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About Me

I'm MARRIED now. It's so amazing. My WIFE Kristi and I were married on September 1st, a most perfect day in Naperville.
I love performing music. I am in an amazing band called Soundframe. Classical music is the habit I can't break. I have a beautiful lady in my life. I love dark chocolate. I am driving an old Cadillac. I am getting a surprising number of compliments on it. My friends have been there with me through it all. I love to be with my family. I try to make good things in my kitchen. I eat peanut butter and jelly tacos. My WIFE (it's still crazy to say 'wife'!)thinks it's silly to eat peanut butter and jelly tacos, but she'll learn. I studied classical piano in Austria. It was amazing to walk the very same roads as some of the best composers to ever walk the earth. I used to live a thousand miles from my fiance, Though now we're MARRIED and we no longer have to worry about being so far apart anymore. I have learned a lot in my 27 years. I teach piano to big people as well as small people. Kristi paints amazing pieces. I am blessed: with my family, my friends, and a very cool new place in this world as a married man.

My Interests

Ultimate frisbee, music, travel, ethnic(so far: Indian, Thai, Mexican, Chinese, Polish, Czech, German,Ukranian, Swedish and more)foods, German language and culture, scuba diving, running, cooking in my kitchen, my fiance, Kristi Kirby!

I'd like to meet:

"Modern Western Art" musicians. Or Bach. Beethoven. Paul McCartney. Jesus- in person.I edited my profile at , check out these Myspace Layouts!


Above all classical is my first and greatest love. It's what I grew up with and what I enjoy writing the most. However, I do play in a band and love rock with a passion. Most popular bands don't do it for me, but for classic rock I'm into Pink Floyd, Jethro Tull, the Beatles, Zeppelin and Steve Miller. For more modern bands I like Jeff Buckley, Radiohead and the Flaming Lips. Unfortunately however, many true musicians out there are not getting their due.


UK (C4) Documentary The Great Global Warming Swindle

According to a group of scientists brought together by documentary-maker Martin Durkin, if the planet is heating up, it isn't your fault and there's nothing you can do about it.We've almost begun to take it for granted that climate change is a man-made phenomenon. But just as the environmental lobby think they've got our attention, a group of naysayers have emerged to slay the whole premise of global warming. How can you not love movies? The only ones I don't like are the teeny bopper flicks. Other than that, I'll go for action, sci-fi, comedy, historical, drama and foreign.


My favorite shows are on the History Channel, because I love history. Once in a while I'll venture out into the Food Network, Travel Channel or the Sci-Fi world a little bit or catch the news, but normally I don't like to watch TV. I prefer being outside or hanging out with real people.


They don't call them classics for nothing. My favs are The Once and Future King, A Tree Grows in Brooklyn, The Maltese Falcon, The Lord of the Rings (read as a kid and love the movies too), Catch 22, Fahrenheit 451, Brave New World, War of the Worlds, 1984 and countless others.


Jesus.My dad. He knows everything, and I'm finally old enough to recognize his wisdom.My mom. She's very spunky and extremely loving (almost to the point it hurts, but that's what moms are for right?)My Grandpa Youngs. He was 93 years old and still working in his yard gardening, still driving, going dancing, and going on dates all the time with one of "the girls." He was a stud.My brother. He's one of the best songwriters and all-around great musicians out there. And he's crazy in the best sense of the word.