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Dr. Tommy Oliver - The Green Mighty Morphin Power Ranger, The White Mighty Morphin Power Ranger, The Red Zeo Power Ranger, The First Red Turbo Power Ranger, The Black Dino Thunder Power RangerTommy Oliver's family had recently moved to Angel Grove. Tommy is a skilled martial artist and he got himself involved in tournaments immediately. One such tournament was at Ernie's Juice Bar. There he was practicing while waiting to compete in the next match. On the sidelines Kimberly, Jason, Trini, Zack and Billy watched Tommy. While Jason, Trini, Zack and Billy discussed Tommy's martial skills, Kimberly couldn't help noticing how cute he was. No knowing anyone there, Tommy concentrated on his moves and never noticed any looks in his direction. Kimberly couldn't take her eyes off of him. But there was another set of eyes watching Tommy as well. This set of eyes were not kind but hard and they belonged to Rita Repulsa.Tommy was at Angel Grove High the next day when he noticed a beautiful girl being hassled by two guys. Calmly Tommy walked over to help her out. Bulk and Skull mocked Tommy at first, but Tommy showed some of his moves, and they made a quick getaway. Kimberly introduced herself and offered her thanks. She also invited Tommy to come hang out with her and her friends. Tommy accepted but never made it. Rita Repulsa was thrilled with her discovery of Tommy and after school sent putties to attack Tommy. Tommy didn't know what to make of these creatures but knew they were not good news. He made quick work of them. Rita was further impressed and whisk Tommy away. Once in her clutches, Rita turned Tommy's heart from good to evil. Tommy became the evil Green Ranger. Vowing allegiance to his mistress, Rita Repulsa, Tommy set off to do some damage. He entered the Command Center tore it to shreds, infected Alpha with a virus and got rid of Zordon. Tommy was ready for more. Rita had enlarged Goldar. Goldar was battling the Rangers in their Zords. Tommy couldn't wait to get into battle with the Rangers. He entered the Zord and taunted the Rangers. Tommy was ecstatic, he had gone up against his first battle against the Rangers and succeeded in causing them a lot of damage. Rita return Tommy to earth with the vow that he should keep his identity a secret.Tommy was at his locker the following day at school when Kimberly approached him. Tommy looked at her with contempt. As Kimberly asked Tommy what had happened, Tommy delivered stinging words to Kimberly. He merely smiled when she walked off hurt and upset. Later in the day when Jason approached him about postponing a workout, Tommy was agreeable. But once Jason's back was turned Tommy shot out a ray of green light and delivered him to the Dark Dimension. Now the Rangers were without Zordon and their leader Jason. It was a dark time for them and there was no letting up. At every opportunity Tommy taunted and inflicted much damage on the Rangers. Rita was pleased with Tommy's success and reward him with the Sword of Darkness.Tommy entered the Command Center again to damage all the repairs the Rangers had made. This time, things went differently. Alpha had snared Tommy instead. Tommy fought against the enclosed force shield, all the while taunting Alpha, eventually he was freed. After much effort, the Rangers got Jason back. Alpha told them of the Green Ranger's return, his capture and how now they would be able to see who the Green Ranger was. Much to the amazement of the Rangers, Tommy's features began to appear.Tommy was filled with anger, so much so that he constantly had to be on the move. He was working out at Ernie's Juice Bar when he saw Kimberly approaching him. As she told him that they knew who he was, Tommy simply sneered. Then he told Kimberly who they were. Stunned, Kimberly could do nothing except return and let the others know what was going on. The Rangers learned that if the Sword of Darkness could be destroyed, the spell over Tommy would be broken. The Rangers went into battle with Tommy. Tommy fought with all his might, but the Rangers managed to destroy the Sword of Darkness. As the evil spell lifted, Tommy laid crumpled on the beach. He was deeply ashamed of all the damage he had done. As he rose, Jason approached him. Tommy didn't know what to say, but Jason offered him friendship and a spot on the team. Tommy became a member of the Ranger team - determined to do good.Initially Tommy stayed a loner. He would join the others Rangers in some activities, but often left to go to karate practice. As the battles increased, Tommy became closer to the team and began to form friendships with them. He really admired Billy. Tommy had troubles remembering his school work, but Billy could always come up with something to save the day. As time and changes went on, he would really come to relay on Billy's intelligence. Tommy enjoyed Zack's sense of fun. He also admired Trini's dedication and was protective of her as well.In the beginning, Tommy felt a sense of rivalry between him and Jason. He knew that they were both skilled martial artists and fighting for the same cause. But something inside him always pushed him to try and show up Jason. Zordon was aware of the problem and sent the two on the mission together for more powerful weapons. It was during this mission, that Tommy learned to work together with Jason. He even lent him his gold shield as protection. This was the beginning of a friendship that would form a deep bond between the two men. Soon Tommy and Jason were teaching martial arts together and competing together in competitions as well. Tommy absorbed a lot of Jason's leadership skills which would help Tommy down the road.Tommy soon found himself thinking of Kimberly more and more often. He couldn't stand to see her upset when her parade float was destroyed by the putties. Tommy secretly worked on putting her float together again. When Kimberly saw her float at the parade she was amazed. Tommy enjoyed seeing Kimberly smile again, and the hug she threw him didn't hurt either. When Kimberly's grandmother's spinning wheel was missing. Tommy offered to help look for it. Another time Kimberly was having one of her worst days. Drenched from a rain storm she stood at her locker totally disgusted. When Tommy saw her, he headed straight for her. It didn't matter to him that she was soaked head to toe. In his eyes she was still a beautiful sight.Now a school dance was coming up and Tommy really wanted to ask Kimberly out, but he was hesitant. Zack encouraged Tommy to ask Kimberly out. Zack could see that Kimberly was crazy for Tommy, even if Tommy couldn't quite see it. But there were bigger problems looming ahead. Rita Repulsa had created a green candle. This candle was capable of draining Tommy's powers. Unknowing of the danger ahead, Tommy walked with Kimberly, trying to gather his courage to ask her out. As he tried to get the words out, they were attacked by putties. The putties managed to capture Tommy. Tommy was back in the dark dimension. Goldar made Tommy an offer. Tommy could either rejoin Rita or lose his power. No way was Tommy going back to the dark side and was adamant in his refusal. Part of him didn't believe that Rita could drain his powers. But when Tommy escaped and was back at the Command Center, he was in for a surprise. Zordon let him know that yes, with this green candle, Rita could destroy the Green Ranger's powers. Tommy was stunned.Quickly the other Rangers went into action. Although Tommy wanted to go back and retrieve the candle they decided it was too risky. Jason would go instead. Unfortunately he was unable to retrieve the candle. Tommy fought on the side of good for as long as he could. Back at the Command Center, Tommy knew he didn't have much time left. He could feel the power leaving him and it felt awful. But he was bound and determined that Rita would not have his powers. Tommy gave his power coin to Jason. Watching his green power surge through Jason, Tommy knew that at least his powers were in good hands. Although it still hurt to lose them.Tommy needed to sort out his feelings. He had been through some pretty dramatic changes and he needed to adjust to it all. Tommy was working out on his own when Kimberly approached him. Kimberly reassure Tommy that they all consider him a friend and wanted him to be a part of their lives. As Kimberly talked, Tommy watched the expressions danced across her face. Before he knew it, he bent down for a kiss - something he had wanted to do for a long time. After the kiss it was easy to ask Kimberly out. Amazingly Kimberly turned her back to him and hesitated. Tommy couldn't believe it. Now that he finally asked her, was she going to reject him. It seemed an eternity before Kimberly turned around again. With a big grin on her face, she teasingly told Tommy she didn't want to make it too easy for him. Tommy couldn't help but smile too. He quickly scope her up and spun her around in the air. Both of them laughing and smiling at each other.Tommy continue to keep a low profile. He didn't resent the other Rangers. In fact, he supported them totally. Even showing up to cheer them on when Angel Grove decided to have a Power Ranger day. But he felt it was better to stay awhile for the time being. Kimberly let Tommy know how they were doing, and he could always watch them on TV winning one battle after another.For a time the Rangers did manage without Tommy, but that was about to change. Rita had come up with another one of her diabolical plots. In the dark dimension, she had imprison dozens of people, including the Ranger's parents. On top of that Goldar had tricked the Rangers into giving up their power coins. Now the Rangers were defenseless and desperate to get their parents back. This was all unknown to Tommy when he walked into Ernie's Juice Bar for Parent's Day. He was puzzled that he was the only person there.Tommy didn't have to much time to puzzle about it. Soon he found himself back at the Command Center and listening to all that had happen. Tommy really wanted to help, but he didn't know how he could. But Zordon knew of a way. He would use some of his power to generate the power coin and thus charge up Tommy with his green powers. Tommy knew it was risky but he was willing. He wanted to help and he wanted to be a Ranger once more. The experiment worked and Tommy could feel the power once more in his body. He was ready to retrieve the Ranger's power coins from Goldar. Although it was a struggle, Tommy got the power coins back.Tommy was once again back on the team. But this time it was different. Tommy's powers were on a limited basis and he could be weaken easily. Something that every monster Rita threw Tommy's way tried to do. Irregardless, Tommy was glad to be back on the team. He no longer kept a low profile. His dependence on the others, helped the team become closer than ever. Tommy also began to do more activities with the Rangers as well. Not only did he enjoy martial arts, but he also played basketball, football, broomball.Tommy attended masquerade parties, trying out for a commercial, picnics, clean-up drives.Changes were on the horizon. A new villain appeared on the scene and his name was Lord Zedd. He was determined to succeed where Rita had failed and destroy the Rangers. At times it looked like Lord Zedd was succeeding. But Zordon had a surprise for the Rangers - new ThunderZords. For every Ranger except Tommy. Tommy looked wistfully at the new Zords but understood why there were no new Zord for him. With his limited powers it simply wasn't possible.Tommy continued on as best he good. But he soon began to have bad dreams about losing his powers. Lord Zedd was behind the bad dreams. Once again Tommy was captured and placed under an evil spell. Tommy, with the other Rangers, return to the Power Chamber. Encouraging them to called upon the Sword of Power he then snatch it from them. Taunting the other Rangers he left and gave the sword to Goldar. Once he gave the sword to Goldar, the spell was broken. Tommy couldn't believe he what he had done it - again. The Rangers managed to defeat Goldar and Lord Zedd and gain control of the Sword of Power.In his heart Tommy knew that each day could be his last day as a Ranger. Despite the continuous draining of his powers, Tommy always choose to fight alongside the other Rangers. He would rather help his friends and lose his powers, than keep them and do nothing. Although he showed tremendous courage, always in the back of his mind was the thought that the end of the green Ranger was near.And, unfortunately, he was right. As Tommy confided in Kimberly he was confronted with an image of himself. This image warned Tommy of Lord Zedd's plans. Tommy didn't know what to make of it. Sure enough, Tommy was captured again and had to face battling Goldar without his powers. As Goldar showed Tommy visions of him as the powerful Green Ranger, Tommy hung his head. With Goldar mocking him, Tommy knew he would never let Goldar get the best of him again and sprung a surprise attack on Goldar. Finding the object his image had told him about, Tommy was whisked back to the other Rangers and helped them in another battle against a set of evil Rangers. It was his last battle as the Green Ranger. This time Tommy's powers were gone for good. He knew this day was coming and now it was here. Tommy decided it was time to get away and get some perspective on all that had happened to him.The time away had been good for Tommy. He knew that Jason and the others had done all that they could and Tommy stayed in contact with them. Feeling refresh and the need to return home, Tommy wrote a letter to Kimberly telling her that he was coming back. Emerging from the lake where he had been swimming, Tommy was in high spirits. As he reached for his towel a beam of light surrounded him and he was transported from the beach. Finding himself with Zordon and Alpha was a shock. But when he heard their plans for him he was elated.Meanwhile Billy had made the startling discovery that Zordon and Alpha were building a new Ranger. When he shared this information with the others, they were none too thrilled. It was with some trepidation that the Rangers entered the Command Center when Zordon summoned them. Descending in a blaze of white light, Tommy felt himself being lowered. He could see the apprehension in his friends' faces. Slowly he removed his helmet and uttered the words that he was back. Zordon explained that Tommy had been given powers from the light of good and that these powers could never be taken away and that Tommy would be the leader of the group. Tommy was filled with pride. As he stood there with his friends' happy faces, he vowed to himself that he would be a good leader for them. When he saw Kimberly's body on the floor he smiled. He walked over and bent down. Gently he lifted her head up and spoke softly to her. Kimberly's eyes fluttered open and she stare dazed at Tommy. Tommy reassure her that he was back for good.Tommy enjoyed being back with the Rangers and with Kimberly. Tommy would be a leader for this group for a short time, there were more changes ahead. But Tommy as unaware as he enjoyed a picnic with his friends. At the end, Jason, Trini and Zack left in one group. Tommy, Kimberly and Billy in another group. As they walked along they saw a baby carriage rolling along by itself. As Tommy, Kimberly