BiTcH i MiGhT bE! profile picture

BiTcH i MiGhT bE!

To many haters on this earth, all my life I've been searched! a href=http://www.myhotcomment

About Me

My name is Janiel I'm originally from cali, but now reside in georgia which is actually where I would rather be. Currently I attend school to become an esthetician (skin care specialist) afterwards I going to finish school to become a physical therapist as well. My family and friends are most important to, I'm all about living life to the fullest and being thankful for what I have because tomorrow in never promised!Layout by Tennaya Layouts / HotFreeLayouts
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...::About Me::...
Full Name: Janiel Entano Blank
Eye Color: brown
Hair Color: black
Height: 5'2
Shoe Size: 71/2
Ring Size: 7
Heritage: black and fillipino
Graduating Year: 2004
Birthdate: 12/09/85
Zodiac Sign: sagittarius
Concert: nelly
Best Friend: alencia crowder
Crush: I dont have crushes
Pet: pitbull
Sport: dont have one
...::Have You Ever::...
Sky Dived: hell nah
Bungee Jumped: hell nah
Gone out of the Country: nope
Beaten Someone Up: of course not
Gotten Beat Up: no
Killed an Animal: never
Swam in the Ocean: of course
Broke the Law: it depends by what u mean
Smoked: not a cig
Chewed Tobacco: fuck no
Drank: every now and then
Been Kissed: who hasnt
Been In Love: yeah
Dumped Someone: yeah
Been Dumped: no
Broken Someone's heart: plenty
Had Your Heart Broken: who hasnt
Liked Someone Who Didn't Like You Back: feels that way sometimes
Broken A Bone: no
Had Surgery: no
Had an X-ray or MRI: no
Failed a Class: yeah
Color: black
Food: fried chicken and alfredo pasta
Drink: sprite and cherry fanta
Snack: popcorn
Cereal: cookie crisp
Ice Cream: strawberry
Candy: twix
Restaurant: dont have one
Fast Food Place: carls jr
Store: the mall
Animal: pit
Quote: "bitch please"
Sport To Play: dont but if I did basketball
Sport To Watch: basketball
Movie: boyz in the hood
TV Show: nip tuck and americas nexr top model
Type Of Music: rap and r&b
Band: dont have one
Singer: dont know
Song: right now it would be get it shawty
Pepsi or Coke: coke
Vanilla or Chocolate: chocolate
Cake or Ice Cream: cake
McDonalds or Burger King: mcds
Love or Money: money
Music or TV: music
Cat or Dog: dog
Mom or Dad: momma
Truck or Car: car
Ocean or Lake: ocean
Yahoo or Hotmail: yahoo
Google or AJ: google
Light or Dark: light
Country or City: city
Rain or Sunshine: sunshine
...::The Opposite Sex::...
First Thing You Notice: dress
Personality or Looks: both
Hair Color: dark
Eye Color: dont matter
Short or Tall: tall
Romanic or Spontaneous: spontaneous
Sense of Humor or Sweet: sense of humor
Hook up or Relationship: relationship
Feeling: tired as hell
Listening To: H-town
Wanna: get the fuck away
Doing Besides Typing: taking pics of my baby
Thinking About: getn me some ova the wknd
Wearing: victoria secret pink pjs
In Love: nah
Single: yep
Best Friends: lency,billie,vannah,jo,katerah
...::The Future::...
Career: physical therapy
Marriage: I do want it
Kids: when I get married
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