*K.e.L.s.e.Y profile picture


Practice Safe Sex, Go Fuck Yourself :)

About Me

Hey BiTcHes whats good?!Names Kelsey , I'm 20 and gave up on the college thing but whatever its straight...I'm a sassy lil shorti and ill either love ya or hate ya! deal with it.I work as a Local 281 Sprinkler Fitter Apprentice!!I'm sorta poor , but it happens..Yeahhh I don't usethis anymore...P.S. catch me on AIM at xXBtcHyBaByXx

My Interests

sleep boys days off honey ice cream food... christmas softball basketball (softball more) dancing drinking messin around. you know how we do pool dennys passion love driving around not fucking snow

I'd like to meet:

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as for music... techno, hip hop, rap, reggaeton, dance... anything i can feel.


You Are a Tulip
You have a wild, experimental side that craves change.
You often switch jobs and men, always looking for something better.
But deep down, you're also very well grounded and content.
And you will come to know that the life you live is already ideal. What Flower Are You?


Simpsons, Family Guy, Malcolm in the Middle, Will and Grace, King of the Hill, 4400, Law and Order: SVU, Monk, Psych, Everybody loves Raymond, anything on Food Network, Mythbusters, Seinfeld, etc.


" I call it... the hot dog tree, because... it's a hot dog tree." -Pee Wee Herman


My friends. My family...

My Blog

small glimse of my anger.

so. times are tough. i will make rent this month. barely. im-so-poor. i want to go shopping. just like ONCE and not want to cry to buy just one new shirt or pair of sandals. i dont even go to the mal...
Posted by *K.e.L.s.e.Y on Sun, 23 Jul 2006 08:20:00 PST