and Billy went after it, so did another group of kids. Rocky, Adam and Aisha were racing along to save the baby in the carriage. Together they saved the baby. Afterwards, Tommy sat with the new kids as they all introduced themselves and talked about the upcoming ninja competition.Tommy enjoyed watching competitions as well as participating and he watched the ninja competition intensely. The winners were announced and much to his surprise it was Adam, Aisha and Rocky - the friends they had made at the park. Once more they gather together to offer their congratulations and talk. As Tommy left with Kimberly and Billy they heard cries of help. As Tommy tried to get back to help Aisha, Rocky, and Adam he was confronted with putties. By the time he defeated them, it was to late to help his new friends. They had been captured and held captive in the Dimension of Despair. Tommy, Kimberly and Billy went to rescue their friends. They quickly released their friends, but Billy was in trouble. Not knowing that Aisha, Adam and Rocky were still there, Billy removed his helmet. Rocky, Aisha, and Adam gasped, which Billy heard. Reluctantly Kimberly and Tommy removed their helmets and revealed their identities as well. Rocky, Adam, and Aisha vowed to keep their identities a secret.The teen world summit came to Angel Grove. They were looking for three representatives to go to the peace conferences. The three who had been selected were Jason, Trini and Zack. Tommy wanted his friends to go, but what was going to happen to the Rangers. Zordon came up with an answer. Trini, Zack and Jason would transfer their powers to three new Rangers. The new Rangers being Adam, Aisha and Rocky. Tommy was sad to see his old friends go but excited about the new Rangers. It was going to be an exciting time. He became friends with the new members. Tommy developed a close friendship with Adam.Plenty of adventures laid ahead. As always, there were lots of spells as well. One that caused Tommy to lose his memories, changed back to a child, tossed into a storybook, turned into liquid, turned into a brick, a spell that caused Tommy to do whatever it took to win a campaign, and tossed into one of Kimberly's favorite storybooks.The biggest threat was when Rita (now married to Lord Zedd) decided to called upon the Wizard of Deception. She wanted him to create another Tommy. The Tommy of the evil Green Ranger era. The Wizard of Deception had the putties attack Tommy. Tommy fought back hard, but was knocked down to the ground hard. As he lay unconscious a lock of his hair was cut. Waking up Tommy was dazed and his head hurt. Unknown to Tommy, his lock of hair was used to create the evil Green Ranger. This evil Tommy tricked the other Rangers and the Wizard of Deception sent them back to colonial times. With his head pounding Tommy went looking for his friends. Learning that they had been sent back in time, Tommy confronted the evil Ranger. It was fierce battle, but Tommy outwitted the Green Ranger and found out where the others had been sent. Quickly he went back to retrieve them. As with the original Tommy, once the Green Ranger's spell was broken he began to feel bad for what he had done. The one thing that Rita had forgotten was at the very core of Tommy is goodness. Tommy reassure his double that he was under a spell and that he could help him. The two Tommys returned to the colonial times to save the people there from Rats. The second Tommy made the decision to stay where he was. Tommy didn't like leaving his double, but realize that two Tommys in one time frame wouldn't work.But there were fun times as well. Tommy was also enjoyed were vice-versa dances, freebies to toss around, playing volleyball, horseback riding, appearing on TV as the Power Rangers, scavenger hunts, scuba diving, clean-up projects for the homeless, and visiting Australia. Meeting beings from other planets such as Bookala and the masked rider, the alien Rangers of Aquitar. Helping out Santa Claus.Once again new threats arise for Tommy. Rita's brother, Rito Revolto had cause a lot of damage. The Rangers lost their powers and were sent to the Desert of Despair in search of an ancient temple. Once there they meet with Ninjor. When Tommy and the others passed Ninjor's test, he gave them new ninja powers. This helped them in the many battles they had with Rita and Lord Zedd.During a break from all the action, Tommy sat at Ernie's waiting for Kimberly. They were going out and he was anxious to see her. An attractive woman approached him. She asked if Tommy could take a look at her car. Not sure what to say, Tommy suggested a mechanic. But when the woman insisted, Tommy decided to take a look at it. As Tommy followed her out to her car, she introduced herself as Kat. Once he fixed the problem he couldn't help giving admiring glances at the car. It was a real beauty. When Kat offered him a chance to drive the car, Tommy took it. While Tommy was driving, the car was swept into Rita's trap.Tommy blacked out. As he struggled to wake up he saw a fuzzy image of Goldar. Before Tommy could do more, the car vanished right underneath him. He drop to the ground hard, but was soon back on his feet. Goldar and Tommy had had many battles, but this was one Tommy wasn't going to let him win. As they battled back and forth, the Rangers were at work trying to find Tommy. When they discovered where he was they quickly brought him back. Tommy was glad to be back, but wondered what had happened to Kat. As the group walked along in the park, Tommy spied Kat. He introduced her to the others and they welcome her to their group.Tommy was at the beach enjoying the water with his friends when the Tengas appeared. After a quick battle, the Rangers returned to gather their things. Tommy caught Kimberly as she began to feel weak. Quickly he got her to the Command Center. Without her power coin, Kimberly was becoming weak. Their positions had reversed themselves. Now, Tommy found himself worried about Kimberly's well-being and safety. Then, the impossible happen, Lord Zedd appeared in the Power Chamber. It was all Tommy could do to stand and listen to Lord Zedd's gloating. Worse was to followed, Kimberly was kidnapped. Tommy was beside himself. He had to get her back. Once again the Rangers worked frantically trying to find Kimberly. When they found her, Tommy insisted on being the one to get her out. Once there, there was another quick confrontation, but Tommy was able to get Kimberly back.Tommy's worries over Kimberly were not over yet. Kimberly had been hurt during one of her gymnastics routines. Tommy was immediately at the hospital. Tommy nervously paced up and down - please, please let Kimberly be alright raced through his head. Finally the doctor came and let them know about Kimberly's condition. Tommy was the first by her bedside. Seeing her laying there, his heart constricted. He just wasn't used of seeing Kimberly so helpless. Now their positions were reversed. Exchanging tender words, they both tried to be positive about getting Kimberly back to full strength. Luckily Kat broke through the evil spell and confess to Kimberly what had happened. Tommy and the others heard her. Knowing what it was like being under one of Rita's evil spells, Tommy held no grudges against Kat and the damage she had inflicted.Tommy's hardest day was yet to come. The coach who had been training Kimberly wanted her to come to Florida with him. Although Tommy did not want her to go, he also did not want to stand in the way of her dreams. He knew how hard she had worked for this. And he was afraid if he asked her to stay, she would eventually come to resent him for holding her back. They vowed to stay in contact with each