Lenny profile picture


I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

I'm traveling, seeing the world, acting goofy, getting funky, hugging trees, meeting cool people, making friends in every corner of the planet, exploring the mysteries of time and space, uniting grassroots music and grassroots movement, and trying to make this world a better place for my little brothers and our future generations. There are only 2 root emotions, love and fear, and fear is just love misguided. But love, only love, can set us free.

I edited my profile with Thomas� Myspace Editor V3.6 !


My Interests

I really enjoy traveling and grooving to live music. In my free time, I love to study world cultures and religions, alternative energy, art in its countless forms, the concept of conscious evolution, and Jungian psychology. My most favorite things in the world are dancing barefoot in the grass at campout music fests, helping others, and eating great organic food.

I'd like to meet:

I'd like to meet everyone, just once! Twice if I like ya. ;-) ..


I'm very open-minded and can appreciate music from any genre, as long as it's got soul and as long as it's not your typical top 40 crap. I especially like live music. Favorite bands include Pink Floyd, Grateful Dead, A Perfect Circle, Phish, Beastie Boys, Nirvana, String Cheese Incident, the Cure, Rage Against the Machine, Tribe Called Quest, Marley, Widespread Panic, K-OS, Keller Williams, Slayer, Matisyahu, Paul Simon, Johnny Cash, Tori Amos, Rusted Root, Loreena McKinnett, moe., Alice in Chains, Leftover Salmon, Saul Williams, NIN, Nickel Creek, the BeeGees (oh yeah), Ministry, David Grisman, 311, Karl Denson's Tiny Universe, Hendrix, Ben Harper, John Tesh (okay okay, just kidding), Beck, Tom Petty, Soundgarden, U2, the Wu-Tang Clan, Tool, Galactic, Ani DiFranco, Bela Fleck and the Flecktones, Willie freakin' Nelson, Snoop Doggy Dogg, Falco (Rock me Amadeus! if you don't know, nevermind), Lords of Acid, Digital Underground, Megadeth, Michael Franti & Spearhead... You know, the usual. Music with soul comes in every flavor, and I like variety in my diet. Afterall, music IS the universal language! Dance all ya want, we'll make more.


Merlin, What Dreams May Come, The Wall, The Princess Bride, Half Baked, Pet Cemetery, Airplane, Seven, The Toxic Avenger, What the Bleep Do We Know?, The Count of Monte Cristo, Raiders of the Lost Ark/ Indiana Jones trilogy (and virtually anything Harrison Ford does), Dragonfly, Easyriders, Willie Wonka and the Chocolate Factory, Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas, Krull, Alice In Wonderland, anything Bruce Lee, Raising Arizona, Pirates of the Carribean, Island of Dr. Miroau, Batman Begins, the Last Starfighter, 4 Rooms, I'm Gonna Git You Sucka, Dazed & Confused, Young Guns, Catch Me If You Can, One Giant Leap, Amelie, anything Cheech & Chong, Hackers, Oceans 11, The Wizard of Oz, Rain Man, the Karate Kid, the Rock, Time Bandits, Singles, the Adventures of Baron von Manchaussen, the original Star Wars trilogy, the Crow, Jonathan Livingston Seagull, Reality Bites, Pulp Fiction, Fletch, the Yellow Submarine, Dune


kill your television


The Celestine Prophecy (James Redfield), The Dhammapada (Buddha), The Prophet (Kahlil Gibran), Care of the Soul (Thomas Moore), The Electric Kool-Aid Acid Test (Tom Wolfe), Watership Down (Richard Adams), Be Here Now (Ram Dass), The Ancient Secret of the Flower of Life (Drunvalo Melchizedek)


Buddha, Jesus, Krishna, Rumi, Rabia, St. John of the Cross, Hafiz, Carl Jung, Gandhi, Mother Theresa, Rev. Martin Luther King Jr., Sri Swami Satchidanaanda, Bob Marley, Wavy Gravy, Ken Kesey, Bill Gramm (guru of concert production/ promotion), Alex Grey, Tigger, my buddy Tim Griffin, and anyone else who practices what they preach/ promote, regardless of other people's (or governing body's) interpretations of their teachings and lifestyles. But most importantly, my biggest heroes are my FAMILY!! My little brothers, my step-father, and by far my greatest hero, my awesome mom.

My Blog

Amazement and wonder in NYC

  I got to spend this past weekend with a couple of my closest sistas from home, Brandy and Lauren.  They are both fashion designers in NYC that grew up in the same little town as me in Virg...
Posted by Lenny on Tue, 21 Feb 2006 01:23:00 PST

All-Embracing Love

All Gods and Goddesses are aspects of One Deity The One Deity is reflected in all Gods and Goddesses The One Deity is Deity of all Deity is male and female, yet genderless Diety is all forms, yet ...
Posted by Lenny on Fri, 25 Nov 2005 09:57:00 PST

What's in a name...

 Lehner     You have enormous vitality and originality making you a dynamic individual with great charm and sex appeal. You believe in putting one hundred per cent ...
Posted by Lenny on Tue, 13 Sep 2005 12:58:00 PST

Soul searching society

   So I'm not going to rant about anything today, but I do want to make a point and make people think.  If everyone thinks the world is going to hell in a bucket, why do most people liv...
Posted by Lenny on Fri, 26 Aug 2005 10:05:00 PST


Yes, I'm losing me marbles here, waiting, bored, anxious, ready to LEAVE this crazy boring city full of trifling, unreliable, egotistic small-minded/ close-minded simpletons with nothing better to do ...
Posted by Lenny on Tue, 16 Aug 2005 08:50:00 PST

Travelin' at the speed of light

Yeay, my very first blog on MySpace. What can I say? Life is good, great even. One big miracle of swirling masses, energy, and light. As I sit here in my little log cabin in the mountains of V...
Posted by Lenny on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST