~Laura~ profile picture


I'm glad I'm not you.

About Me

I'm 22, a Jr. at SHSU, majoring in Poli Sci with an Eco minor. My boyfriend, Alex, and I have been together for 5 1/2 years. I have a pit bull named Orlando and a ferret named Charlie. I'm moving to Houston so Alex can go to school at UTI...and I'm cooler than you!! ;)

My Interests

School, music, my boyfriend, foriegn movies (That movie "The Eye" with Jessica Alba was actually originally in Chinese or Japanese or something and made in 2001...they stole it!!), doing other fun stuff...that's about it (o, and I'm a total capitalist, not a communist, I just respect Marx for his contributions to atheist society.)WATCH THIS!!!!!!!!! IT'S HILARIOUS!

AND it's a good reason weed should be legal...because if it was, people like this dipshit would know that you CAN'T OVERDOSE on pot. I don't care if you smoke or not...if you drink alcohol you are participating in something far more dangerous than me lighting up a blunt...Maybe you should read up on statistics in places like Amsterdam and compare the number of marijuana related deaths to the number of alcohol related deaths here in the US... HOPEFULLY I'm not friends with any dipshits like the one who made this 911 call (a COP at that!) and if I am, well, you should definitely delete me. If you honestly think you're being safer by taking a drink than by hitting my weed, then you're one of those dipshits.

I'd like to meet:

Hm. Ann Coulter, Barack Obama, Chong, Hugo Chavez-so I can slap him for nationalizing food (in what universe is that a good idea??), Montel Williams, oh, and people who are cool and just chill.


I'm in love with Lil weezy, baby! I can't help it. I love tool, the deftones, nirvana...old stuff. But, mainly, I love screwed muzik.


Blow, Spun, foriegn sundance movies, Scarface :), Friday and Next Friday (because I watch them ALL the time)...and whatever else is on. Oh, and Sin City, anything else with Bruce Willis, Silent Hill, this wierd movie called Igby Goes Down, and Clerks


Southpark!,Family Guy, The Simpsons, Adult Swim, Scrubs, any CSI, and the gay judge show, but i HATE Drawn Togetheralso...Pink's, Unique Whips, and UFC

Contact Tables


People that say what they honestly think even though it goes against what everyone else is saying, a few of my professors: the guy that lived through the Soviet takeover in Poland-and was displaced to Kazakstan, and Dr. Kovacs (the woman from Hungary who has amazing perspective on womens' rights), my parents (for putting up with us), and my late grandma (for living through the Great Depression and for raising two boys on her own after my Grandpa died, working the entire time to support them in a time when most women were housewives)

My Blog


Enjoy the hillarity!  ...
Posted by ~Laura~ on Thu, 10 Apr 2008 09:00:00 PST

So glad.

I am so happy that I have Alex...cause I think I’d seriously hurt someone on the dating scene.I’ve been listening around randomly, and it seems that no one can really get into a good relat...
Posted by ~Laura~ on Thu, 10 Apr 2008 05:36:00 PST

It’s so weird when you grow up...

Looking back at all the stupid crap you did when you were younger... I feel a lot more grown up..and I think its actually a good thing I partied so hard when I was younger, cause now...well...getting ...
Posted by ~Laura~ on Thu, 27 Mar 2008 08:14:00 PST


Well, we decided we’re gonna quit smoking tomorrow...don’t know how long that’ll last...at least we have eachother to take the aggravation out on!! I really don’t know what I&r...
Posted by ~Laura~ on Tue, 18 Mar 2008 05:47:00 PST

Spring Break ’08!!!

It was so fun!!!  Three days on the beach then a trip to Six Flags on a totally pretty day---and there were NO lines for anything all day.  Alex and I got a charicature done...it’s soo...
Posted by ~Laura~ on Fri, 14 Mar 2008 08:08:00 PST

Attention All Females

If you're stupid enough to stay with a guy who has EVER laid his hand on you in anger--seriously, don't have kids.  If you feel like being beat up and put down, that's fine, but it's WRONG to bri...
Posted by ~Laura~ on Tue, 11 Mar 2008 06:18:00 PST

:( No caucus.

I'm pissed I didn't get to caucus!  I really wanted to, but I'm not driving 4 hours and waiting in line out in the cold for that...  so far, Obama's winning the TX caucus, so hopefully, he c...
Posted by ~Laura~ on Wed, 05 Mar 2008 06:54:00 PST

Good day...

Well, I made a 95 on my Plato essay (the class average was under 75)...it wasn't hard or anything, although you'd think it was the way people were talking about it.  I'm a year away from graduati...
Posted by ~Laura~ on Wed, 27 Feb 2008 08:24:00 PST


No really, I was!!!  At Shooter's on Friday.  It was so freaky, this black guy tried to bite my titty.  I was just standing there and he was all drunk walking around.  He walked up...
Posted by ~Laura~ on Tue, 26 Feb 2008 08:11:00 PST

Maybe moving??

So, Alex is starting school in August...he's going to UTI to paint cars and do body work (but mainly for the customs crap) it's awesome. but its like 45 minutes away from huntsville, so we are pr...
Posted by ~Laura~ on Thu, 31 Jan 2008 07:24:00 PST