The Gospel, music, writing, of coarse singing, producing, acting,and reading what ever enhances my intelligents.
Jesus!!!!Jeremy Camp and The Passion
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Gospel, rock, r/b, hip hop, country.. width="425" height="350" ..
Mo Money, Coming To America, Harlem Nights, Nutty pofessor, Napoleon Dynamite, Beverly Hills Cop, Trading Places, and Passion of the Christ
In Living Color, Chapelle Show, TBN, BET, ESPN, Martin, Family Matters, Fresh Prince, and Bernie Mac Showrush hour 2 - chris tucker as michael jackson
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Holly Bible, 23 Minutes in Hell, Purpose Driven Life, Vibe magazines, and People magazines.. width="425" height="350" ..
Jesus,Mom, and My Grandfarther (Wesly Barnes)“Jesus Christ is coming soon. Are you ready?