other. It would be hard they knew, but they could do it. Bravely he watch Kimberly pass her power coin to Kat. His princess was no longer the pink Ranger.Of course, things were never quiet for Tommy. Rita and Lord Zedd were always up to something. His appetite was amplified. Master Vile showed up and really turned up the heat for the Rangers. While Tommy and the others plotted a surprise for Kat's birthday, so was Master Vile plotting a surprise for the Rangers. Once again Tommy was reduced to a child. This time in order to return to the correct time, Tommy was sent on a Zeo quest. Tommy was able to retrieve his crystal and complete his quest, as was the other Rangers. Just in time, the Rangers were reverted back to their original age and time frame. Another change for the group was waiting. Aisha had decided to stay in Africa and instead sent a young girl by the name of Tanya with her crystal.There wasn't time for a long farewell as the ground beneath them began to shake. When Tommy recovered he discovered the Command Center in ruins. They found the crystals and entered a part of the chamber they had never seen before. The Command Center had rebuilt itself and in it's new form it was the Command Chamber. Zordon showed them the new villains - the Machine Empire. Using the Zeo crystals that they had found, they were granted new powers. Now Tommy was Zeo Ranger 5 - the red Ranger.Tommy was enjoying his time as a Zeo Ranger. There were lots of battles, but ones that the Rangers always managed to overcome. Things were good as far as Tommy was concern. He was at his favorite place, Ernie's, working out. A letter had just arrived from Kimberly. Tommy was smiling as Adam read the letter to him and then his heart stop. He snatch the letter from Adam and reread it. Kimberly was breaking up with him. He couldn't believe it. Tommy couldn't face his friends just yet. Quickly he left Ernie's. Walking along his favorite path, his thoughts were full of Kimberly. Lost in his thoughts, he didn't hear Kat approach. He appreciated her concern, but he just needed to be left alone.His friends decided he needed a diversion, so they coax him into a ski trip. Once there Tommy caught some of the excitement of being on the slopes. Billy and Tommy were talking about the challenging run when Tommy bumped into a cute girl. She challenged them to ski some runs with her. Not wanting to appear afraid, Tommy agreed to go with Heather and Billy on run. Behind the scenes, the cogs had been busy. Switching an important sign around the area the trio were skiing on. Tommy saw Heather go right over the edge. Quickly, he and Billy tried to pull her up. Kat soon joined them, but they still couldn't pull her up. Then Tommy got an idea and using their garments, they made a rope and pulled Heather up.When Billy and Kat saw Heather's interest in Tommy, they pushed Tommy into getting to know her. Tommy wasn't really interested in Heather, but he didn't think his friends would accept that, so the foursome took off for a snowmobile ride. Eventually Billy and Kat took off to head back. Alone with Heather, Tommy gazed at the view. He felt Heather staring at him and glance towards her. Instinctively he knew that she was waiting for a kiss, but he couldn't do it. It just didn't feel right to him. When they return to the lodge, Tommy had to take off with the others. Something Heather wasn't too fond of.Back at Angel Grove, Tommy had been rather relived that nothing had panned out with Heather. He was working out when Ernie handed him a letter. Tommy didn't want it, but Ernie insisted. He was surprised to find out it was an invitation.When Tommy showed up, there was a table set for two. Then he saw Kat and he felt happy for the first time in a long time. Kat had a surprise for him - Heather. Tommy tried not to show his disappointment. He could tell that Kat had gone to a lot of trouble for him. Tommy sat down with Heather and tried to make the best of the situation. When Adam and Rocky burst in to grab him for an emergency, part of him was rather relieved. Not surprisingly, when Tommy returned Heather was gone. But Kat was there, which is what Tommy preferred. Sitting together he noticed, not for the first time, how very pretty Kat is. As they got up and dance together, Tommy reflected on how nice this felt.Tommy was soon on a personnel quest. He began to have a recurring dream about the man who guided him on his quest for the Zeo Crystal. Later in the day, Tommy bumps into a man, Sam Trueheart, who looked just like the man in his dream. After he drops off Sam, Tommy sees another young man - one that looks a lot like him. When Tommy goes after him, the man seems to vanish. Sam tells Tommy that once he completes his quest, the identity of the young man will be revealed.Once Tommy completes the quest, he is surprised to find out that the young man is his brother. Tommy is thrilled to have a brother and quickly takes him to meet his friends. Things don't go smoothly. When Tommy and David, his brother, have a friendly karate match, David is embarrassed when Tommy defeats him. Feeling bad, Tommy goes after him only to find his brother is missing. To make matters worse, King Mondo has captured him. Eventually, as the Red Ranger, Tommy locates his brother and gets him to safety. David insists on going back to find Tommy. Although Tommy tries to convince David that he's okay, David will not give up. Reluctantly Tommy takes off his helmet and reveals his identity to a flabbergasted David.More mysteries are on the horizon. While the Ranges are battling an attack by King Mondo another Ranger appears. A Gold Ranger who helps the Rangers out. Tommy tries to befriend the Ranger but he is quickly gone. It's a puzzle who this mysterious Ranger is. Finally the Gold Ranger reveals himself. Tommy watches as one man splits into three. They introduce themselves as Trey and how they need time to return as one. Trey also needs to give the gold power to someone else until he can retrieve it. Billy tries, but he is unable to absorb the gold power. An idea quickly pops into Tommy's head. Leaving, Tommy only tells the other Rangers he knows just the personnel for the gold power.Tommy was knocking at Jason's door. Jason had returned from the peace conferences and Tommy had run into him already. Quickly he told Jason the story of Trey and ask Jason if he was interested. Jason was definitely interested. Knowing that King Mondo was also interested in the Gold Power, they tried to quietly and quickly enter the Power Chamber. They had some problems with the cogs, but Billy quickly transported them in. Tommy precede Jason into the Power Chamber. He knew the others would be excited to have Jason on their team. Jason followed Tommy in. Tommy watched the other Rangers faces, except Billy's, light up. He knew he had made a good decision. Hopefully Jason could take the Gold Powers.Soon the Rangers were called into battle. When the Gold Ranger appeared, Tommy knew their plan had worked. It was great having Jason back on the team. Tommy enjoyed being leader of the Rangers, but it was nice to have someone who had been there.Tommy was always target for the forces of evil. The Machine Empire had successfully taken Tommy. Strapped into a chair and with a devise over his head, Tommy thought he was going to go crazy. His thoughts and memories were being all swirled around. Initially he fought like mad, but it became too much for Tommy. His body slumped into the chair. Prince Gasket had been successful.Still feeling scrambled, Tommy awoke to find himself in an arena filled with strange beings. Someone was addressing him as your majesty. Bewildered Tommy asked who he was. Prince Gasket introduced himself and told Tommy that Tommy was the King of the Machine Empire. And that the Rangers were evil. Tommy was reluctant to believe him, but when Prince Gasket showed him visions of the Rangers doing major damage, Tommy believe him.Unknown to Tommy, Jason and Kat were searching for him. Jason ended up being transported to the arena where Tommy was. Seeing the Gold Ranger there, filled Tommy up with anger. He would take care of the Rangers personally. Tommy went into battle with the Gold Ranger. The other Rangers soon appeared as well. Tommy would fight them all if he had to. Then the Pink Ranger demorph in front of him and tried to talk to him. Kat tried to jar Tommy's memories. Tommy felt himself struggling. The Rangers were evil, but why was he unable to hurt this woman. The other Rangers demorph as well. Tommy was really confused. Clutching his head, he fell to his knees. It was all so confusing. There had to be a reason why he did not want to hurt him. Slowly his memories resurface and he knew he had come close to destroying the Rangers. Slowly rising, Tommy demorph as well. Tommy exchange a few angry words with Prince Gasket and was ready to morph out of there. But Tommy and the others couldn't. As the various villains creped closer and closer to the Rangers, the shield around the arena disappeared. Tommy and the others quickly morphed out of there.There were fun events as well. Detective Stone threw a "who do it" party. Tommy attempted singing for a school program. With Tanya's help, he was tolerable.More battles and adventures continued. One day Tommy entered the Power Chamber and stopped. Before him stood an old man and it turned out to be Billy. Billy was aging rapidly. Tommy felt very helpless that he could not help his friend. The alien Rangers came to help their friend Billy. But their attempts failed as well. During all of this, King Mondo, Lord Zedd and Rita decided to launch attacks on Angel Grove. Quickly the team went into action. Tommy knew they had to leave even if they did not want to leave Billy. After a major battle, Tommy and the Rangers returned to the Power Chamber to find Billy not there. Billy had went to Aquitar. Soon they were receiving a transmission from Aquitar. Billy was young again. Tommy anxiously asked him when he was going to be back, but Billy was not returning. Tommy was happy for his friend, but it was going to be strange not having quick thinking Billy around.There was a luau coming up and Tommy wanted to ask Kat out. Despite his devastating good looks and charm, Tommy was hesitant about asking Kat out. He found himself becoming more distracted when Kat was around. Finally, after Rocky literally pushed him her way, Tommy approached Kat. Tommy stood there with words struggling to come out. He started talking about the luau and finally asked Kat if she would like to go. Kat promptly said yes.At the luau Tommy and Kat sat at a table by themselves. The day was beautiful and he was really enjoying being with Kat. They chuckle when they saw their friends put on a hula demonstration. But the fun was not to last, as cogs made an appearance at the luau. Quickly getting everyone to safety, Tommy and the other Rangers went to work.Tommy felt bad that the luau had not worked out. With no one around, Tommy asked Kat to the movies. They went and had a good time. Tommy really enjoyed being with Kat and was beginning to care for her.Tommy was being to fell anxious for his friend Jason. He stood with Adam wondering where his friend was. Jason stumbled into Ernie's. Quickly Tommy raced over. With the other Rangers, Tommy got Jason back to the Command Center. Time was running out for Jason - he needed to need to contact Trey. Once they contacted Trey, a plan went quickly into action. Of course, King Mondo tried to sabotage their plans. But Jason was able to transfer the Gold Ranger powers back to Trey. And the Rangers defeated King Mondo once again.Tommy saw Jason sitting by himself and walked over. He knew what it was like to lose your powers. Tommy had been through it numerous times. He tried to offer words of comfort to Jason. Then Emily appeared in the distance and Jason smiled. Tommy knew that Jason would make the adjustment okay with Emily by his side. He was watching the two walk away when Kat appeared asking how Jason was doing. Tommy told her that Jason would be alright and they walked off hand in hand.Zordon had receive a distress signal from Lerigot. Quickly he summoned the Rangers and Tommy and Kat took off to rescue Lerigot. They were on a planet that was very hot and full of foliage. Stopping to take a breather, Tommy spotted a large snake approaching Kat. He warn Kat about it and on the count of three, Tommy found himself wrestling the huge snake. After he flung the snake away, he dived into a waterfall that Kat had fallen into. Tommy swam in the river and got a hold of Kat. Quickly they made their way back to shore.Kat had hurt her leg. A group of monkey appeared and they had Lerigot. Lerigot healed Kat leg's. Tommy and Kat quickly got Lerigot back to the Command Chamber. Soon they were receiving a transmission from a pirate who called herself Divatox. As Tommy and the others watched the screen, Divatox made her demands. She wanted Lerigot back. To ensure his return, Divatox had capture Lerigot's family and two humans. Tommy's breathing stopped for a minute when he saw who was on the screen. Kimberly? Then Jason flashed on the screen as well. Tommy had to help them. Lerigot already made the decision to give himself up to Divatox. The Rangers agreed to a meeting. When they got there, Lerigot took off. Tommy demanded the release of his friends. Watching the bodies being dump into the water, Tommy raced into the oceans. He grab one of the bodies and remove the head coverings. Tommy stared in disbelief when he discovered a dummy instead. Desperately he reach for the other body and discovered the same thing. Tommy wasn't thinking straight as he trash in the water - where were his friends? Adam got Tommy to calm down and they headed back to the Power Chamber.Zordon knew what had happen. He instructed them of what they needed to do and would give them stronger powers to accomplished this mission. Zordon introduced the Rangers to their new Zords and gave them their new powers. Now Tommy was a Red Turbo Ranger. He felt stronger than ever. Tommy took off for the docks where the ship was waiting to take them to the island. As Tommy was staring at the ship, he heard a vehicle pulled up. Tommy and the others turned around. Was Rocky back? Instead Justin walked forward and told them he was the new Blue Turbo Ranger. Tommy didn't understand Zordon's decision, but he knew they didn't have a lot of time and quickly they all boarded the ship.There were many difficulties reaching the island, but they made it. Quickly the Rangers went into action and approached the cave where Divatox was holding her marriage ceremony. Tommy saw Kimberly and Jason tangling from ropes above a volcanic pit. Furiously Tommy fought to freed his friends, but he was unable to free them. They were submerged into the volcanic pit. Before Tommy could take in what happen, an explosion burst from the pit. When the smoke cleared, Kimberly and Jason were standing on the rim of the pit. At first Tommy wanted to cheer but when he saw Jason and Kimberly snapped the chains on their arms, he knew they were in trouble."No" screamed inside Tommy's head. He was not going to let Kimberly be evil. Tommy knew what that was like and no way was he going to have Kimberly go through that torment. He tried to reason with her, but Kimberly was too filled with hate to even listen. Desperately Tommy remove his helmet. Hoping that if