Mechanical things that don't know they are mechanical.
Intelligent, clever, witty people that actually have some kind of moral fabric written into their programming.
I know, right?
Scraping wind, hollowness of breathing, the beeps that beep far away - barely audible, but beeping, beeping, beeping nonetheless. I enjoy sound, subtle and asploding.
Stranger Lands Than this, Countertop Rebellion, Fingercramps, This Die Pls Sensation, Pi, Bloody Footprints from The Bloodless Feet, Eraserhead, Counting All My Sins, Aum Trench Aum, Rahtroe, Debbie and the Five Fingered Beast, Mulholland Dr., Train-Car Star Gunther, Und, Ergro, Und, Whispers, Garmonbozia
The Prisoner, Twin Peaks, Lost
Upanishads, America: The Story of Fail, Break-dancing on My Grave, Shaolin for Dummies, Don't Touch that Sarah (It's Fragile), Jumping Like Yesterday, Chronicles of The King of Nopantsistan, Burning - Pages by Numbers, sdrawkcaB Travel, The Torn Page of Gone, The Maxx
It's either HAL or Dave... I'm not... quite... sure....