Interests? Well, that seems to change like the weather. THESE days I'm a farmer. I decided to try my hand at growing stuff and holy shit---it is working! I'm a regular TOMATO growing fool!! And cucumbers, and peppers, and CORN!! Oh yeah--I'm trying to grow some potatoes, too---but not too sure how that is going to work. :-) Also---I play this stupid computer game on Yahoo and it drives me nutz! And one more thing---I'm interested in Bradley...He's about the cutest redheaded boy I know next to Cade Runyon!!
Hmm....Well, the list is long and distinguished...NOT!!!!Actually, I don't know of many people right off the bat I'd care to meet. I aleady know some pretty incredible people so I'm content. But-------I guess it would be pretty cool to meet Robin Williams. He's such a spazz---I can just imagine having breakfast with him and he would say something off the wall and make milk shoot out my nose. Scary mental picture I know...
Music..............Oh man...I love me some music!!! My music tastes vary from one end of the spectrum to the other. It's actually a bit wierd if you were to see a list of what is in my cd changer as we speak. I think I have: John Denver, Glen Campbell(can you BELIEVE it??), Ella Fitzgerald, The Floggin' Molly's, The Eagles Greatest Hits, Jackson Browne, The Carpenter's, The Guess Who, The Allman Brother's(live at the Philmore!!), and The Marshall Tucker Band. Who knows what's in the trunk!!! Probably some country stuff I got tired of...But I still dig it.
Movies? I like them. Which ones? Too many to name.....
I'm not an avid television watcher. I'd rather be doing something else. I do watch The Food Network, The Discovery Channel, and The Animal Planet. Sometimes PBS...Law & Order is ok....But everything else is soooooo lame...I tried to watch that show, "My name is Earl." I had to turn the channel because I was afraid I'd know someone on it! :-) But my husband thinks it is quality television and I have actually learn to appreciate it a bit. Oh God--I can't believe I admitted it!! Oh yeah---I love "House." He's such an ass but I can't help but love him!!
LOVE to read...Historical fiction, sci-fi, biographies, travel books, cook books, mysteries, shampoo bottles, yadda yadda yadda...
Hmm........You know---we all have it in us to be a hero for somebody else. I have many people I look up to in this life...