hogwarts champion OTN profile picture

hogwarts champion OTN

Accio Brain!

About Me


But we, when moved by deep feelings, evaporate; we
breathe ourselves out and away; from moment to moment
our emotion grows fainter, like a perfume. Though someone may tell us:
"Yes, you've entered my bloodstream, the room, the whole springtime
is filled with you..."-what does it matter? he can't contain us,
we vanish inside him and around him. And those who are beautiful,
oh who can retain them? Appearance ceaselessly rises
in the face, and is gone. Like dew from the morning grass,
what is ours floats into the air, like steam from a dish
of hot food. O smile, where are you going? O upturned glance:
new warm receding wave on the sea of the heart...
alas, but that is what we are. Does the infinite space
we dissolve into, taste of us then?

-Rainer Maria Rilke

My Interests

MUSIC and its effects on me, existence,
the universe, family, friends, art talk,
math theory (chaos), books, paintings,
skateboards, sleeping, working, writing,
reading, learning, growing from what i
learn. singing and screaming in a band that makes me happy.

my bands



I'd like to meet:

a free world


man, all kinds YO!


INT. SCHOOL CORRIDOR Slater is by a drinking fountain (looks like he drops acid), either way he is off his head. Up walk Pickford, Michelle and Pink.
PICKFORD Slater son.
SLATER Hey man.
Pickford and Slater do custom handshake. Then Slater exchanges five with Pink.
PINK How's it goin'?
SLATER Fixing to be a lot better man. What time is your party tonight man?
PICKFORD Nine thirty man.
SLATER Nine thirty. Okay. Erm... I'll be there man.
PICKFORD See you Slater alligator.
SLATER Wait, wait. I gotta cruise by this afternoon and run a little business if you know what I'm talking about, so...
PICKFORD That's what you're talking about.
SLATER That's what I'm talking about man. Oh man I'm fucking wasted. Slater exits one way the other three exit the other.
INT. CORRIDOR 2 Pickford is walking along scraping his hand up and down lockers (stoned) accompanied by Michelle and Pink. At the door of the common room are Mike and Tony
PICKFORD Walkin' down the hall, by myself, smokin' a jay with fifty elves"
PINK Later.


Look around.


on paper or tape


dad and mom and john and ben and bukowski and lennon and diebenkorn

My Blog

something i wrote at work in a few minutes while the boss was away...

        He woke up early to the sounds of the small blue jays huddled outside his window, another headache sent needles into the backs of his eyes as a small black alarm ...
Posted by hogwarts champion OTN on Mon, 31 Mar 2008 11:58:00 PST


Conversations is to be a reflection of worldly topics depicted through interactions between fictional characters having what would appear to be daily communications in their own lives and worlds they ...
Posted by hogwarts champion OTN on Fri, 20 Jul 2007 12:35:00 PST


    Basically on a whim I decided to accompany my pals Josh and Holly to attend a Tool concert last night. This was probably one of the best self, and others, suggestion I have ever had...
Posted by hogwarts champion OTN on Thu, 14 Jun 2007 05:24:00 PST

thinkin on europe

So here i am, sitting in some old room in some old venue in some old country, except this country happens to be Germany. Germany has been the location of the majority of our mainland European dates. ...
Posted by hogwarts champion OTN on Wed, 16 May 2007 10:32:00 PST

Honey, there are musicians outside.

"Ive walked down life's lonely highways, hand in hand with myself, and ive realized how many paths ive crossed between us." - the velvet undergroundIt is easy to say that making music is easy. It is e...
Posted by hogwarts champion OTN on Sat, 06 Jan 2007 10:39:00 PST

Love as a digital excuse

Does the ever-growing ease to lurk on strangers mean that love is becoming programed? Can we really reach love, the love of happenstance and chance far gone in this digital world, and can it still be ...
Posted by hogwarts champion OTN on Thu, 28 Dec 2006 04:03:00 PST

to think is beautiful

the dreams we see are often the things that guide us from this world. Our awareness is only the byproduct of chemicals shooting around inside our selves. Once a realization is made that this conscious...
Posted by hogwarts champion OTN on Fri, 22 Sep 2006 01:35:00 PST

modern girls

She sat with her legs crossed, right to left, the sounds of the instant messenger popping in the background. "Yes, ill be there around ten thirty." her voice a bit cold as if this was not her first ti...
Posted by hogwarts champion OTN on Tue, 16 May 2006 09:41:00 PST

Blank::world news::opinion

People are not always what they seem. A life lesson? Or is this just a simple truth of the universe. I believe that when human kind interact it is merely an act to better the ones self over the othe...
Posted by hogwarts champion OTN on Fri, 16 Dec 2005 12:12:00 PST


So it seems that everytime i add a new entry i am seated calmly among the rolling hills of these blueridge mountains. Warm and cozy I sit nessled in my parents welcoming new homestead. As I sit here t...
Posted by hogwarts champion OTN on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST