iam fueled by miller high life and rock-n-roll and the all powerfull TURBONEGRO:thank god denims back in style.
I created my own profile using nUCLEArcENTURy.COM and you should too!
turbonegro, drinkin, rockin, bowling, tattoos, and gambling
turbonegro,other jugends and jugendchile, 38 special, and any members of the oak ridge boys
rock n roll,death punk,rock-n-roll, death punk,rock-n-roll, death punk,metal, rock-n-roll,death punk, metal indie rock, punk , jazz, avante garde,country , and what everelse is good.
spinal tap, big lebowski, waiting for guffman, smokey and the bandit.
simpsons, adult swim, hockey and baseball
i have read some, more than most people i know fewer then some.
happy tom ,evel kenevile, lemmy, burt reynolds, the fonz and the captain