History, Interior Design, books...
I would love to meet Alicia Keys. This women is not only beautiful outside but inside as well.. She sings directly from her soul. Her Lyrics are so .., its good to hear someone speak about how we really feel inside but never have the gutts to say. This woman represents her name to the fullest. Keys has definetly unlocked the door.
So Many but my heart and soul has a special place for House Music.. Its a soul thang! Give me the funkyHOuse Frisco Style! Miguel Migs, Mark Farina, Dereck Carter, Marques Wyatt, J-Jay, SR, Kascade (his old stuff)Collette, SuperJane.. Other artist, Lauren Hill, Fugees, Common, Eryka Badu, Mos Def, Alicia Keys, Eric Sermon, John Legend.. to be continued.
New favorite movie; The Science of Sleep with Gael Garcia Bernal. If you dont know who he is he was "young Ernesto "Che" Guevarra in Motorcycle Dairies (another one of my favorites) Science of Sleep is about an artistic graphic designer who somehow gets caught in between his reality and the dream world, losing the sense of whats real and whats only in his subconscious mind. Very Creatively put together. Unique form of Artistic Filmaking. Warner Independent Films "Kuddos"
Project Runway, Nip tuck, and Prison break, History, Dicovery and the Travel Channel.
Da Vinci Code by Dan Brown