monkeys. coffee made by sweet nazis. short attention span. crappy drawings. running with scissors. paper cuts. corrector fluid. burning bridges. bangs. stella. blue chimays. precision. mojito. beerschot. sneakers. cosby sweaters. tours in vans. these dudes . anything with cherries. poupées russes.
shawshank redemption. amélie. donnie darko. garden state. ET. my left foot. in america. elephant. punch drunk love. eternal sunshine of the spotless mind. the science of sleep. dark days. lost in translation. high fidelity. breakfast club. pretty in pink. clerks. office space. happy gilmore. groundhog day.
top gear. studio 60. lost. deadwood. six feet under. the west wing. weeds. the office. gilmore girls. sopranos. wonder showzen. lucky louie. fawlty towers. the young ones. jiskefet.
indecision. house of leaves. microserfs. valley. catcher in the rye. coupland. palahniuk. rollins. anything about monkeys, skateboards, records, sneakers, art and graphic design.