Kimberly saw his face maybe that might triggered something within her. But that didn't work either. Before Tommy could think of another plan, Jason came at him. Soon Tommy found himself tangling over the pit with Jason's hands tight around his neck. He could barely breath as Jason's angry words reach him. Instinctively Tommy had the situation reverse and now Jason was dangling over the pit. Although Jason tried to shake himself free, Tommy refuse to let him go. This man was his bro and he would hold onto him for eternity if that is what it took. A familiar fragrance filled his nose and Kimberly was by his side. Lerigot and his family had turned Kimberly back to her true kind self. It was nice having Kimberly there helping him and together they pulled Jason out of the pit. Before Tommy could speak to Kimberly another explosion occur tossing everyone around. Maligore slowly emerged from the pit. This was going to be intense. Kimberly gave Tommy's back his helmet and he quickly put it back on. As the Rangers started fighting, Lerigot returned Jason back to good.The battle ended up outside with the Rangers in their Zords. It was a fierce battle but the Rangers managed to destroy Maligore. Lowering the Zord's hand they offered a lift to Kimberly, Jason, Bulk, Skull, Lerigot and his family. Inside there was much cheering and hugging as everyone gathered round. Now that Kimberly was no longer in danger, Tommy felt awkward. He hadn't seen her since the letter and really didn't know what to say, although he noticed that she still looked beautiful. Kat seemed to sense what was going on and was soon standing next to him. Now Tommy was really confused. There was a part of him that, despite everything, still loved Kimberly but another part that loved Kat and didn't want to hurt her.Torn he focused his energy on winning the charity match for Justin. Tommy's team won the match. As cheers surrounded him, he went over to Kat and threw his arm around her. Happiness was in both their faces. Tommy didn't glance at Kimberly as she seem to keep her distance from him.Tommy began to spend a lot of time at the race track. He didn't attend his graduation ceremony, preferring to pick up his diploma earlier. Tommy didn't even attend the parties afterwards. There were other events, such as a charity car wash, that normally Tommy would have been there with his friends. But instead he tore around the track in his race car. He wasn't completely absent from his friends lives. Tommy helped in planning Justin's birthday party and various other activities. He simply was spending more time apart from than usual.Another change was in the horizon as Zordon and Alpha 5 prepared to depart. Watching them depart, Tommy contemplated their leaving and what it would do to the Rangers. Slowly a golden shower began descending into the Power Chamber. A lovely wrapped in a white cloth appear and entered Zordon's tube. Dimitria would be their new mentor along with a new Alpha. To further emphasize the changes, Dimitria initially spoke in the form of questions.Divatox never gave up. She was determine to destroy the Rangers and she put them through many battles. Tommy and the other Rangers always manage to defeat Divatox's plans, but it was getting stressful. In her sleep, Divatox's mother appear and urged her to get rid of the leader. With Tommy gone, the others would crumble. With new determination, Divatox went after Tommy.Tommy and Kat were together, riding out to meet Tanya, Adam and Justin for a camp out. Suddenly Piranhatrons on motor bikes appeared and were chasing their vehicle. Tommy tried to outmaneuver them. Unable to, he pushed Kat out of the truck and continue. Piranhatrons were everywhere. Tommy stared at them in disbelief and then quickly got out of the truck himself. He didn't make it very far when the truck burst into flames and sent Tommy flying. The last thing he remembered was hitting the rocks on the ground hard before everything turned black.As he slowly came to, Tommy found himself facing Divatox's gloating. This time Tommy was the one with arms tied and dangling over an open pit. Fortunately for Tommy, TJ and Cassie were on hand to help and they rescued Tommy. This was to be Tommy's last battle as a Ranger and it was victorious. Dimitria had decided after years of dedicated work, Tommy, Kat, Adam and Tanya needed to go with their lives. Tommy knew who would be his worthy successor - TJ. With an explanation of why TJ was chosen, Tommy transferred his powers onto him. Watching the excited faces of the new Rangers, Tommy remembered how he felt. It would be strange not to be a part of the Ranger team, but he was ready for his new life.Tommy still kept an eye on things. When Andros returned from Terra Venture, the two hooked up. Tommy had Andros tracking General Venjix. Tommy was staying at Bulkmeyer's when he received a call from Andros - it was time to gather the Red Rangers. Tommy sent Carter to collect Cole. He sent urgent calls to the Wes and Eric of the Silver Guardians, as well as TJ. Cole, Carter, Wes, Eric, and TJ were gathered at NASADA. Tommy walked in and paused. He had an important and dangerous mission. But he couldn't force them to take the mission, it was a decision they had to make. The group all agreed to help. Tommy and the rest of the Rangers were getting ready to board the Astro Megaship Mark 2 when Andros asked Tommy wasn't there supposed to be another Red Ranger from Earth. Tommy paused again. He would really liked to have had Jason by his side. Tommy turned around to face the group and told them he guess the other Ranger couldn't make it. Then the sound of a motorcycle drifted into the building. Tommy and the rest of the Rangers hurried outside. Tommy was puzzled over the motorcycle heading towards them and watched carefully. Getting off of his motorcycle was Jason. Tommy was thrilled to have his bro with them. He watched Jason go through the line-up of Red Rangers. When Jason reached him, Jason teased Tommy about going on the mission without the original Red Ranger. Tommy and Jason shook hands. They boarded the Astro Megaship and headed towards the moon. Jason, TJ, Eric, Wes, Carter were seated around a circular table facing a screen. Tommy filled them in on what was going on. Although the Zeo Power Rangers had destroyed the leaders of the Machine Empire, there were surviving generals. The generals were planning on attacking Earth. Jason recognized the unearthing of Serpentera and warned the others of how much power it had. Their mission was to stop Serpentera from leaving the moon. The Rangers walked in on the generals and Tommy lead the charge to attack. Cole had followed the generals outside, and Tommy and the rest followed. Cole had been rescued by Leo and Aurico. Ten Red Rangers went into battle. Tommy partnered himself with Wes. Somehow, General Venjix managed to entered Serpentera. Tommy watched as Cole launched an attack on his own and destroyed Serpentera. Tommy cheered along with the rest of the Rangers. Back at NASADA, Tommy thank and congratulated the rest of the Rangers. They made a circle and each one stuck their fist within forming an united circle. Tommy looked at each Ranger and told them that may the power protect them all. He said his goodbyes and left walking into the sunset.Tommy stayed busy working in the field of paleontology. He was working on a project with Anton Mercer. Anton disappeared and a few days later his lab was wreck and Tommy was running for his life. He managed to escape the creatures pursuing him by jumping into the ocean. He watched as flames erupted around the island and it began to sank. A few years later, Tommy began his first day as a science teacher at Reefside High