Dana profile picture


Call me miscreation Im a Walking celebration....

About Me

Hello my name is Dana, Im from small town America, Bluffton, Ohio. The midwest, where football, friends, and close family ties is the norm. Ohio is great , Im not a big fan of the long winter and moved to Tampa with my boyfriend Daniel , shortly after we got married. ttp://www.pimp-my-profile.com/graphics/view.php?g=1917&c =Astrology"
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My Interests

Im interested in so many things, my mind is always going in a million different directions trying to figure out what i want to do next!!Im a certified wits personal trainer though im not doing that for a living right now, i also am interested in becoming a hypnotherapist, its something that i really want to do.I work at best buy and really am blessed because i have the best boss and work with great people(especially Liz) she is my best friend at work and lumberjack(yes thats his name!!!) I really love rock and roll, and love a good band. I love my friends because they are all unique and loyal, i feel so lucky because i have the type of friends that I know will be there for years to come!!!

I'd like to meet:

Id like to meet god

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Lessr is my favorite band, I appreciate all types of music.


Boogie Nights, Rock Star, Forrest Gump, Million Dollar Baby, Election, Me Myself And Irene, Tommy Boy, Scary Movie 3, Bubble Boy


Seinfeld fit tv, everybody loves raymond, sex and the city, the girls next door and days of our lives and passions


I love to read educational, motivational, insirational books as far as a favorite lost in time


my mom, my grandma, jesus and martin luther king.

My Blog

web designer!!!!

  Obviously anyone that knows me , all my fabulous friends on here know I have no computer skills in fact just to open this account was a bit of a challenge!  Ha ha , I have to brag about m...
Posted by Dana on Sat, 12 Apr 2008 09:52:00 PST

Finding yourself and losing your keys

  Sometimes in life when everything seems to go wrong and your dealing with one problem after another, you realize whats important and consequently you realize who is important in your life. Your...
Posted by Dana on Thu, 23 Aug 2007 09:08:00 PST