being awesome, hatin' on people who aren't awesome, riding a bike, eating bread, drinking beer, writing things that are the proverbial Shit, singing, flirting, reading, thinking about time, memory and God, staring at pictures of clothing, shoes and accessories that I can't afford but violently desire, and, on occasion, having panic attacks in the middle of the night about my own insignificance.
People with sass and other girls with big asses, but preferably both combined.
anything I can sing along to
Pink Floyd's The Wall encapsulates everything
Buffy, Six Feet Under, Twin Peaks. I only binge-watch DVDs. Unfortunately I have cultivated a new obsession: HOUSE. And I am officially in love.
Augustine's City of God, Flannery O'Connor's short stories, Crime and Punishment and the Brothers K, Jude the Obscure, A Pair of Blue Eyes, The Pardoner's Tale, The Bacchants, Othello, King Lear, The Metamorphosis, every one of the seven Chronicles of Narnia(most especially the Magician's Nephew), The Good Earth and the Merry Adventures of Robin Hood (both of which I discovered in the same volume of Reader's Digest Condensed Books that I found in a dusty closet in my grandparents' house...thanks Reader's Digest!), Sartre's Dirty Hands, Pirandello's Six Characters in Search of an Author, Frayne's Copenhagen, Lolita, The Plague, Rebecca, Madame Bovary, The Book of Daniel (from the Bible) and a whole bunch of other shit.
Louis Pasteur. Anybody else, from any period of history, who makes a ruckus because they're right about something.