♥ sleep ♥ boys ♥ days off ♥ honey ♥ ice cream ♥ food... ♥ christmas ♥ softball ♥ basketball (softball more) ♥ dancing ♥ drinking ♥ messin around. you know how we do ♥ pool ♥ dennys ♥ passion ♥ love ♥ driving around ♥ not fucking snow
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as for music... techno, hip hop, rap, reggaeton, dance... anything i can feel.
You Are a Tulip
You have a wild, experimental side that craves change.
You often switch jobs and men, always looking for something better.
But deep down, you're also very well grounded and content.
And you will come to know that the life you live is already ideal.
What Flower Are You?
Simpsons, Family Guy, Malcolm in the Middle, Will and Grace, King of the Hill, 4400, Law and Order: SVU, Monk, Psych, Everybody loves Raymond, anything on Food Network, Mythbusters, Seinfeld, etc.
" I call it... the hot dog tree, because... it's a hot dog tree." -Pee Wee Herman
My friends. My family...