The Chick with a Dick". Sure, it hurts sometimes - but it also tickles occasionally. And if I am ever a cabbie - I will tell my inquisitive patrons: "I'm for anything that tickles."Also, I'd like to meet more impregnable women.

I'd like to meet:

. . the people that come to my site, look at my fancy pictures and couture ravings, and ultimately decide that I would be the kind of guy that would subscribe to a nudey webcam show! Seriously, I have WAAAAY more class than they can even imagine. Why would I want to be friends with girls who have their boobies hanging out, or tastelessly covered with their fore arms or fingertips? Screw you and your assumptions. But oddly enough, I would like to meet them.DJ Flipside seems to have met quite a few people . . people that fame and fortune has undoubtedly smiled upon. Flipside and I, along with our buddy O, saved AMC 30 in Barrington, IL from burning down back in the 90s, the first week it opened. I don't think he or O received anything for it - I got 6 or 7 free movie tickets. So, I guess what I am trying to say is, I'd like to meet Kurt Russell.Oh, and Jonathan Brandis.


This is an exhaustive list. But it gets larger occasionally. And You Will Know Us by the Trail of Dead . . . (the elipses are part of their name, isn't that awesome!?) What's with these homies dissin' my girl? Why do they gotta front?TOOL, Bad Religion, Wilco, Dire Straits, All those funny named Indie bands (aka anything from Canada right now, Arcade Fire, Sunset Rubdown, Wolf Parade, Rogue Wave, Interpol, MWB (Milky White Breasts) and suchThe Police, The Divas of Bass, The D, Built to Spill (new fan), Belle & Sebastian, CAMERA, QOTSA and Eagles of Death Metal, Sufjan Stevens, Zeppelin, Floyd, Whitesnake, Cinderella, Ghandi Eats Cow, TummySticks, Wycked Sceptre, Purple Sceptre, Live (pre 2000), PJ, and anything by Alvin and the Chipmunks and Weird Al Yankovich - original material or not. Tomahawk (solely for the song Rotten Roll - it is like a Ritalin vacuum - I think I will read this later and realize it doesn't make any sense) Also, any band that has a song titled after their band name - that is a surefire way to ensure you will be a one hit wonder.


Home amateur stuff . . . you know, with little kids on Slippin' Slides or that crazy sprinkler with the spewing dreadlocks . . and like 5/19ths of the movie is of the ground.But seriously . . . anyone who knows me know this . . . I enjoy terrible movies. If a terrible movie was made, I probably own it.My favorite movie of all time is Labyrinth. David Bowie in tights . . come on, what else do you really need? The original Die Hard holds quite a place in my heart . . as do most Bruce Willis movies i.e., Hudson Hawk (awesome!). American Beauty - Donnie Darko - The Boondock Saints - Se7en - Love Actually - Ghoulies - Cat's Eyes - Shawshank - Troll (NilboG! (this is actually a Troll 2 refference)) Anything by David Cronenberg (eXistenz and David Lynch . . . a couple of weird cats! I'm kind of pissed Alf never had a movie. Hackers. Anything w/ Ben Stiller . . or David Cross. Fight Club is pretty cool (they really should make 'em like that more often) - the Cusack 80's films - Say Anything - One Crazy Summer (fav) - Better off Dead; Wet, HOT, American Summer (hilarious!) Sneakers. Gremlins. With Friend Like Harry. Braveheart.However, there is a difference between terrible movies and shitty movies. Bad Movies are so bad that they're actually good. Where as shitty movies just suck. Let me differentiate them for you. Bad Movie: Killer Klown from Outer Space - Shitty Movie: Jason X (Jason in Space). Bad Movie: Surviving the Game - Shitty Movie: Bones. Bad Movie: The Crow - Shitty, shitty, shitty movie: Underworld. Oh, quite possibly the awesomest movie ever . . Them (w/ Rowdy Rodney Piper)If it has Ashley Judd (even w/ the Samuel L. Jackson factor) its a shitty movie.


I respect Alf. He ate cats.


See Jeff Pyzyna's answers . . . he stole mine.


George W. Bush - What a true American! Also, people that have Bush-Cheney 2004 bumper stickers. God, those people are my ultimate heroes. I mean, think of all the hate that some people have for G Dubs . . and then think of what they think of when they see someone with these bumper stickers. It takes a real man, or woman (women voted for him too, which added a lot of stock to women in my personal stock market) to openly show their pride in the face of adversity, especially with the unbelievably low opinion polls per the jew run media. Yes, God Bless G Dubs and his stalwart supporters!!!!!!!!!

My Blog

The hardest thing . . .

As I grow older, I have continuously changed what I considered the "hardest things to do" was.  You know, first it probably started out with something like pissing in the toilet - then onto pissi...
Posted by Phil on Thu, 15 Mar 2007 11:09:00 PST


Music.  It is considered an art by some - a subset even, occasionally - and is really only appreciated sonically (except in El Dorados).  Rarely nowadays, in mainstream talent, are lyrics co...
Posted by Phil on Mon, 19 Feb 2007 09:39:00 PST

Christians: They Gotta Eat Too!

With Christianity still playing a substantial role in many, if not most, political and general public decisions, especially economical ones, it only makes "cents" to "capital"ize and focus on this hug...
Posted by Phil on Mon, 31 Jul 2006 07:04:00 PST

Tobias Funke: The Legend

This is a tribute to Tobias Funke (Fuhn-kay).  The beloved not-so-ambiguously gay brother-in-law of Michael Bluth.  I am upset that Arrested Development had to end so abruptly, as it was pro...
Posted by Phil on Fri, 28 Jul 2006 06:29:00 PST

Surveys That Aren't Tallied - Are Not Surveys

I am constantly getting "surveys" from people asking me a bunch of questions regarding my past relationships, or if I would give my helmet to my girlfriend if the brakes on my motorcycle stopped worki...
Posted by Phil on Wed, 19 Jul 2006 10:01:00 PST


I apologize to all the pathetic people out there who think Promiscuous Girl is a song worth listening to.  In fact, I'd rather rip out my fingernails with Nelly Furtado's herpes ridden toothbrush...
Posted by Phil on Mon, 17 Jul 2006 07:24:00 PST

Ladies . . You Look like Bugs

If it hasn't become apparent already, all my topics are grounded in observations at least 2-3 years gone.  Today's rant will be no different. Today, I will discuss big sunglasses.  Women of ...
Posted by Phil on Fri, 14 Jul 2006 10:04:00 PST

It is Semi-Official . . .

I was recently rated an "8" by an 18 year old female stranger.  I think that means a lot, as women are the most critical at that age, don't you think?  Although I was wearing a European-esq...
Posted by Phil on Thu, 13 Jul 2006 10:01:00 PST


Tom is no one's friend.  If you read this, will you assert this notion by asking to become my friend, regardless of hip size?
Posted by Phil on Tue, 27 Jun 2006 09:08:00 PST

Gas Price Getter: You Better be Pumped for This mp;x=1&y=1&zip=XXXXX Replace the XXXXX with your zip code and it will give the cheapest gas prices near you . . . pretty handy in th...
Posted by Phil on Tue, 27 Jun 2006 04:48:00 PST