during my spare time, i… paint murals for catholic churches in france and italy, deliver inspiring speeches promoting goodwill to all mankind at United Nation conventions, visit different countries and promote world peace, bungee jump while knitting a sweater, discover the cure for aids, invent a machine that will feed many nations thus ending hunger and poverty … he he he :D
.... my soul's recognition of its counterpoint in another.....
Sarah M., Alanis M., Cultured Pearl, Incubus, Plumb, Evanescence, Sean Paul, LUdacris, Chinggy, Beyonce Knowles etc... clubbin tunes, chill out music
Serendipity, Matrix Trilogy, LOTR, Fast and the Furious 1 & 2, Bad Boys 1 & 2 and the list goes on...
Anything on MTV, Alias, The Osbournes, Baby Bob, Spongebob Squarepants, Nick cartoons
anything interesting...
Jesus Christ and Mother Theresa...