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lucky man


About Me

love rocks and right now it keeps me livin on. and nicole is the best thing i have in my life and she is so amazing and everything about her drives me wild ..

My Interests

colie my one and only my life basically is her and my heart as well she is my angel Eric Michael Hopper

I'd like to meet:

friends, old friends, new friends..
.. Create Your Own


anything with rythme no not classical


king kong new one and the ghost rider


scifi if right im into that kinda also fantasy and heros


meg first one rocks second one iffy and dark portal read it a long time ago but left an impression


coach kingsley and me & colie my dearest of loves no matter how you put it love is stronger then life

My Blog


how is it you know how do you find out when it is true how do you seee it in there eyes how does it not hurt to know but not be with them through life you will find many loves many heartbreaks but ...
Posted by lucky man on Sun, 04 Mar 2007 04:42:00 PST


ok i m freakin fealin like shit the last few days i have been workin so hard i can barley stand up straight this base ment is really a pain in the butt but it will look good when we are done and for a...
Posted by lucky man on Sun, 23 Jul 2006 07:28:00 PST