I have many interest,among them are reading, traveling, shopping, attending church services and meeting new people. I love to dance and music is my life!
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The Young Black Women in Dallas Meetup Group!
Barack and Michelle Obama, Deion & Pilar Sanders, Condolezza Rice, Oprah, Will & Jada Pinkett Smith, Kimora & Russell Simmons, Jay-z, Bill & Hillary Clinton, Rev. Run, Tyra Banks, Angela Bassett, Reggie Bush,and many many more.View All Friends | View Blog | Add Comment
I love everything from r&b, hip-hop, gospel, rap, jazz, neo-soul...to that down-south...southern slang...texas screwed and chopped
comedies, horror, action, romance, etc. I have a minor collection going...still adding to it though.
I watch too much television...it's rather ridiculous.I'm a reality tv junkie!
I've mostly been reading for school as of late, haven't been able to dip into my private collection.
MY MOMMY! I can only hope to be half the women she is.