School. He walked along the halls and was joined by Principal Randall. Principal Randall had just joined the staff as well. Tommy offered his hand for a handshake, but Principal Randall ignored it. Instead, she made a lot of comments about Tommy's field of work and why he would be teaching. Tommy decided to tackle the problem by asking the Principal if they could get together later and she could explain what she expected out of him. Principal Randall told him to make the class as miserable as possible and if the students were smiling, he wasn't doing his job. Tommy was a bit bewildered by the Principal, but she left to find tyrants. Tommy continued his way into his class room. He quieted the class and introduced himself. Tommy asked if anyone had any questions. A young girl raise her hand and Tommy called on her. The young girl introduced herself as Cassidy Cornell - the school's TV anchor and reporter. Cassidy thought Tommy looked a little young to be a teacher and motion Devin to bring his camera. Tommy assured the class that he was old enough and had both kids sit down. He noticed the empty seat and ask if anyone was missing. Overall, his first day had been good. He ran into Principal Randall again, who informed him that he would be supervising detention. Tommy had other plans, he wanted to get to a museum on the outskirts of town. Principal Randall felt this was perfect punishment for the students and told Tommy to take them along. Tommy took Conner McKnight, Ethan James, and Kira Ford with him. He was rather surprised when he discovered the museum was closed. The students were ready to call it a day, but Tommy wanted to know what was going on. He told the students that they should explore the grounds and if they found any prehistoric item, he would take them off detention for the week. The students hurried off and Tommy set about looking around. He was surprised to see a plaque with Anton Mercer's name on it - that wasn't possible. He continued to search around the outside of the building. Tommy realized that the huge T-Rex that had been standing by the building, was now gone. The T-Rex soon found Tommy. Tommy gave the T-Rex a quick spinning kick and then set off for his jeep. He berated himself for locking the door and fumble with the keys. Tommy got the jeep going and the race was on. He spotted a bridge up ahead and maneuvered the jeep through it. The T-Rex followed, bumping his head on the bridge and tumbling to the ground. Tommy stopped the jeep and went to investigate the T-Rex. He was bemused to electronic sparks coming from the dinosaur's head. Tommy decided to locate his students and bring them back to school. He found them and ask if they were okay. Kira was about to say something, but Ethan and Conner overrule her. Ethan made a comment about lots of furry creatures. Kira mummer under her breath, about scaly ones to. Tommy heard her comment, but Conner was asking about the museum. Tommy told him, he would have to come back and took the kids back to school. Tommy returned to his own home. He was working in his special room underground when he heard voices. Tommy was not happy to see Conner and Ethan there.Conner and Ethan quickly explained that they were there, because Kira had been taken by strange looking dinosaur type creatures. Tommy knew immediately that they were referring to Tryrandrones and told the guys what the creatures were called. Tommy also explained that he had helped create them, what he was wondering was they had taken Kira. Conner revealed the fact that they had taken the dino gems. Tommy wasn't happy, but he could understand why they had taken them. He told the guys to forget everything and that he would find Kira. Conner used his super speed to stop Tommy. Tommy smiled, the gems were already bonding with their DNA. He only had one problem, he did not want Conner calling him "dude". They all left in Tommy's jeep to find Kira. Tommy told the guys how he was working with his partner, Anton Mercer, on combing dinosaur technology with DNA. He also told them how Mercer had disappeared and a few days later, Mesogog showed up and destroyed his lab. Tommy had assumed that all the research had been destroyed as well. He had assumed that Mesogog was after the dino gems. During a lull in the conversation, Kira dropped out of the sky and on top of Tommy's jeep. Tommy was just as startled as the rest. Conner and Ethan helped Kira down. There problems were not over. Zeltrax and several Tryrandrones showed up and a battle broke out. Tommy fought alongside Conner, Ethan, and Kira. Afterwards, Tommy told Zeltrax to let Mesogog that Dr. Oliver was back. Tommy decided it was late and he needed to get his students home. They wanted an explanation. Tommy promised that he would explain after school tomorrow. The following day, Tommy entered his classroom. He had just started his lecture, when the building began to shake and the sky turned black. Tommy overheard Devin telling Cassidy about mechanical dinosaurs wrecking the city. Cassidy was ready to take off, but Tommy stopped them. The principal announced that the students were being dismiss. Cassidy and Devin took advantage of the distraction to sneak out, before Tommy could stop them. The students all left, except for three. There was no time for an explanation. Tommy took Conner, Ethan, and Kira back to his house. The mechanical dinosaurs were also of his invention, they were bio-zords. Tommy showed Conner, Ethan and Kira the dino morphers. Harnessed from the energy of the dino gems. They were uncertain, but Tommy believed in them. He knew the gems wouldn't have chosen them, if they didn't have something inside of them that could handle the power. They all left for the city. Zeltrax arrived shortly afterwards and Conner, Ethan, and Kira morphed into the Dino Thunder Power Rangers. Tommy coached them throughout. Once Zeltrax left for his assault ship, Conner, Ethan, and Kira tamed the bio-zords and made them their own. The Power Rangers were able to defeat Zeltrax. Afterwards, back at Tommy's house, Tommy passed out bracelets. The morphers had transform into the bracelets. He explained how they would helped them communicate with each other. The Rangers were still unsure, but Tommy believed in them. He told them that as long as they worked as a team, no one could defeat them.Tommy contacted Ethan and told him to meet him in the woods. Ethan showed up and Tommy told him how some of his experiments were thrown in this area. Tommy spotted what he was looking for - eggs. Ethan told Tommy that he had already had lunch. Tommy chuckle. That wasn't it. First, Tommy was going to hatch them, and then the Rangers were going to ride them. Ethan didn't understand, but he helped Tommy placed the eggs carefully into a duffel bag. They were getting ready to leave, when a sudden movement caught their attention. Elsa, Zeltrax, and several Tryrandrones were after the eggs as well. They began attacking Tommy and Ethan. Tommy told Ethan to call the others. Kira and Conner joined the battle. During the battle, Tommy hurt Elsa. Elsa and Zeltrax decided to retreat, but not without making a threat towards Tommy. Tommy decided to go back to his place. He was joined by Ethan and Kira. Conner left to try and finish his soccer tryouts. The eggs hatched and Tommy was kept very busy trying to train the creatures. The entrance to the Dino Ruins opened, and Tommy shouted at the Rangers to stay out, it wasn't safe. One of the creatures' tail hit Tommy in the back and he flew out of the room. Landing hard on the ground, Tommy commented that he guess he was taking a break. Conner told Tommy that he needed to find a replacement for him. Ethan and Kira were upset. Tommy got