Interested in existential eternity, and changing the world for the betterment of all humanity, while enjoying the display of colors and flavors in this world. Photography, modeling, bartending, acting, adult films, adult film stars would be nice too! hehehe.
I'd like to meet anyone who already is, or wants to be in the entertainment industry. Also, anyone needs a bartender for local events, an actor, male model, photographer, or a physical performer, Lawyer, accountant, legal stock broker, or anyone who needs help getting points deducted off their driving record. If your interested in working with us, working for us, or want us to work for you, Give us an email and ask away, were listening. DEMOSTHENES the Producer/Owner ([email protected]), or OSLEY the Lawyer/accountant([email protected])Oh, and a warning to all those who want to leave comments on my page, I don'y mind images, I don't mind links to individual personal profiles, or cool graphics and videos, that part is cool with me. What bothers me is all those third party accounts, links to pay per view sites, dating services, scam sites, and general thrid party websites. Anyone who's account is fraudulent, or fake, or third party based will be immediatly deleted reported, and there comments will be deleted on the spot. This is the official profile for Degera Enterprises, so no advertising for thrid party members will be tolerated. General images, photos, cool pictures are accepted and encouraged as long as they are not too big, or long. I don't mind happy holloween pumpkins, or cool birthday cakes, thank you cards, those I like, send my your head shot, I like that, but I can't stand internet advertising. Hope tht clears things up.
DEMOSTHENES Kostapapas Jr has won several Engineering, innovation awards, the first being the 1994 Energy award, from the National Association of Space Aeronuatics, (NASA) and the most recent being the 2006 Materials advantage Egg drop, first prize. DEMOSTHENES has also appeared in several childrens films, From Saving Time, for Y2K, to Book series on "ENCYCLOPEDIA BROWN" and other children's book series. DEMOSTHENES has also been aired on MCTV 15 in Weed California for public television, as an inspiring world thinking artist. Looking for any kind of deal for resources, or networking or any help to get his movies produced in full cinematic version. Currently looking to expand Degera Enterprises, in what we can do, and looking for more effiecient ways of doing what we do best, better.DEMOSTHENESDEMOSTHENESDEMOSTHENESDEMOSTHENES
OSLEY Sallent is still studying law, working for his father's firm, being a family man, and a Daddy's boy, takes after his old man. OSLEY is the go-to guy about all the proper forms, legal documents, paperwork, taxes, payroll, investments, Real estate. Previously engaged, but disengaged for religious differences. (she's a jew!)OSLEYOSLEY
Elliot James is studying Film Production, working curently as a writer/Producer for his main work, The Mautauk Experiment. This guy is young and wet behind the ears, but he's done a lot in the film Industry, working through high school, and into college. Elliot's main concern right now, is school, pruduction, and working as an actor in Television shows like CIS Miami, and Burn Notice, soon to be aired on Fox
JEREMY Veras and well on his way to retirement in the next 12-18 months. First things first JEREMY is a hardcore business man and if you think you can test his knowledge than feel free to do so! JEREMY is an Individual Business Owner, like Degera Enterprises, but works in s different field, and still helps out. Right now JEREMY is expanding out of the state and growing at a rapid rate, now like any other business and is looking to staff my industry with people who are willing to work hard and not let anything come in the way of them and thier dreams. If you feel your a potential candidate and think you can live with an extra $60-80,000 in the next 12-18 months than let me know, but JEREMY will promise you the work ISN'T EASY, than again something that can make you an income like that shouldn't be. Energize your life........ Power up your business....... Your choices are here.
Adult FilmsChildren's FilmEngineeringDegera EnterprisesActingInvestmentsPhotographyMachanical EngineeringDesignsWeldingArtistEngineeringDreamerLegalDegera
EnterprisesEnvironmentalPhotographySolar DecathalonIndependant films
gourment foodDegera Enterprises
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