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Hard As A Rock

The best metal magazine ever!

About Me

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Myspace Backgrounds About us: We are crazy french fans of metal music and we have created a magazine to share this passion with as much people as possible. Of course, English speaking people here won't be interested in that because we write in french, but we really want to show you what we are doing. Maybe you can talk about that to a french speaking person that you know or met here! We are not professionnal journalists. We are doing this magazine for fun and only for fun. We all have jobs or are still students. Most important thing is: WE DON'T MAKE MONEY WITH IT ! We sell it the price it costs us to print it. As I said, it's only because we love music. So, we have decided to create a myspace account for this magazine, just to show people a few things: 1) there are people who love music (metal) enough to spend hours and hours of their free time working for it (for free) 2) to the music business : there's no need to sell 100 000 copies of something to be serious and good. We especially want to thank some record companies for which we are as important as the famous magazines : Roadrunner France (you are the best) Century média, Nuclear Blast, Sanctuary...they believe in us and help us even if we are small. 3) very important thing: believe in your dreams and work hard for them because it's worth it. (this magazine is a dream that came true for all of us)
myspace.com/hardasarock Alex and Lars Corey Taylor and Hard As A Rock fuck you ;) Withacs and Dez present Hard As A Rock ! Team and friends at Wacken Open air 2005.. Get Your Own! | View Slideshow
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My Interests

In the magazine you can find interviews, live reports and albums reviews. No commercial, no useless speech: music and only music. Independence means free speech, bands can say whatever they want, no censorship.

I'd like to meet:

A lot of readers and a lot of bands !HARD AS A ROCK ON FRENCH TV!!


We already did interviews with (almost in time order) : MachineHead UDO SymphonyX Kill2This Revenge Marduk Samael DarkAge TheHaunted Helltrain Hammerfall CradleofFilth Masterplan DarkTranquility NapalmDeath Candlemass Brainstorm The 69 Eyes Bleed the sky God Forbid Reverend Bizare Madball Kreator Obituary Meshuggah Freedom Call Nashville Pussy Nevermore Lordi Chimaira Gotthard Apocalyptica Annihilator GammaRay Edguy Opeth Gojira Freak Kitchen Devildriver Scorpions Slipknot Korn Megadeth Dream Theater Sonic Syndicate Within Temptation Death Angel Soilwork Unearth


Withacs, Alex, Jems and Anne, article about metal in local newspaper, January 15th

My Blog

gros coup de gueule (same blog in french)

Parce que nous avons eu quelques soucis dernièrement (rien de bien méchant mais quand même) J'aimerais écrire un truc que tous les groupes devraient savoir Si vous connaissez notre magazine (et si non...
Posted by Hard As A Rock on Fri, 07 Dec 2007 09:34:00 PST


Because we had some "troubles" with some people lately (nothing really bad but still), I would like to write something that all the bands should know.If you know our magazine( and if you don't you can...
Posted by Hard As A Rock on Fri, 07 Dec 2007 09:17:00 PST