everyone to calm down, he listened as Conner explain that all he wanted was to be a soccer player and he gets a chance and it's blown. Tommy understood and asked Conner to think about it before he made any decisions. Tommy called the soccer coach and explain that it was his fault that Conner had to leave practice. Later, he had to contact the Rangers to tell them of a monster attack. Tommy also sent some help - the Raptor Riders - which were a big hit with the Rangers. The Rangers defeated the monster. Later, Tommy was walking towards Hayley's Cyberspace to watch Kira sing. Suddenly, Zeltrax and several Tryrandrones appeared and they capture Tommy and vanished.Tommy was brought to Mesogog. Tommy wanted to know what Mesogog wanted with him. Tommy was strapped down while Mesogog answered him. Mesogog had a stone that his senses told him contain power. Mesogog wanted to know how to release the power. Tommy recognized the stone, but there was no way he was going to tell Mesogog. He told Mesogog that he was only a high school teacher. Mesogog did not believe him. Tommy had created three Rangers, Mesogog knew that Tommy was hiding something. Despite all Mesogog's threats, Tommy did not reveal how to obtain the power of the stone. He was a bit surprised that Mesogog wanted to revert the world to prehistoric roots, he had assumed he wanted to take over the world like all the other sickos. Tommy tried desperately to escape his situation. Especially since Mesogog had his own powerful object pointed right at Tommy. What Tommy didn't know was his secret was being revealed to the three Rangers. Ethan had discovered Tommy's video journal with the history of the Power Rangers and Tommy's history as a Power Ranger.Mesogog was growing impatient with Tommy's refusal to help him. Tommy kept his sense of humor, which Mesogog had none. Mesogog rolled the cart with the stone on top of it and it hit the end of Tommy's feet. Tommy stared at it as the stone glowed more brightly. Mesogog had threaten to hurt his students if Tommy did not cooperate, which Tommy more angrier, but he was not in a position to do anything about it. At it turn out, the Rangers were on their way to rescue Tommy. They hurried into the lab and began untying Tommy. Tommy told Ethan to hit the red button, which close the doors. It temporarily block Zeltrax, Mesogog, Elsa, and the monster from entering the room. Tommy told Ethan that he should have known that they would try and rescue him. Ethan would rather have had a thank-you. Tommy told him he would give a better thank-you when they got out of there. Tommy asked if Hayley had given them the Raptor cycles and then proceeded to open another invisiportal. Tommy was trying to get the Rangers out of there, but they wanted to talk to Tommy. They told him how they found his video diary and knew he was a Ranger. Tommy corrected them - was a Ranger. The door burst opened and Mesogog, Elsa, Zeltrax and the monster poured in. Mesogog made a special point of targeting Tommy as he tossed from one end of the room to the another. Tommy instructed the Rangers to leave through the portal, and then he followed after he grab the stone. They managed to make it back to Reefside, but so do Zeltrax, Elsa, the monster and several Tyrannodrones. Tommy turned to face them and held the stone in front of him as Zeltrax tried to blast him with his sword. The stone shattered and Tommy disappeared. Within the stone was the black dino gem and it contained the power of invisibility. Tommy reemerged to everyone's surprise. Elsa demanded that the gem be given back to her master, but Tommy informed her that it was the gem who chose the person. The other info he had for her was that the dino gems worked real well with the dino morphers. Tommy morphed and became the Black Dino Thunder Power Ranger. Another battle erupted as Zeltrax tried to bring Tommy down. It was just like getting back on a bike for Tommy and he soon had Zeltrax down. But he couldn't finish him off, instead he told Zeltrax to tell his master that he was back and that no matter what color he was, Mesogog would never defeat him. Zeltrax vanished, but the monster grew larger. Tommy had a new zord as well, plus the team got a new zord. Soon the monster was defeated. Later, at Hayley's Cyberspace, Tommy relaxed with his students. Kira was full of questions for him. Tommy had detected another power source and figured it was another dino gem. He had Hayley make a morpher. When he detected the power source had moved, he was on his way to Hayley's to tell them that they needed to investigate, when he was captured. But as Tommy said it had all worked out well and he got ready to leave. When he was questioned, he replied that he had to go shopping. His wardrobe was in short supply of black clothes.Tommy was at Hayley's Cyberspace, listening to Kira perform her latest song. He applauded when she was done, but he was one of the few. Kira went to sit at their table - upset that no one was listening to her music. The conversation turned to pop music - music Tommy doesn't care for - and pop star Kylee Styles. Kira revealed that her and Kylee used to play in a band together. Ethan and Conner didn't believe her, but Tommy did. Trent was waiting on their table and acknowledge someone who had just walked in. Tommy was shocked to see it was Anton Mercer. He walked slowly towards the entrance. Tommy had thought Anton had been destroyed and told him so. He didn't understand why Anton hadn't try to contact him. Anton replied that he was just trying to get started again and offered no real explanation as to how he survive the island explosion. Tommy leaned close and in a low voice told Anton that something had happened to their experiments and that they needed to talk. To Tommy's surprise, Anton did not seem interested, and brush him off. Anton left and Tommy was puzzled over what had just happened. Mesogog released another monster that stole people's youth. Tommy and the rest of the Rangers morphed into action. During the battle, Zeltrax targeted Tommy with talk of revenge. Tommy didn't know what Zeltrax was talking about, although Zeltrax did not believe this and continued to battle Tommy. Eventually Zeltrax gave up and the rest of the Rangers defeated the monster. Later, Tommy and his students return to Cyberspace to watch Kira and Kylee perform a number together.Tommy was waiting for Ethan. He had another practice for the rest of the Rangers and only Conner and Kira were there. Tommy was not happy. Every practice was important, they had to stay prepared for an attack. Suddenly, Tommy was attacked from behind. Zeltrax and several Tyrannodrones had appeared. As usual, Zeltrax focus his whole attention on Tommy. The battle end just as quick as it had begun. Tommy suspected that it had all been a diversion. Tommy returned to Dino Ruins, while Conner and Kira left to search for Ethan. Tommy was at the Dino Ruins when he was contacted by Conner. Another monster had appeared outside of Hayley's Cyberspace. Tommy supplied the Rangers with what they needed. Afterwards, he listened in disbelief as Ethan tried to explain about Beldorf. Tommy began to lecture the Rangers. He was unaware that Beldorf had remove his mouth and none of the Rangers heard anything he said. Beldorf returned Tommy's mouth only because Ethan asked him to. The monster reappeared and it was time for the Rangers to get back to action. Tommy and the rest of the Rangers defeated the monster.Tommy was at Hayley's Cyberspace and gave Trent a ride home. As they walked towards Tommy's jeep, Tommy had to ask a question he had been wondering about. In all the time that Tommy and Anton worked together, he never mentioned. Trent explained t