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New EP coming soon, baby!

About Me

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************************************************************ ************************************************************ ************************************************************ ************************************The band was formed in 2004 in Terrassa, (BCN), when Petro recived his first guitar. Petro, Xaff and Bru were friends, and they all listened to the same music, and their dream was to create a music band. They tried to play something, Petro at the guitar and voices, Bru at the guitar, and Xaff, at the bass. Later on, they met Arnau, who was gonna be the drummer of the band. They played covers and some compositions. There were changes on the formation of the band, Bru became the singer, with Petro, mixing their voices, and Petro specializated in the facet of lead guitar. Before a long time, they started to play seriously, composing their own songs, and working hard. The results came alive with their first EP, 'Keep Away From Us', recorded on november 2006, in Terrassa. Actually, the band is in phase of promotion and in concerts research.*************************************************** ************************************************************ ************************************************************ ************************************************************ ************************************************************ ************************************************************ ************************************************************ *********************El grupo se formó en el año 2004 en Terrassa (BCN) cuando a Petro le regalaron su primera guitarra. Petro, Xaff i Bru eran amigos y escuchaban todos la misma musica, y su sueño era el de tener una banda de musica. Empezaron a intentar tocar algo, Petro a la guitarra i voz, Bru a la guitarra, i Xaff al bajo. Más adelante coincidieron con Arnau, que seria el futuro bateria del grupo. Empezaron a tocar versiones faciles y alguna pequeña composicion. Hubieron tambien cambios en la formación, Bru pasó a ser cantante, junto a Petro, combinando las dos voces, i Petro se centró en la faceta de guitarra solista. Después de un tiempo empezaron a ensayar en serio, componiendo sus primeras canciones, i trabajando muy duro. El resultado dió a la luz con su primera maqueta Keep Away From Us, grabada en noviembre 2006 en Terrassa. Actualmente el grupo se encuentra en fase de promocion de la maqueta y busqueda de conciertos.************************************************* ************************************************************ ************************************************************ ***********************************************

My Interests


Member Since: 6/25/2006
Band Members: Petro - Vocals, Guitar and TequilaBru - Guitar, Vocals and MakahaXavi - Bass, Back Vocals and By MyselfArnau - Drums and Dirty Beer
Influences: Rise Against Strike Anywhere Comeback Kid Descendents Social Distortion Ignite Good Riddance Silverstein No Use For a Name Belvedere Thrice Misfits Sick Of It All Bad Religion
Record Label: none
Type of Label: None

My Blog

New EP will be out soon!

Hey! we had problems among members of the band and we let the recording half unfinished. Now we've made our special differences apart and we have came back the same band members to fini...
Posted by Xokoholiks on Sun, 27 Jan 2008 04:10:00 PST