Music! Music, reading, more music.... I love songs and books that put things in such a way as I would put them myself-- without the trouble of me having to put them that way. I need to know that others, somewhere, at some time, have known the things that I know.
Someone like me. Not that that's going to happen.
BLIND MELON LIVES. Yes, it's true... they're back. Now my favorite band of all time is back with us once more!!! My mind is officially blown.
Movies suck. Oh, crap- I can't forget about the select group I DO like, though.... like, The Breakfast Club! And Clerks. And Willard. That might be all I can think of at the moment.
Top Chef!!! Family Guy, South Park, Roseanne, M*A*S*H-- give me comedy or give me death. Death, which is what most so-called comedies are to me. I usually end up watching something educational and informative in the end.
Forgive me for ever having thought that anything could compare to the Song of the Tower. Cry pardon. I've rediscovered something from long ago tonight. I remember. I do.
My beloved grandparents. They amaze me. Anyone who knows them understands perfectly what I mean. Anyone who doesn't has never known a honest-to-God truly unselfish, truly GOOD person. I mean, ALL the time, not just when it serves their purposes. They really mean it, and that's what's so amazing. There's no way I could ever do them justice in words. I feel blessed just to know them...