Art, theatre, music, photography, poetry, international travel, culture, drumming, film, money, beauty, intellect, sensuality, philosophy, laughter, peace, passion, purpose, creativity, long amazing intellectual conversataions (especially on the beach) and sweet, sweet beautiful dogs.test
I would like to meet beautiful souls, beautiful people who are on a journey for wealth; Financial wealth, spiritual wealth, creative wealth and experiential wealth.I am open to friendships and romantic relationships that come from an authentic place...that do their best to love unconditionally...that understand that human beings have flaws...I love pretty, sexy, feminine women who are intelligent, well traveled, humble, fun, sexy (did I mention that I like sexy women) and thrive on the various turns one's life can take.I love passion and purpose and creativity, especially when they are mixed into one fabulous bowl of life.......... ....Sophistication.... Elegance ....Intellect.... High Quality ....Creativity ....Dynamic ....Authentic ....Integrity.... Raw Purity....
Classic Blues, Classic Rock, Classical (Mozart, etc.)
Ones that provoke my senses...................................................... .................................
Not much of a TV fan - I have not had a television in 3 years...although, I did recently view all 6 series of Sex and the City - LOVED IT!! Six Feet Under was pretty cool...and The Sopranos - well - that's some some cool badass stuff.
I have been reading about Jerusalem, Ghandi and Martin Luther King Jr. I have also been reading the bible as well as books about the music industry.
My Dad (He passed away 12 years ago), My Mom (she passed away 2 years ago), My 2 Sisters, My Dog Maddison (she passsed away over a year ago) and my 8 month old Beagle Mix, Dani. Each of them represents life in its most raw and vulnerable and truthful form........................................................
........................This song, "I Will Remember You" by Sarah McLachlan, was playing when my mother took her last breath of life. My two sisters and I were each holding my Mom in some way, holding her hand, stroking her hair...we were singing loudly and boldly as this song played on the radio...we began to laugh because we cannot sing very that moment....the moment we sang, "I will remember you...will you remember me...." ...we laughed, and the levity felt good....and then we witnessed our mother exhaling her final breath. We were silent. We looked at each other. We cried. We will forever remember our mother. We will forever remember this song playing as she passed on to another way of existence.I Love you Mom!........................................................
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